Hearing that, Bai Mo's mouth twitched and he smiled: "As far as I know, this totem should have 28 forms."

"28 kinds!!" Hearing Bai Mo's affirmative words, Xiuli's assistant looked shocked. He and Xiuli researcher had been studying the unknown totem for many years. The two of them are unparalleled in their research on unknown totems, but now, Bai Mo has said something that makes him not know the truth!

Yes, the truth!

If the person who told this fact was someone else, the assistant would be suspicious, but if the person who said this was Bai Mo, there would be nothing to doubt. You know, Bai Mo is a doctor who is less than [-] years old. The door-level leader has several legendary elves in his hands.

It's normal to know some things.

In addition to being shocked, the assistant was more excited. He couldn't help but ask, "Dr. Bai Mo, how did you know?"

"The doctor is definitely an authority on unknown totems. I have only discovered 26 unknown totems with him so far."

When the assistant asked this question, even Dr. Damu also showed a curious look.

However, Bai Mo naturally wouldn't explain this. Could it be telling them that this was what he saw from the anime in his previous life?

Immediately, he smiled slightly and said, "I will explain it later when I have a chance."

"The top priority, let's go to this crystal first, I'm curious about what's going on inside!"

Chapter 0743 Enter the crystallization!

"Unknown totem!"

Among the crowd, the beautiful eyebrows of the dreamy little loli wrinkled. If you want to talk about the understanding of the unknown totem, even Bai Mo does not know as much as she does.

The unknown totem is a manifestation of the world order, it is also the existence of loopholes, it is the spread of culture, and it can also be regarded as a strange virus.

How miraculous it is, and the dream is unknown, but she knows one thing, in ancient times, a human empire once conducted an experiment!

Some people use strange abilities to combine unknown totems to create a powerful weapon.

Although the unknown totem is a super elf, this elf is very special, and its individual abilities are very weak, even worse than a green caterpillar!

But once more than two of them are combined, a strange power will be produced, which will increase their strength by geometric multiples. If all 28 are combined, the burst of power can completely surpass that of a first-level god. On top of that, you can even face off against super divine beasts!

In the dream memory, there was a battle that year, and the twenty-seven unknown totems together could meet the patriarch of any of the three divine birds without losing the wind.

Then add the last unknown totem, and when the number is 28, even Lugia can barely get the upper hand, using the priesthood and using the power of the sea to force the unknown totem away.

These things are definitely not easy to deal with.

If all this in front of you is really the ghost of the unknown totem, it will be really interesting.

But Dream is not afraid, if she and Chao Meng are together, even if it doesn't need a priesthood, it can deal with all 28 unknown totems!

Moreover, looking at the current situation, not all kinds of unknown totems have appeared here, otherwise, let alone this small villa and green fields, even the nearby Manjin City will be surrounded by crystals in an instant.

It was his mother who was kidnapped, Xiao Jian couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted, "It doesn't matter, let's go first now."

"Then how do we get in?" With a puzzled look on Xiaogang's face, he looked around and said, "It seems that there is only one river here that has not been covered by crystals. We may only consider this place."

In the crystal field in front of me, there is still a small river flowing. If you follow the current or sneak through the water, you should be able to enter Dr. Shuri's villa surrounded by crystals!

However, it would take a long time to do so.

"You don't need to be so troublesome!" Bai Mo directly denied Xiaogang's idea. With a wave of his hand, he led everyone to the periphery of the crystal tower, and then released Geng Gui:

"Gengar, cast a shadow ball at the wall."

"Okay!" With a grin, Geng Gui waved his hand, and a black energy ball was condensed and shot out, and suddenly it was on the wall made of crystals.


With an explosion, a hole large enough for a person to pass through appeared in the wall.


When the big hole appeared, Bai Mo greeted him and entered it first, followed by Chaomeng and Dream.

After everyone disappeared, the crystals began to heal slowly and automatically.

"Ah? ... This is also possible?" Knowing that Bai Mo and the others had all disappeared, Dr. Damu touched his head dumbfoundedly. Bai Mo's method was really simple and rude, but the results achieved were surprisingly effective.

In fact, it is right to think about it. Unknown totems are all superpowers. These crystals contain a lot of superpowers. Using the power of ghosts can naturally achieve great benefits.

Regardless of what the two of them thought, on the other side, Bai Mo led Xiao Zhi and the others into the Crystal Tower successfully.

The interior of the Crystal Tower has been completely changed, it is no longer a villa, but more like a fantasy world dreamed by a child as a child.

Everything here is covered by a layer of blue crystals, giving a dreamy feeling.

Looking at the front, Bai Mo's expression was calm, and he said slowly, "From the perspective of the structure of this place, it should be the first floor of the villa!"

"There's Lu here, I'll go in along the road to see if there will be any wonderful changes!"

Saying that, Bai Mo walked inside first.

Seeing this, Dream and the others naturally had no opinion. Soon, the group walked to a staircase, but just as they were about to set foot on the stairs, the surrounding scene began to change.

Around, the crystals covered on the villa suddenly disappeared, replaced by an extremely strange world that I don't know how to describe.

What caught everyone's eyes was a branch-like dark green crystal, and the stairs that had appeared before had also turned into a transparent crystal that vacated the sky.

Not only that, but the structure of the staircase has also been transformed into a spiral, which is very magical.

Seeing this, Bai Mo, who was already prepared, smiled and said, "It seems that the girl named Xiaomi has already noticed us."

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