After all, after coming to the beach again after a long absence, the girls also want to enjoy it.

Soon they were happily playing on the beach, some sea fishing, some sunbathing.

At this time, on the beach, surrounded by a pile of rocks, Bai Mo brought Kiraqi here with an inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

"What's the matter, Mo!?"

Kirachi looked at the mysterious Bai Mo with some doubts.

"Then, this is for you." The corner of his mouth curled up, Bai Mo took out a necklace wearing star fragments and handed it to Kirachi.

"This is!?"

Seeing the fragments, Kirachi's pure eyes moved suddenly, and he said in surprise, "I feel the power of the comet."

"Could it be!?"


Bai Mo nodded. The shard of the star in his hand was the result of his investigation through the WT channel.

This star fragment is the leftover material that flew to the Elf Planet when the Millennium Comet came, and there was not much power left in it.

But for Jirachi, who uses the power of the comet, it has a different meaning and value.

"I really like!"

"Kirachi loves this!"

Kirachi's face was full of joy. She took the star fragments and put them in her arms, and she danced happily in the air.

Seeing Kirachi's dancing, Bai Mo only felt a throbbing in his heart.

After a long while, Kirachi flew to Bai Mo again and said excitedly, "Mo, tell me, how can I repay you."

"I like this gift very much."

"The answer is..."

The curvature of the corners of his mouth became slightly strange, and Bai Mo chuckled lightly: "Kirachi, you once said that you would accompany me to death, right!?"

"Well, yes!" Kirachi nodded affirmatively.

"Then do you know that I may live for a long time, or even die." An inexplicable light flashed in his eyes, and Bai Mo said in a bewitching voice:

"You have to know, I'm only 18 years old now, but my superpowers may break through to god-level at any time. At that time, I can even face champion-level elf."

"Lifespan will also be greatly increased."

"If you keep your promise, you may be with me forever."

"Ah, is that so!?" Kirachi suddenly showed a distressed look, but soon she didn't care:

"It's never going to matter. Kirachi originally thought that he would live in Farns for the rest of his life. It was Mo who made me free again, and I'm very happy with you, Mo!?"

"Really!" A strange light flashed in his eyes, Bai Mo shook his head and said, "But, Kirachi, if boys and girls always care about them, unless it's a relationship between boyfriends and girlfriends, husband and wife."

"If you keep following me, we will become a relationship."

"Is that so?" Kira Qi Mengmeng tilted her neck, thought for a while, and nodded again, "There is nothing wrong with He Mo."

"That's it!"

Hearing this answer, Bai Mo showed a scheming smile and said:

"Then, Kirachi, do you know what boyfriends and girlfriends usually do?!"

Chapter 0755 Peeping Meloetta

"What to do!?"

Hearing Bai Mo's words, Kirachi blinked with big ignorant eyes, and his face was full of innocence.

"Cough cough!"

Looking at Kirachi's youthful loli face so close at hand, Bai Mo felt a sense of guilt in his heart, but somehow, the more this time, the more excited he felt in his heart.

Perhaps, every man has a devil in his heart who trains ignorant girls.

Although Kirachi is petite, she is a legitimate loli who has lived for thousands of years. Bai Mo no longer hides it, and guides:

"First of all, girls have to help boys get rid of depression."

"How can this be ruled out!?" Kirachi immediately asked with concern.

"That's it." Bai Mo made a move and made his brother and Kirachi face each other, and said softly, "Just let him spit."

"Yeah, what to do then!?"

"Well, like you usually eat a lollipop."

"You can either lick or suck!"

"Is that so!?" Kirachi carefully stuck out his tongue to do as he did, and then looked at Bai Mo in confusion.

Bai Mo slapped smartly all over his body, but he was extremely excited. He nodded and said, "Go ahead, and hold it with your little hand."

"oh oh!"

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