Seeing that Bray was defeated by the giant pincer mantis that belonged to his father, Xinwu stood up with an inexplicable smile on his face:

"Dr. Bai Mo, as expected of Dr. Bai Mo!"

Chapter 0736 Come to Juniper Town again, against Abi!

"Hey, aren't you sad that you lost the game?"

Noticing Xinwu's expression, Ram, who was taking the photo, blinked suspiciously. Looking at the former, shouldn't he feel that his beliefs were completely destroyed, and he was crying?

Ram was very upset, because she originally wanted to shoot something that could be used as a black history for a guy who doesn't respect Bai Mo.

On the contrary, Bai Mo raised his brows, then smiled and said, "Sure enough, you recognized me long ago."

To be honest, Muramasa said that Xinwu didn't know him, and Bai Mo didn't believe it. The reason was very simple. Xinwu was researching this and that with a computer all day long, and he must have been online a lot.

The news about Bai Mo on the Internet is definitely at the headline level, and Xinwu has no reason not to know.

"Of course I know Dr. Bai Mo." Xin Wu nodded heavily and said seriously, "You are the person I have always felt threatened."

"Of course, that was in the past. Now I know that there is too much difference between me and Dr. Bai Mo, and many changes are needed."

"Just like the previous game, I and Bray lost a lot. The game didn't go as expected at all. I made a lot of mistakes."

"The reason for the failure, Dr. Bai Mo's command method is completely unknown to you, and you have made a mistake in estimating the abilities of the giant pincer mantis now, and there is no way to update the information. The most important thing is that I made too many basic mistakes and failed to give timely and accurate orders. The mind is completely bound by the data!"

"Of course, there is also a more serious problem. I put too much faith in the information instead of the elf. Combining these, it is normal for me to fail so simply."

Hearing this, Bai Mo's eyes flashed and he said with admiration, "Oh? Did you understand so much in just one battle?"


"Dr. Bai Mo, you are overrated." Xinwu shook his head as if he had changed, and said seriously: "Actually, what I am saying now is what my father has told me many times!"

"It's just that I won before, and I don't want to agree."

"But only in the face of real opponents, the truth will be so straightforward."

Saying that, Xinwu looked at Muramasa and said, "The battle with Dr. Bai Mo has made me understand the meaning of Dad's words. In fact, in the end, I already want to make a change. The purpose of the last move is to move at high speed. It is to disrupt the opponent, and then I will find an opportunity to use the alloy claw."

"But obviously, my plan was too clumsy. Dr. Bai Mo had already anticipated that he would move at a high speed, and he also let the giant pincer mantis keep a hand of the ferret. This was completely unexpected, and I was convinced that I lost. oral."

"This game has benefited me a lot, thank you, Dr. Bai Mo."

Saying that, Xin Wu bowed heavily to Bai Mo.

"You're welcome." Bai Mo accepted Xinwu's bow and smiled: "Your talent in computer should be used in research and training, not in battles."

"You are very talented, how about joining my WT?"

Looking at Xinwu's current performance, Bai Mo knows that he is very assertive, and the agreement with Muramasa can be voided.

"That's my honor." Seeing Bai Mo's invitation to him, Xin Wu nodded without hesitation.

At this time, there should be very few people who can reject Bai Mo.

And among them, Shingo is definitely not included.

Bai Mo was in a good mood when he succeeded in subordinate Xinwu and his son.

After a few days of travel, on this day, the group came to Hinoki Town.

Because of Bai Mo's help, Junipi Town has not encountered drought for a long time. Of course, the dumb beasts in Junipi Town are often stolen because Bai Mo announced the evolution of the dumb hippo. For this reason, the alliance was specially established. Protection team.

Because of this, Abi, the Gym Master of Hinoki Town, who originally protected the Well of Dumb Beasts, became a lot more free.

Arriving at Junipi Town, because it was still early, Bai Mo took the girls straight to the door of Junipi Gym.

Pushing the door open, the scenery in the Hinoki Road Museum made everyone's eyes bright. The decoration inside was like a botanical garden. There were flowers, grass, trees, and of course, insects everywhere!

"Is there anyone here? I'm here to challenge the Hinoki Gym."

Bai Mo asked loudly, and soon, he heard the trembling sound of leaves, and suddenly, a figure jumped down from the tree, no, it should have fallen.

Noticing this figure, Shanaido, who was standing beside Bai Mo, released his superpower to catch him, allowing him to avoid the fate of being thrown.

"Haha, thank you." Knowing that he avoided being thrown because of the help of the other party, he thanked the person politely, and then said cheerfully: "Are you the challengers? Home Abi."

"I accept your challenge."

After speaking, A Bi observed Bai Mo and the others, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he said embarrassedly, "Ah, it's Dr. Bai Mo, you guys, we met at the Well of Dumb Beast a year ago. , you also helped solve the drought problem in Junipi Town."

"Oh, it's the dumb beasts who have suffered."

"Although the pros outweigh the cons."

"Yeah!" Bai Mo nodded flatly. He knew what Abi meant when he said that the advantages outweighed the disadvantages. Because of the existence of the Well of Dumb Beasts, there are many tourists and trainers coming to Hinoki Town, which led Hippi Town to get After a very good development, the Hinoki Gym has also gained a lot of benefits.

Not wanting to talk too much, Bai Mo pulled Xiao Lan and asked with a smile, "We can start the challenge."

"Of course!"

Seeing that Bai Mo didn't want to speak, Abi gave up his interest in continuing to speak, and nodded to indicate that he could fight, but immediately showed a hesitant look, "But..."

"What's the matter, do you have any other questions?" Bai Mo looked puzzled.

Seeing Bai Mo's questioning, A Bi had no choice but to say embarrassedly, "I should have climbed down the ladder, but because of your challenge, I jumped straight down when I was excited. Fortunately, you supported me. My foot is still twisted, can I get some medicine first?"


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