Originally, Xiao Lan planned to say some harsh words, but after hearing the introduction of the referee and seeing Bai Mo's meaningful smile, her pretty face suddenly turned red, but she didn't make any excuses.

It's a tacit acceptance of the referee's words.

After accepting the situation of Bai Mo and Xiaolan, the referee threw the flag down with great momentum and shouted:

"Then, let's not talk nonsense, the game, let's start!"

"Cut, I've been talking nonsense for a long time, and I'm not talking nonsense anymore." Xiao Lan scolded her heart and mind, and her hands were not slow, and she released the frog grass.

Seeing this, Bai Mo also released bay leaves.

This time, the final of the grass-type elves has become the second form of the grass-type elves among the three elves in Chengdu and Kanto!

After releasing the elf, Bai Mo took the lead in launching the attack, "Baby Leaf, use the Flying Leaf Knife!"

"Fight back, Froggrass, use the vine whip!" Seeing Bai Mo's attack, Xiaolan's eyes narrowed and he calmly ordered.

Inside the arena, Laurel Leaf used the Flying Leaf Knife according to Bai Mo's order.

The frog grass used the vine whip skill according to Xiaolan's instructions, and the two vine whips swayed, and while the flying leaves and knives were scattered in the air, they directly attacked the frog grass!

Seeing this scene, Xiaolan blinked at Bai Mo and said proudly: "Hey, I can apply what I have learned, both are grass-type skills, and the rattan whip can crack the flying leaf knife, this is Bai Mo, you taught me of."

"Very good, then, bay leaf, use a fierce poison!" Facing the approaching vine whip, Bai Mo's expression remained unchanged, and he responded with ease.

"Fanaca, change the move, use the Flying Leaf Knife!" Xiao Lan heard Bai Mo let the bay leaf use a powerful poison, and with a pouting, Fana chose to change the move.

The bay leaf uses a strong toxin. If the frog grass uses rattan, it is easy to be poisoned and even hurt the rattan whip of the frog grass.

Although the vine whip recovers quickly, it still doesn't have enough time to recover in battle.

Now that the game has just started, if the vine whip is directly restricted, the frog grass will lose a lot of advantages later.

"Damn, the situation will be reversed in this case." Asking the frog grass to retract the vine whip, Xiao Lan clenched her fist tightly, her face full of displeasure.

Inside the arena, Froggrass hurriedly withdrew the vine whip, the toxin used by the bay leaf was lost, the toxin was scattered on the ground, and the grass withered in an instant because of the strong toxin, revealing the bare ground!

Seeing this, Xiaolan looked sideways. She did not expect that the toxin used by the bay leaf was so powerful. If it hit the vine whip of the frog just now, it would not be as simple as poisoning and injury to the vine whip.

Fortunately, the principle was avoided.

Frog grass also flashed a happy look in his eyes, and he used a flying leaf knife in his eyes!

A lot of rotating blades immediately condensed in the void, and flew straight towards the bay leaf. Judging by the momentum, the power was quite good.

But at this time, Laurel Leaf used the vine whip according to Bai Mo's order, just like the scene at the beginning.

But the object was exchanged.

It was quite agile to knock down all the leaves of the frog grass, and Bai Mo and Laurel Leaf looked confident.

Xiao Lan couldn't help but feel a little discouraged in her heart, decided to have a head-to-head fight, and immediately shouted:

"As expected of Bai Mo, I always feel like I'll cry stupidly when I think about him."

"The sun is shining!"

"Oh? Do you want to compete with the Sunshine Flame?" Seeing that Xiaolan had used the frog grass to use the Sunshine and the Sunshine, Bai Mo also ordered, "Baby leaves, get ready!"

At this time, the sun was at its strongest in the afternoon, and the sun was very dazzling. The circle of leaves around the neck of the bay leaf shone with light, and the buds behind the frog grass also shone with dazzling white light.

Seeing this, Xiao Lan was the first to shout:

"Froggrass, shoot!"

"Baby leaves, the flames of the sun!" Bai Mo cooperated with Xiaolan very much. The speed of the bay leaves gathering sunlight was much faster than that of the frog grass, but only at this time did he attack!

The next moment, two dazzling white light beams appeared, and they met on the field. The power of the two blazing suns was evenly matched.

With the whirlwind together, Xiao Lan instinctively narrowed her eyes and reluctantly looked at the arena. In comparison, Bai Mo was much more relaxed, she closed her eyes and released her mental power.

In the whirlwind, using the body weight, the bay leaf can relatively control the body, but the frog grass is somewhat uncontrollable, and it is possible that it will fly out later.

At this moment, a white light appeared on the body of the frog grass.

That is, the light of evolution!

Sensing this scene, Bai Mo's mouth twitched. The evolution of Froggrass is Miaohuahua, and his strength can definitely reach the quasi-celestial king. He is going to be at a disadvantage in this competition.

Laurel Leaf's strength has just broken through to the elite level, and regular evolution is impossible, not enough. Even if she can evolve by a different method, Bai Mo will not agree, it will consume too much potential.

Do you want to capsize in the gutter! ?

Chapter 0726 Bai Mo is going to lose! ?

"Fantastic Frog Flower!?"

The white light dissipated, and the figure of the frog grass disappeared, replaced by a body that was much larger than the frog grass, and the skin was blue-green.

This elf has a pair of ears on the top of the head, the inside of the ears is red, the eyes are orange-red, the mouth has sharp teeth, and the flower buds on the back are like a blooming red flower.

Its huge four claws have three toes, and its legs have become thicker than frog grass. Although it can be seen that it is still walking on all fours, it can be seen that its moving speed will become very slow.

This little elf is the evolution of the frog grass, the frog flower!

As soon as the evolution of the wonderful frog flower was completed, a pair of forelimbs suddenly lifted up, fell heavily and hit the ground, and a green color was injected into the ground by it:

"This is."

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