The dream demon suddenly made a miserable cry!

"Dream Demon, hold back!"

At this time, in the situation of the Dream Demon, Komatsu was completely powerless, only watching the Dream Demon being completely covered by the flames.

But the next moment, just when everyone thought that the dream demon was about to lose its combat effectiveness, a purple-black white light suddenly appeared.

Seeing this scene, Geng Gui girl showed a surprised expression.

"This is, Hidden Spirit Assault!?"

Gengar was the first to recognize the new skill used by the dream demon. This skill is a physical attack of the ghost type, and there are very few elves that can understand it.

At least not Gengar.

Using this trick, the dream demon can even ignore the opponent's elf's ability to hold the light and directly hit the body, which is a skill that seems to travel through the distance.

And now, the dream demon has used this trick, but not to attack, but to escape!

At the last moment, the dream demon used the sneak attack to avoid the most deadly impact of the fire-breathing dragon Y.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo suddenly had a headache. Although his elf was very strong, he didn't plan to use a too strong elf. Among the new elf, except Nighthawk, the rest of the elf dealt with it. The ghost system really doesn't have a good way to deal with it!

This time is definitely the most difficult time for him to fight since his trip. It's not that his strength is not good, but it seems that luck is not on his side today.

The unpleasant feeling in his heart only existed for a moment, Bai Mo quickly adjusted his mentality, and was ready to let Fire-breathing Dragon Y give it a shot!

"Fire-breathing dragon Y, turn around and use it to burn out."

Released his super power to capture the location of the dream demon, and Bai Mo gave the order again.

The dream demon may have just realized the trick of the hidden spirit surprise attack, and went straight to not far behind the fire-breathing dragon Y.

Fire-breathing Dragon Y was also very annoyed at this time. Hearing Bai Mo's order, he spewed hot flames without thinking much, and then turned around.

Under the violent ultimate move of Fire-breathing Dragon Y, the dream demon did not avoid it this time, but lost its fighting power and passed out.

"Dream Demon has lost the ability to fight, and the fire-breathing dragon wins!" The referee immediately raised the flag in his hand to announce the result.

"Damn!" Komatsu felt a little unhappy in his heart. He didn't expect that his heavenly king-level elf would be hanged by Bai Mo's fire-breathing dragon Y.

Can't even hold on for a few rounds until the Doomsong effect appears.

The gap is too big.

Taking a few deep breaths, Komatsu tried his best to calm himself down and drifted away to his last ace elf.

"Come on, Gengar."

Komatsu's last expat is still a Gengar, but this Gengar is much stronger than the original one.

As soon as Geng Gui appeared, he smiled and became invisible, obviously planning to wait for the effect of Song of Destruction to appear, not planning to fight recklessly.

Chapter 0762 Electric Dragon, Mega!

"Fire-breathing dragon, use fire-throwing fire on the entire field!"

Bai Mo reacted quickly, he naturally wouldn't let Komatsu's plan come true so easily, and commanded Fire-breathing Dragon Y to launch a full-range attack.

The fire-breathing dragon Y immediately spun rapidly with itself as the origin, and the flames in its mouth violently swept the entire field.

Gengar has nowhere to hide, inevitable hits.

However, the flames used by Fire-breathing Dragon Y to the audience have been weakened to a certain extent, and this Gengar's level has reached the Heavenly King level, and its defense is very high. The damage caused by the flames to Gengar is very limited.

This Gengar is obviously also very experienced in combat. After being attacked, it flickered and immediately became invisible again, and Fire-breathing Dragon Y lost its attack target in one fell swoop.

At this moment, misfortunes do not come singly, and the Song of Destruction used by the Dream Demon was activated. The fire-breathing dragon Y, who could not leave the field, completely suffered the damage of this blow. Due to the excessive damage, he fainted and lost his combat effectiveness.

"Fire-breathing Dragon Y is incapacitated, Gengar wins!" The referee raised the flag representing Komatsu.

"Master, come on!"

Around the gym, Komatsu's apprentices shouted.

So far, in the first game, Gengar was beaten and beaten. Although Komatsu used a wretched way to kill Nighthawk, he couldn't hide the fact that he was beaten and beaten.

The second time there were quite a few accidents, but it was a fact that Meng Yaobei, as a Heavenly King-level elf, was pressed and beaten by Fire-breathing Dragon Y, and in the end he lost his fighting power.

Now that Charizard Y is out of combat, the game is back to a one-on-one scene again.

"Bai Mo, come on!" Among the girls, seeing so many people helping Komatsu to cheer, Xiao Lan shouted not to be outdone, and took out a loudspeaker.

This time, the entire gym became noisy.

However, at this time, Xiao Song and Bai Mo, who were on both sides of the battlefield, were unmoved. Bai Mo pondered for a while, smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and threw a Poke Ball.

There is no doubt that Komatsu's Gengar is Heavenly King, but Bai Mo has seen that the Gengar's level is not very high. It should be trained by Komatsu himself, and his strength is limited.

In the face of such elf, if Bai Mo sends out his own old elf, it would be bullying, but if he sends novice elves such as Laurel Leaf and Fire Rock Rat, it would be a total abuse.

However, there is one option that is just right.

This choice is the electric dragon that has recently been able to use Mega Evolution with Bai Mo!

The strength of the Mega Electric Dragon is not much weaker than that of the Fire-breathing Dragon Y. Bai Mo is confident to command it to win, and it is an easy victory.

"Electric Dragon, use a thundering attack on the audience."

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