Every year, many rookie trainers are injured, killed, and discarded because of their inexperience.

It is really necessary to have the opportunity to have a good education.

When the two elves recovered, Bai Mo spoke again with a serious expression: "Finally, although the injury was caused by the battle of the wild elves, it is your dereliction of duty as trainers that you failed to retrieve the two children in time for the Poké Ball. ."

"Keep this in mind too."

"Yes!" The two newcomers bowed their heads regretfully.

"How!?" Bai Mo blinked at Xiaoxue.

Seeing this, Xiaoxue shook her head amusingly. She didn't expect Bai Mo to have such an innocent side.

"Ah! It's that elf!"

At this moment, Xiao Huang suddenly pointed his finger at the back of Bai Mo and let out an exclamation.

Xiao Huang's move successfully made all the girls look towards Bai Mo, and then they saw a Fire Rock Rat with two blue orange fruits in its mouth standing on a rock looking at them.

"That elf beat us down!" One of the rookie trainers hurriedly shouted when he spotted the Fire Rock Rat.

Hearing that, the Fire Rock Rat stood up vigilantly, jumped back, and spewed flames from his back, ready to fight.

Chapter 0729 Sun Elf's "cat and mouse"

"Hey, that's not bad!" Seeing the Fire Rock Rat, Bai Mo released his superpowers, and found that it had the highest aptitude, which was absolutely rare.

You must know that they traveled in Chengdu for more than a month, except for the pixies that originally belonged to Xiaozhi, which he collected according to the plot, and other than that, even the pixies with high-grade qualifications did not accept a few.

It is rare to find the wild best Yusan.

Moreover, the strength of this Fire Rock Rat is at the peak of the elite level, and there is the possibility of breakthrough evolution at any time. No wonder it can kill these two newcomers Yu Sanjia, including the little giant crocodile of the water system, with a naked level suppression!

The moment he saw this Fire Rock Rat, Bai Mo made a decision in his heart to subdue it.

With a flash of eyes, Bai Mo said to the two rookie trainers, "Calm down on both of you."

"Teach you the knowledge of survival in the wild, and let you see it, let's really conquer the battle."

"This Fire Rock Rat has elite-level strength. You can't conquer it. Even if you are lucky, you won't listen to your orders."

"Yes, Dr. Bai Mo." One of the rookie trainers had already recognized Bai Mo's identity and said seriously, "Doctor, you must teach him a lesson and avenge us."

"Vengeance!?" Bai Mo's original pokeball movement stopped, shook his head, and taught again: "You are too reckless to think like this."

"You know, except for evil and poison, generally elves are very friendly."

"You can recognize the fruit in front of this Fire Rock Rat. It is a blue orange fruit. After eating it, it will restore physical strength."

"Obviously, it's not hurt, it's the blue orange fruit that it brought to your injured elves."

"Previously, this guy easily defeated your elf with one enemy and two, but he didn't do anything against the elf battle. At the beginning, it was your sneak attack on it, which is all your fault."

"Don't be the opposite of elf."

"Ah, yes!"

Hearing Bai Mo's words, the two rookie trainers suddenly realized, then bowed slightly in the direction of the Fire Rock Rat, and said sincerely: "I'm sorry, Fire Rock Rat, we blame you in the wrong way, and I'm sorry for the sneak attack on you."

"Hmm!" The Fire Rock Rat heard Bai Mo's words, and when he saw the movements of the two rookie trainers, the vigilance on his face disappeared, and the flames behind him also eased.

Before, it thought that Bai Mo was recruited by two rookie trainers to get revenge on it, so it was very vigilant. It was Bai Mo himself who gave it a strong pressure.

"Very good!" Noticing the performance of the two, Bai Mo nodded, and the girls around showed a smile.

At this moment, Bai Mo turned to look at Fire Rock Rat, took out a pokeball and said, "Fire Rock Rat, I want to subdue you, let's fight."

Hearing this, the Fire Rock Rat was obviously stunned for a moment, then a flash of fire flashed in his eyes, and he jumped behind him to distance himself from Bai Mo. The flames behind him burned violently, apparently responding to Bai Mo's invitation to fight.

"Okay." Bai Mo smiled and took a step forward.

At this time, Xiaoxue acted as a teacher and explained to the two new trainers: "Generally speaking, wild elves have strong self-esteem, and the stronger the strength, the more so, so as long as the trainer proposes to subdue it. Fight, they will accept it."

"As long as you defeat them head-on, they will follow you faithfully."

"In addition, you should pay attention to one thing, even if the elf is successfully attacked by you in sleep, or even subdued by the poke ball, it will still fight you after it exits the poke ball."

"If you lose, some elves will run away, and some won't, but they still won't listen to your orders until you defeat them head-on. You need to keep this in mind."

"Yes!" The two rookie trainers had educated expressions on their faces. They came from a small place, and their education and common sense were much worse than those of towns with doctors.

"It seems to be accepted, then my elf, just use this one!"

Inside the arena, with a smile, Bai Mo threw out the elf ball, and a purple sun elf appeared in the field.

This sun elf is one of the states of Bai Mo's Ibrahimovic who can change into nine colors.

This Ibrahimovic has nine personalities. After negotiation, they will exist with one attribute every day and will be replaced by turns.

The Sun Elf's current strength is a quasi-king, and the opponent's elite-level Fire Rock Rat is not a bully, but an advantage.

Seeing that Bai Mo had dispatched the elf, Huoyan Rat launched an attack directly, spewing out the jet flame that had been prepared for a long time!

"Active attack, good fighting awareness!" Bai Mo was very satisfied with the performance of the Fire Rock Rat, and immediately shouted: "Sun Elf, phantom light!"

Hearing Bai Mo's order, in the open space, the sun elf's beautiful eyes glowed with a basket of light, and an invisible force enveloped the flames of the Fire Rock Rat, fixing the flames in mid-air.


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