"What's the matter?" Minas said indifferently: "Mo is still my only support, and the bay leaf is no match for me."

"Biha, the first person Bai Mo knew was me." Dream looked up very stinky, but Kirachi gave a godly supplement:

"What's the use, I'm still an old maid. I don't know how many women will be ranked as Bai Mo."


All the elf girls couldn't help laughing.


Dream said that she wanted to hit someone, but the shot seemed even more shameless, as if she cared very much.


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Chapter 0728 Encounter with Fire Rock Rat

After winning the grass-type elf competition, Bai Mo and his party continued to travel.

On this day, after passing a city, they came to a grassland.

"Wow, the scenery here is so beautiful." Xiao Lan admired the surrounding scenery, squinting her eyes and enjoying the feeling of majesty.

Bai Mo and the others were also admiring the scenery here. Suddenly, Nana Mei pointed to the side and said, "Everyone, look over there, there is a large group of baa li sheep."

"Really, it's so cute." Xiao Huang's eyes lit up. Although Bai Mo was thin, the Baa Li sheep in groups like this looked very different.

"Yeah, it's a pity that it's not wild." Bai Mo sighed with some pity, the final evolution of the Baa Li Yang is the electric dragon, which can evolve into a Mega. Although he already has one, it does not prevent him from wanting to subdue it. A bunch of ideas that will suffice for your own power in the future.

After watching the Baa Li sheep, Bai Mo and his party were fortunate enough to sit down and have a lunch before moving on.

After crossing the grassland and entering a forest, Bai Mo was chatting with the girl.

Suddenly, Ram, who was photographing landscapes and pixies, stopped.

Noticing Ram's movements, and looking in the direction she was looking, everyone saw two children standing there holding a elf each.

In their hands are chrysanthemum leaves and small saw crocodile!

Judging from their appearance, they should be Chengdu rookie trainers who have just set out.

What made Bai Mo more concerned was that the elf in the hands of the two had lost their ability to fight and passed out, but what was left on their bodies was obvious burns!

Obviously, these two elves were defeated by the other elves who knew the flame-type trick.

"How is this going?"

"How did you let the elves hurt like this?"

Seeing this situation, Xiaoxue took the initiative to run over, posing as a big sister, and asked a little dignifiedly. She is an elf breeder. Seeing that the elf was seriously injured, she was instinctively angry.

"It's not what you think, big sister."

Among the two children, one of them said with a crying voice, "We two are rookie trainers who set off from Scorpion Town, the town on the other side of the grassland, just yesterday."

"Because I heard that the elders in the town said that there are wild scorpions in this forest, so I wanted to capture a scorpion to strengthen my strength before going to the Hippi Town to challenge the gym!"

"But after the two of us came to this forest, Scorpio hadn't found it yet, but we encountered an elf with a whole body on fire. We have never seen this elf, but it looks a bit like a fireball mouse, so we guessed it It's the evolution of the Fireball Rat."

"We also like the words of the fireball mouse. When we chose the initial elf, we were one step too late, and the fireball mouse was snatched away, so we decided to take this elf that is very similar to the fireball mouse."

"It was sleeping at the time, so I threw the Poké Ball directly, but I couldn't catch it. After it came out of the Poké Ball, it was very angry and attacked our Chrysanthemum Leaf and the Little Saw Alligator."

"The flame was very powerful. Our two elves were knocked down at once, and they were burned. There is no elves center nearby. Now we are also in a hurry, but the medicines we carried have been used up."

Speaking of this, the child pleaded with Xiaoxue: "Big sister, please save our elves, please."

Next to the child, another child also asked Xiaoxue.

At this time, Xiaoxue had already put down her backpack and took out the burn medicine. No matter what happened, she would definitely do something to treat the elf, but after hearing the explanation of the two children, the expression on her face looked much better.

Bai Mo and the others also came over, and when they heard the words of the two children, they found that they were really worried, they really liked the elf, and the expressions on their faces became much better.

Noticing that Xiaoxue took out the burn medicine, Bai Mo stretched out his hand to stop her.

Seeing this, Xiaoxue and the others all cast curious glances.

Bai Mo smiled slightly, but did not explain. Instead, he looked around, and finally his eyes were fixed on a tree. With a wave of his hand, a few fruits flew into his hands.

At this time, Bai Mo seriously educated the two newcomers: "What happened today, you need to improve your memory, this kind of forest traveler often comes rarely, so there will be no one to help you all the time, today you are lucky It’s good to meet us, but in the future, I still remember that I must be fully prepared to come back.”

"In addition, you obviously lack the knowledge of survival in the wild, and this needs to be supplemented."

"Look, there is chokeberry fruit not far from you. This blue and green leaf chokeberry fruit can relieve the pain of burns and treat small burns if eaten by elves."

Saying that, Bai Mo handed the bitter berries to the two children, "Try it."


As soon as Bai Mo opened his mouth, the two children instinctively wanted to listen. They all reached out to take the fruit in his hand and fed it into the mouths of the chrysanthemum leaves and the little giant crocodile.

After eating the fruit, the injuries on the two elves recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The girls also showed a smile, they understood that Bai Mo was the next opportunity to educate these two new trainers.

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