This was originally the effect that superpowers like him and Nazi and Cattleya could achieve by using superpowers.

However, it was just a small accident, and it didn't make any waves in Bai Mo's heart. His expression was still flat:

"Your giant tong mantis sword dance takes about 3 to 4 seconds to prepare, and some elves even take longer to prepare. Do you want to complete it with me first?"

"Unfortunately, your opponent is me."

After speaking, Bai Mo Junyi's expression remained unchanged, and he said calmly:

"Itachi, launch!"

"What! Launch? Has it been completed yet?" Xin Wu heard Bai Mo's order, and was a little out of his mind for a while, which was different from what he had calculated!

To this, Bai Mo didn't answer. His Bai Mo's moves have always been intertwined in the sky, and experienced people will be killed by him, and a child who depends on a computer can't even pose a threat!

In the field, the giant mantis mantis, which was gathering qi, slammed forward with a single tong. Following its movements, several whirlwinds flew out, condensing into substance with a fierce momentum.

This is the horror of Kama Itachi, with a powerful slicing property!

When the giant pincer mantis suddenly made a move, Xinwu's Bray hadn't received any orders, and it seemed that it had never been trained to fight independently.

Kama Itachi is a very high-speed skill. When Brei heard Xinwu shouting "avoid", Brei had no time to dodge, and could only withstand the proof blow of Kama Itachi.


The sickle itachi hit Bree with a lot of power, leaving traces on its fiery red armor!

It's just that these traces are not deep, and they are not the effects that the real Kama Itachi should cause.

But now Xinwu, who feels that his concept has been refreshed, has lost his mind, and did not find the problem, and immediately had an unbelievable look on his face, "Impossible!"

"Impossible, it should be my sword dance completed, and I really saw the time, how could it be like this!"

Xinwu muttered to himself, then raised his head to look at Bai Mo, and asked honestly, "Why did you call out the attack at the same time as the sword dance I estimated was completed?"

"Kama Itachi's words are obviously not finished yet!"

"It's very simple!" Bai Mo's eyes narrowed, and he said in an educational tone:

"First of all, you overlooked that it takes time for the elf to respond from my shouting!"

"Although the few seconds of time in your mouth can give people a very clear concept of time, what about when this time is shortened to one second? I used to let the giant pincer mantis make the move first while reducing the power of the ultimate move, saving one second. ."

"And you, you operate the computer with power, and the time it takes between bowing and raising your head may be more than a second, so I will call out the command 1 second in advance."

"There is no time for you to look at the computer in a truly equal battle, especially when you are at the king level or the championship level, the outcome is often determined by a momentary chance, and the time you spend looking down at the computer is enough. The opponent seizes the opportunity to decide the outcome of the game!"

"And it should be clear now that the computer can't calculate all the situations. For example, at the beginning, the way I taught the giant pincer mantis to explode its power will destroy the shadow clone and the main body in an instant. You must not have it. Calculated."

"Finally, I also tell you that when you are constantly operating the computer to update my elf information, I have countless opportunities to defeat you."

"These opportunities are all given by you."

"I..." Shingo didn't know what to say for a while.

Seeing this, Bai Mo loudly ordered:

"Giant Claw Mantis, do it again, a flash of lightning!"

"Okay, then we will have the last round of attacks!" Xinwu's eyes flashed, he stopped looking at the venue, only looked at the computer screen, and said loudly: "All the data are calibrated, Bree, use high-speed movement!"

In the arena, Muramasa's giant mantis, commanded by Bai Mo, once again used the special explosive power method he taught for three days to show excellent speed in an instant.

On the opposite side, Bree, who was hit by Kama Itachi, stood up while recovering his wounds, and then started to move quickly according to Shingo's order.

Even if this speed is higher than the current giant pincer mantis, it is not too much.

This speed caused Bredo to produce three afterimages. Although he did not use the shadow clone, he ate three more phantoms on the field. This was formed by the persistence of vision.

Persistence of vision is due to visual inertia.

Visual inertia is an important feature of all biological eyes. Once a light image is formed in the retina, vision will maintain the perception of this light image for a limited period of time. This physiological phenomenon is called persistence of vision!

Of course, these are useless to Bai Mo, because he has super powers.

Of course, in such a competition, it was not necessary for Bai Mo to use his superpowers to assist in the battle. He suddenly raised his right hand and shouted to the giant pincer mantis: "Giant pincer mantis, show the second success of the special training!"

Hearing Bai Mo's words, the giant pliers mantis understood, and immediately interrupted the flash of electric light, and suddenly raised the right pliers that had been placed on his chest just now, and has not been removed since the first use of the sickle!

"Could it be that……"

Staring at the computer screen, Xinwu, who noticed the change of the giant pliers mantis, was surprised, thinking of a possibility, his expression was sideways, and he kept typing with his hands.

Unsettable channel:

"Has the Kama Itachi finished using it yet?"

"Not bad!" Nodding, knowing that the game has come to the end, Bai Mo said lightly: "The ferret of the Giant Claw Mantis is stored in the double pincers and then fired. Using this characteristic for special training, in the case of incomplete release The lower segment launch can also be done easily.”

The accommodating voice of Bai Mo fell, and the giant pincer mantis lifted the right pincer open, and countless cyclones that had been brewed for a long time were launched from it, spreading around!

Facing such an attack, Bray was completely unable to dodge, and was hit again, knocking him to the ground.

Because the giant pincer mantis used a flash of electric light to approach Bree and hit the opponent at close range, this time Bree directly lost the ability to fight.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo said indifferently, "The Weasel has another characteristic. Over time, the more energy you accumulate, the more powerful it will be."

"I lost."

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