"Is this a welcome ceremony, not bad!"

Saying that, Bai Mo's steps did not slow down, and he directly stepped onto the stairs.

Bai Mo has acted without hesitation, and the girls in the dream are naturally more true, and Xiao Zhi is also determined to keep up.

Walking up the stairs, nothing special happened along the way, and the group quickly reached the top of the stairs.

Through a flower-like exit, they successfully came to a vast plain.

Compared with the crystal world and scene I saw before, this plain is much more beautiful. Although the crystal world is also spectacular, it is too monotonous.

And this endless green plain gives people a sense of tranquility, and it is also covered with colorful flowers, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Looking down the depths of the plain, everyone found that not far away, there was a staircase that continued to the upper floor.

Seeing this staircase, everyone exchanged glances and planned to walk over.

But at this moment, an elf suddenly appeared on the stairs, and on the elf's back, there was a [-]- or [-]-year-old girl sitting on the back of the elf.

Seeing this little elf, everyone's attention was once again attracted, and Chaomeng and Dream took the initiative to step forward.

The little elf in front of the accident was nothing else, it was Emperor Yan.

Although Emperor Yan is an ordinary divine beast, his strength is definitely not weaker than that of a champion.


Emperor Yan was agile and jumped down the stairs with a single jump, landing firmly on the ground.

And this, it was also dropped to the ground by the girl, and slowly said:

"Are you the elf trainers who broke in?"

"It happens to be a little boring, come and have a battle with me."

Chapter 0744 Against the Emperor Yan

"A fight!?"

The girl looked at Bai Mo and the others, her eyes full of fighting intent.

"I don't have time." Seeing the girl, Xiao Zhi took a step forward. For the first time, he lost his enthusiasm for the battle, and said coldly:

"Emperor Yan, return my mother quickly, or I will be welcome!"

"Nonsense!" Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, the girl's expression turned on her face, and she said angrily, "There is only me and my parents here, there is no Yandi and your mother!"


The Yan Emperor on the side nodded, his voice resounded in the hearts of everyone, echoing the girl's words.

"I told you!" Xiao Zhi was about to come forward and reason.

But at this moment, a hand reached out and grabbed Xiaozhi back.

Bai Mo stepped out, came to the front of the crowd, looked at the girl carefully, and smiled: "Although you look a lot older, but you can tell that you are Xiaomi, right?"

Previously, after the appearance of Emperor Yan and the girl, Bai Mo released his superpower to observe. Through the feedback of his strength, he had determined that the girl and Emperor Yan in front of him were completely illusions and had no substance.

Obviously, the speculation in his mind at the beginning was correct, this is just an inner world constructed by Xiaomi with the help of the power of the unknown totem.

I have to say that this power is very strong. In this world, as long as Xiaomi is willing, he can become anything and change into anything!

"Huh? You seem very different!" Hearing Bai Mo's question, Xiaomi showed a puzzled expression, and at the same time confirmed Bai Mo's guess.

Everyone immediately looked at each other, and Xiaogang asked tentatively, "Then, Xiaomi, do you remember your father?"

Hearing this, Xiaomi hugged Emperor Yan's neck and rubbed his face affectionately, with a happy look on his face:

"This is my father."

Feeling Xiaomi's performance, Emperor Yan's face and eyes showed a humanized look of love, as if he also regarded Xiaomi as his daughter!

Noticing this scene, except for Bai Mo, who had known the situation for a long time, that is, Xian Duo, Latias, Genggui and others all showed unexpected expressions.

A human even recognized a legendary elf as his father! ?

But Dream thought of something, and explained aloud: "This situation has occurred in ancient times."

"If my guess is correct, this Xiaomi should have used the power of the unknown totem blindly, which has led to the insanity of his brain now."

"Looking at the situation of this crystal tower, there will not be too many unknown totems here, but this Xiaomi is just a little girl, and she cannot master the power of unknown totems."

"So it is!" Bai Mo nodded. Although he knew some secrets, he really didn't know some wonderful things.

Now everything is explained, otherwise, Xiaomi, a human, would not regard Emperor Yan as his father, and forget the image and memories of Dr. Shuri.

At this moment, Xiaomi and Emperor Yan were intimate for a while, and asked again:

"How about it, do you have a fight with me?"

Hearing that, Chaomeng and Dream looked at each other, and then the two of them stretched out their hands and launched an attack.

Two rays of destruction and death shot out from the hands of the two women.

Although it is a unique trick used under the human body, the power of destroying the death light used by Dream and Mewtwo is much stronger than that of some master-level elves.


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