However, Froggrass responded very quickly, quickly controlling the vine whip to turn, rushing into the sky, and continuing to chase after Pylas!

Pylast was completely a target in the air, but at this time, a purple-yellow light appeared on the pile of claws in front of it.

The light became very sharp and swung out.


Pylast swung out his claws, just in time to pick up the two vines of Froggrass.

Froggrass also felt the change in its rattan, but it didn't pull it away, just put it there for Pylast to cut it.

Seeing this, although he didn't have much experience against enemies, White felt something was wrong.

Although the vine whip is a skill, those vine whips are also a part of the elf. If they damage the frog grass, they should also be damaged to some extent. Why does Xiao Lan let her Pylast cut it?

White thought and glanced at White, noticed her smile, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, a premonition that he had been tricked!

Xiaolan ordered again at this time:

"Okay, vine whip!"

Afterwards, everyone saw that the vine whip, which was cut by Paraste, suddenly turned, and the vine whip shot again, the speed was very fast, and the timing was very accurate.At this time, Pylast had just landed, but was quickly tied up by this sudden vine whip!

"Flying Leaf Knife!"

Restricting the movements of the other party's elf, Xiao Lan did not pause to order again...

"Do you want to attack as many times as possible before the vine whip is freed?" In the scene, noticing Xiao Lan's actions, Bai Mo immediately understood her intention.

"Hold on!" After all, White wasn't really fighting against idiots, and she played all the way to the finals, which showed that she was not really incapable of fighting, and she made accurate choices.


Although he was controlled by the vine whip, Pylast's reaction was still good, and a white light appeared on his body, successfully blocking the attack of the frog grass.

But at this moment, Xiaolan waved his arm and ordered again, "Fanacao, use the magic leaf!"

Hearing Xiao Lan's order, Bai Mo shook his head, "Xiao Lan is a specialized trainer, and he is still much better than White in combat."

Magic Leaf is a strange trick. Like the fighting wave missile, it will lock on the target and will always follow the target until it hits, unless it is neutralized or blocked by other skills in the middle.

Xiao Lan first asked Frogbush to grab White's Paraste with a specially trained vine whip, and then used the Flying Leaf Knife to induce White to let Paraste use the hold skill.

It was at this time that he asked Fana frondosa to use the magic leaf, which Pylast absolutely could not avoid.

If Xiaolan's opponent is Bai Mo, the latter has several ways to turn passive into active, but unfortunately, White is not Bai Mo.

At this time, Pylast was not accidentally hit by the magic leaf.

The magic leaf is created out of thin air by mental power. In the case of being unable to move, it is easy to be hit at the key point, so Pylast is very uncomfortable after being hit.

But it wasn't over yet. After Paraste completely endured the blow from the magic leaf of the frog grass, Xiao Lan asked the frog grass to throw Paraste out with the vine whip.

At this time, Xiaolan said again, "Fanacao, use Sunshine Flame!"

The frog grass gathers the sun and the sun, and the speed is very fast, and the golden light hits Pylast all at once.

The flames of the sun hit Pylast, blowing it up.

At this time, Xiao Lan did not stop, and shouted again:

"Magic Leaf!"

Chapter 0725 The final of Bai Mo and Xiaolan!

"Pylast is incapacitated, and Froggrass wins!"

Once again hit by the magic leaf, Pylast inevitably lost his fighting power and passed out.

This time the game ended too quickly, the referee on the side was also surprised, and the audience in front were all stunned.

Except for Xiaolan and Bai Mo!

Bai Mo could see that this time, Xiao Lan shot with all his strength, and didn't leave his hand just because his opponent was White.

And she will do this, she should be thinking of a quick battle, not to let the frog grass lose too much physical strength, and to prepare for the final game.

After all, the final match was against Bai Mo.

And so is it.

After Xiao Lan said something to White, the two came off the court, their eyes full of fighting intent.

Next, Bai Mo's semi-finals began, and his opponent used another sunflower monster...

This time, Bai Mo also made a full shot, releasing bay leaves. After a few joint moves, he used the sun to win the final victory.

At the end of the game, to Bai Mo's surprise, because of the victory of this game, Laurel Leaf's strength has grown to an elite level.

This undoubtedly added weight to Bai Mo's victory in the final.

Although Bai Mo is very confident in himself, some things are not afraid of [-] just in case. Now it is always good to have an extra weight to avoid capsizing in the gutter.

"Okay, next is the final. This time, two travelers are competing for the Battle Star, one is Dr. Bai Mo, who is famous in the world, and the other is Xiaolan who traveled with Dr. Bai Mo."

"Competitor Xiaolan is one of Dr. Bai Mo's girlfriends. This game is a battle between young couples. I wonder if Dr. Bai Mo will let the water go."

Under the introduction of the referee, Bai Mo and Xiaolan stepped onto the battle stage.

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