"How can our King Kona call me when you have time!?" A smile flashed in Bai Mo's eyes when he connected to the navigator.

"You think I think so!" Sister Kona Yu was arrogant, and then sighed: "Actually, I called you because I am a distant cousin!"

"Distant cousin?" Bai Mo raised his brows when he heard Ke Na's words. What kind of distant cousin does Ke Na have?

Kona didn't know the doubts in Bai Mo's heart, and Gu explained to himself, "I only saw this cousin a few times when he was young."

"I heard from my aunt that he admires me very much, and works hard to cultivate with the goal of masters of ice and water."

"Then, did you do a broadcast recently? My aunt said that my cousin went to Chengdu to challenge the gym and seems to want to beat you."

"I called you just to say, don't be too ruthless when you shoot!"

Speaking of this, Kena couldn't help but put her hand on her forehead, she couldn't beat Bai Mo, and she didn't know where her cousin had the confidence to deal with Bai Mo.

"Haha, so that's how it is!" Hearing Kona's explanation, Bai Mo shook his head amusingly and said deliberately, "Don't worry, it's all my own."

"I won't be too hard on my future cousin."

"Hmph, what future cousin." Sister Cona Yu rarely showed a blush on her face, and said proudly: "You should finish our agreement first and then talk about it!"


After speaking, before Bai Mo could speak, Ke Na hung up the phone and covered his face with both hands.

"Really, it doesn't help."

After a long while, Kona let go of his hand, shook his head, and by the way, he also shook the two piles of proud things on his chest, and said in a low voice:

"I really don't live up to my expectations, I still couldn't help making this call!"

"Obviously, I just want to hear his voice!"

Regardless of the situation on Kona's side, Bai Mo shook his head amusingly after hearing the busy voice in the navigator. After explaining the situation to the girls, the group headed towards Zhenghui's residence.

However, on the way, Bai Mo called and asked his subordinates to transfer the information of Ke Na's cousin. After all, he would also be his own cousin in the future. He felt that it was necessary to know more.

WT's ability is very strong now. Before Bai Mo arrived at Zhenghui's house, he obtained information on Kona's younger brother, an [-]-year-old boy named Booy.

According to the data, the boy's name is Booy, and the six main players for the time being are the Water Arrow Turtle, the Water Elf, the Tie-Boiled Lobster, the Lotte Kappa, the Big-billed Gull, and Marley Luli.

When he got this information, Bai Mo smiled lightly, already thinking about what gift to give this distant cousin.

However, there is no accident that this gift can only be given in the league competition. When that time comes, it will be good for Ke to get a copy as well.

Under the leadership of Bai Mo, the group arrived at Zhenghui's house.

Since Zhenghui and Bai Mo met, the two have always been in touch. Because they are both young Elf Doctors, they have a lot of things in common.

Zhenghui has invited Bai Mo to his house more than once, but the latter is too busy and has no time to come.

When passing by this time, Bai Mo decided to stop by, because Zhenghui people are very good after all.

As for the address of Zhenghui's house, he said it as early as when he first sent an invitation to Bai Mo.

When they arrived at Zhenghui's house, it was inaccurately said to be in the garden outside his house, and the girls showed slightly surprised expressions.

Because the Zhenghui family is very large, and there are all kinds of elves living in this yard, including ordinary elves and some very precious elves.

Of course, compared to Bai Mo's small world, it wasn't enough to see, so the girls were only slightly surprised.

After all, Bai Mo can't be compared casually, but the situation in Zhenghui's yard can crush too many people!

"Zhenghui is called the elf maniac. He collects these elves without fighting them. These elves are the objects of his observation. Zhenghui hopes to experience the mood of these elves." Noting the girls' comments Bai Mo explained it with a smile. To be honest, he always thought that Zhenghui did this because he met the ancient fast dragon.

"It's no wonder that so many people want to become researchers. Just by looking at the elves in the yard, you can tell that these researchers are really too rich." Hearing Bai Mo's words, Xiao Lan's focus was obviously wrong. Sigh there.

But think about it, as far as the few researchers she has met, needless to say about the vast courtyard of Dr. Damu, there are also many elves in Dr. Kongmu's house, you must know that these elves consume the food every day It's a huge sum of money.

Become a researcher, these are all reimbursed by the alliance, Bai Mo naturally has such privileges, but he is not uncommon.

However, Xiao Lan's understanding is actually very one-sided, because what she has seen are those researchers at the top level, who are at the doctoral level. Of course, the treatment of these level researchers is very good.

In comparison, those more ordinary researcher-level researchers are much worse, and ordinary researchers can only provide certain support under the condition of ensuring food and clothing.

Hearing the movement in the courtyard, Zhenghui, who happened to be at home, came out of the house.

"Bai Mo!" Zhenghui seemed very happy to discover the identity of the visitor. He was also famous at a young age, and he had a good impression of Bai Mo.

Seeing Zhenghui, Bai Mo immediately greeted him, and then the two started chatting.

After chatting for a while, Zhenghui released nine elves with some show-off.

As soon as the nine elves came out, they immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The girl's eyes also flashed with brilliance.

Because these nine elves are exactly Ibrahimovic and the eight known evolutionary types of Ibrahimovic, Moon Elf, Sun Elf, Leaf Elf, Ice Elf, Fire Elf, Water Elf, Fairy Elf, and Thunder Elf!

Although Bai Mo's Ibrahimovic can change into any form at will, but with such a complete evolution of Ibrahimovic and Ibrahimovic appearing together, the girls and even Bai Mo are seeing it for the first time, so it's no wonder they were shocked.

It should be said that Zhenghui is worthy of being an evolutionary collector of Ibrahimovic!

Chapter 0757 Bai Mo on Ibrahimovic's new evolutionary form!

"not bad!?"

Looking at Ibrahimovic in front of him and its eight evolutionary types, Bai Mo nodded in appreciation, "Each one is a top-grade aptitude."

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