
"It smells so strange."

"Is this really good!?"

"Mo, are you really comfortable!?"

No matter what Bai Mo and Kirachi were doing, behind a huge rock in the rubble deep between them, a graceful figure suddenly appeared, with a pretty face already flushed.

The owner of the figure is Meloetta. After she saw Bai Mo mysteriously leaving with Kiraqi, she also followed because she was curious.

And she had a voyeuristic thought in her heart and hid her body.

But she hides it well.

Although Bai Mo used his superpower to pay attention to the surrounding situation, he was not careful. Once Meloetta was invisible, he could not find it at all, so the scene of him abducting the ignorant Kirachi was completely seen by Meloetta. .

To be honest, Meloetta didn't know what Bai Mo was doing at first, so she took a look out of curiosity.

This is a good time, she happened to see the picture of Kirachi holding a giant object to taste.

Compared with Kirachi, Meloetta has traveled all over the world, and she still knows some things, so she blushed just thinking about it, and now she is looking for a place to hide.

"Ah, how could Mo let Kirachi do such a thing!?" Meloetta's bright eyes seemed to have some mist, making her even more beautiful.

Now Meloetta is completely confused, she doesn't know how to forget the scene she saw earlier.

It seemed that the more she wanted to forget, the more clearly she remembered.

"I'm ashamed!" In the end, Meloetta reached out and covered her pretty face, not knowing what to do for a while!

When Meloetta was distressed alone, because Bai Mo felt too exciting, he quickly released it once, but he quickly recovered, looking at Kirachi with a burning flame.

But considering that the place and time are not suitable now, he finally gave up and plans to find opportunities to do something later.

But in the next few days, what made Bai Mo a little depressed was that Meloetta didn't know why she blushed when she saw him, didn't dare to talk to him, and avoided him deliberately.

However, Bai Mo has not forgotten his own business, special training!

Bai Mo spent some time walking along the beach alone for a long time, and found a beach that was very suitable for special training. He has been training at this place for the past few days.

Today is no exception.

"Everyone, come out."

When he arrived at the old place, Bai Mo opened the passage to the small world, and a few elves appeared on the beach.

When they came to the beach, the elves cheered and looked at Bai Mo. Among them, Laurel Leaf stretched out her limbs and jumped into Bai Mo's arms happily.

Bai Mo was obviously used to it, and he had already stretched out his hand and waited there.

When the bay leaves are appeased, Bai Mo will release the content of this special training!

"Next, we will continue the special training for about half a month, so that everyone can consolidate their strength and even prepare a solid foundation for breakthroughs!"

After speaking, Bai Mo's expression became a little serious, and he said to a few elves.

"Blood-winged dragon, fire-breathing dragon X, Y, fossil pterosaur, you practice your flight speed by flying in the water against the sea surface, fire-breathing dragon X, Y, fossil pterosaur, you can also improve your resistance to water! "

"Besides, you should also practice the power of your unique moves. You can fly along the sea surface and use your special moves against the waves on the sea surface. It is best to do one move, to destroy the waves, and strike a certain range of seawater into vacuum."


The fire-breathing dragon and a few elves roared at Bai Mo to express their knowledge and flew away immediately.

"Others, ride the dragon, reach the duck, the water arrow turtle... You go to the deep sea for special training. Only by constantly advancing against the current can you break through yourself!"

Bai Mo immediately issued a new order, and after a few water arrow turtles left, he said again:

"Moon Elf...you guys are training evil-type tricks, and you can show your skills when you arrive at Yuanzhu Taoist Hall."

"The Yuanzhu Taoist Gym used to have some connections with King Feng. It is a Heavenly King-level Gym, and there should be a Heavenly King by then!"

The moon elves also responded quickly.

"King Hippo, Stupid Hippo, Shanaido... You and Bite Land Shark, Bangira, Boscodora, Kabimon... They form a team in pairs, and the use of mind power in the front makes it more difficult for the actions behind. !"

"In this way, one side can train the body speed, and the other side can also improve his super power."

"Electric Dragon, now we have to stay together often, deepen our understanding and trust in each other, and then try Mega Evolution."

Bai Mo said in one breath the tasks of the other elves, and the ones with bay leaves that have not evolved to the final level for the time being have no tasks.

The following days were spent in training, and Kirachi would follow Bai Mo and play nearby. Since she confirmed a certain relationship with Bai Mo, she liked to stick to Bai Mo even more.

Fifteen days passed in this way.

Looking at the little elf in front of him, Bai Mo couldn't help feeling proud. At the same time, he planned to continue his journey to collect badges.

But at this moment, he received a call from Kona!

Chapter 0756 Kona's cousin, visiting Zhenghui

On this day, after the fifteen-day special training, Bai Mo decided to meet Zhenghui, and by the way, he could also see the elf who is the inventor of the Poke Ball transmission system.

Hearing that Bai Mo was finally leaving, the girls who had been bored for a long time were also excited.

But at this moment, Bai Mo received a call from Kona.

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