Hearing Bai Mo's order, Owl Nighthawk's wings were easily avoided, then his eyes widened, and he blasted Geng Gui with the spiritual power that turned into substance.

"Geng Gui, use the curse, and then use the wave of evil!" Facing Bai Mo's attack, Komatsu was not to be outdone.

Gengar's reaction was very quick, a circle of black light spread around the ghost, and Nighthawk the Owl was hit by the black light and snorted.

"Hold on!"

Seeing that Genggui wanted to continue the attack, Bai Mo hurriedly gave instructions, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, Komatsu was indeed an expert in using ghost-type elf, and he obviously had a lot of experience in the battle of general-type elf.

Status-based ghost skills are very easy to use!

In the arena, the owl nighthawk, who received the order, immediately released a white light to cover his body and hide himself.


Gengar gave out a gloomy smile, and the black power kept hitting the white light, but it was still unable to break through.

After this wave of Gengar's attack was over, Nighthawk the Owl did not wait for Bai Mo's order, and once again used his supernatural powers to knock Gengar to the ground, causing layers of smoke.

Seeing this, Bai Mo pointed at Geng Gui and shouted, "Owl Nighthawk, Mind Hammer!"

Mind Hammer is a superpower skill, which doubles the restraint of Gengar. The most important thing is that Nighthawk can also use this trick to lock its position when Gengar is hidden.

Facing this scene, a meaningful smile appeared on Xiaosong's face, which made Bai Mo's heart tighten.

At this time, the night owl had already flown into the smoke.

Almost at the same time, Komatsu gave the command again:

"Geng Gui, use the same fate!"

Same fate, a very peculiar skill, if you are knocked down by the opponent after using the same fate, the opponent will also lose the ability to fight.

At the same time, the same fate is a state-like ghost-type skill!

After being hit by Nighthawk's continuous supernatural powers, Gengar now has not much stamina left, at least he can't stand the attack of Nighthawk's Mind Hammer.

After realizing this, seeing Nighthawk approaching Gengar, Komatsu used this skill of perishing together.

Chapter 0761 Yuanzhu Taoist Hall Tournament!

"Same fate!?"

Hearing Komatsu's order to Geng Gui, Bai Mo's mouth twitched, but he didn't pay attention to Komatsu's words.

It was obvious that I had eaten similar shameful words in the league competition, speechless!

At this time, a smile appeared on Komatsu's face. In the venue, as the smoke screen dissipated, Gengar and Nighthawk appeared in front of everyone. It was obvious that the two elves had fainted.

Taking out the elf ball and taking back the night owl, Bai Mo was very upset, and decisively threw his second elf.

"Come on, Fire-breathing Dragon Y"

Seeing Bai Mo dispatching the fire-breathing dragon Y, Komatsu's pupils shrank, and after thinking for a while, he also dispatched his second elf, a dream demon who had just broken through to the heavenly king level!

"Fire-breathing Dragon Y, use big characters to explode flames." Bai Mo took the lead in directing Fire-breathing Dragon Y to launch the first attack.

The fire-breathing dragon Y is very fast, and when it opens its mouth, it spits out a flame, and the flame advances faster. It hits the dream demon before it can react at all, and then the flame turns into a big character in an instant, surrounding the dream demon, blazing flames. Constantly burning the dream demon.

"Shadow ball!" Fire-breathing dragon Y's sudden attack caught Komatsu by surprise. He tried to let the dream demon use the shadow ball to disperse the flames of purgatory!

It's a pity that with the use of the shadow ball by the dream demon several times, the flame can't be eliminated. The flame seems to be wrapped around it and can't be removed at all!

This situation made Komatsu a little surprised. He could see that there was no profound meaning in the fire-breathing dragon Y's ultimate flame technique, indicating that he had not yet broken through to the heavenly king level.

The Dream Demon was already at the Heavenly King level, and the difference between the levels of the two elves was his advantage.

But now, the gap between the tricks is clear.

And Komatsu always felt that there was a power he was familiar with in the flames of Fire-breathing Dragon Y.

Komatsu would never have imagined that the flame of the fire-breathing dragon Y incorporates the characteristics of the holy flame of the King of Phoenix.

Since the flames have not been extinguished, the dream demon can be said to have endured the long-term burning of the fire-breathing dragon's Y character explosion, and at this time, the state has turned sharply.

Seeing this situation, Komatsu knew that the Dream Demon was seriously injured, and he had to speed up the fight. He immediately shouted, "The Dream Demon uses black eyes to fix the fire-breathing dragon Y, and then uses Song of Destruction."


In the flames, the dream demon resisted the burning discomfort on his body, raised his head sharply, a red light appeared in his eyes, and followed, in the void, a pair of bizarre black eyes broke through the flames around him, directly piercing the void and imprinted on the fire-breathing dragon. Y's body!

In the flames, the dream demon began to sing the song of death!

The mournful singing sounded throughout the gym, and the girls closed their eyes in enjoyment after hearing it.

But Bai Mo didn't have the mood to listen to this wonderful song, and his eyes became condensed. At this time, Fire-breathing Dragon Y was enveloped by strange sounds, and each wonderful note entered Fire-breathing Dragon Y's body.

Bai Mo is very aware of the horror of Song of Doom compared to his low-level elves. At this time, Fire-breathing Dragon Y cannot be replaced by the black eyes, which means that the effect of Song of Doom will definitely appear!

For now, I can only defeat the opponent as much as possible before the third round, at least causing damage to the third elf opponent. Thinking of this, Bai Mo immediately shouted:

"Fire-breathing dragon Y, time is running out, charge with big characters, and get rid of the dream demon as soon as possible."

In the arena, Fire-breathing Dragon Y spewed out a huge fiery red flame. This time, the large-shaped flame took shape rapidly, and Fire-breathing Dragon Y's body was wrapped in flames again, rushing straight ahead.


The fire-breathing dragon Y quickly absorbed the flames, and the whole body turned into a larger fireball and slammed into the dream demon.

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