In other words, just now, Geng Gui lost his combat effectiveness.

And the fact is the same, when the smoke screen dissipated, everyone only saw a huge deep pit appearing in the center of the field, and Geng Ghost had passed out, and there were still flashes of lightning on its body.

In addition, there are several small pits around the deep pit. This is the power of the electric ball that instinctively poured out to the surroundings after stunning Gengar.

I have to say, this change came too fast, the girls around, Komatsu and the referee were all in shock for a while, it was Gengar's defeat too fast.

In response, Bai Mo smiled, looked at the referee beside him, and said lightly:

"Why, don't you declare me the winner?"

It wasn't until this time that the referee reacted and immediately announced Bai Mo's victory:

"Gengar lost his ability to fight, and the electric dragon won!"

"Because the gym owner lost all three elves, the winning challenger Bai Mo!"

After the referee announced the result, Komatsu didn't care about winning or losing. He came to Bai Mo and asked curiously:

"Dr. Bai Mo, is it the Mega evolution you proposed just now? Electric dragon can do it too!"

Hearing this, Bai Mo did not rush to answer. He first restored the electric dragon to its normal state and took in the Poké Ball, and then replied:

"It is indeed the Mega Evolution of the Electric Dragon!"

"Is Mega so strong!" Komatsu's expression changed again and again. WT also has a branch in Yuanzhu City. If you need it, you can also buy the matching Gengar Mega Evolution Stone and exclusive keystone.

Komatsu's surname is Yushou, and the comprehensive Yushousong believes in the Hoo family, that is, the gym trainer of the alliance in Yuanzhu City, and is also sent by the Yushou family to guard Lingling Tower.

As a member of the top family, Komatsu has his own ideas. In the past, he felt that this kind of temporary evolution was just tasteless. Instead of spending too much money to obtain it, it is better to spend the same wealth on training, which can permanently increase the strength of the elf.

But now, he doesn't think so. After getting a definite answer from Bai Mo's mouth, he has made a decision to buy a Mega Evolution suit immediately to try it out.

Seeing that Komatsu was silent, Bai Mo didn't say much, took the badge and sat in the auditorium.

Subsequently, Xiao Lan also challenged and successfully got the badge.

After obtaining the gym badge, without stopping any more, Bai Mo led the girl towards the new and next destination.

But strangely, not long after walking out, fog suddenly appeared around the forest.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo felt a familiar feeling in his heart, but he couldn't remember how this feeling came about for a while.

After a while, he was too lazy to think about it, and directly released the blood-winged dragon, the fossilized dragon and other elves, and let the girls sit on it, intending to fly directly through this layer of fog from high altitude.

Just when the fossilized pterosaurs and the others were about to fly out of the foggy area, Bai Mo suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart. His current superpowers were about to break through to god-level, and he would always have a wonderful perception of nature and elves.

Following the wonderful perception in his heart, he released his superpower to look in one direction, but there seemed to be some kind of strange power there, and it was difficult for him to find anything.

At this moment, a light suddenly flashed in Bai Mo's mind, and he thought of a possibility.

Thinking of this, Bai Mo's heart suddenly burst into excitement, and he directly commanded the blood-winged flying dragon under him to shout:

"Blood-wing flying dragon, fly down to the lower left, I want to see what is there."


The blood-winged dragon shouted in response, and then quickly descended with Bai Mo. Latias and the fossilized dragon on the side followed this with the girls.

Soon, the blood-winged dragon flew to a pond first.

The strange thing is that in the middle of this pond, the little elf that has always been almost transparent and emitting blue light stands on the water like a phantom!

"Sure enough, it's you, the incarnation of Beifeng - Suicune!"

Bai Mo is now finally sure what the sense of familiarity is in his mind. In the anime, when Xiao Zhi meets Sui Jun in Chengdu, this is the scene...

However, Satoshi met Suijun in Ruoye Town, and now he meets him by chance in Yuanzhu City.

Speaking of which, I could guess that Suijun appeared, and Bai Mo said that he would like to thank the mist.

If it weren't for this fog that could isolate his superpower, why would he think so much? You must know that his superpower is close to god level, and the source of this fog that can isolate such superpower is definitely not simple.

Smart people can think of the tricks!


Shui Jun felt Bai Mo's appearance, looked up at him and planned to leave.

But Bai Mo wouldn't let it go so easily, and immediately threw a pokeball and shouted:

"Want to escape? Naive, Fire-breathing Dragon X stops it!"

As Bai Mo's voice fell, a white light shot out from the Poké Ball, the whole body was pitch black, and the figure of the fire-breathing dragon with blue flames on both sides of its mouth immediately blocked in front of Su Jun.


Seeing Suijun, Fire-breathing Dragon X suddenly let out a loud roar.

At this time, Bai Mo released a few other elves, such as Boscodora, Minas and so on.

He did not intend to release the elf to fight Sui Jun. If he did this, even if he really defeated Sui Jun, he would not be able to convince Sui Jun. Besides, Sui Jun has the backing of Ho-wang, so he needs to take this into consideration. The face of a big man.

The reason why these elves were released was because Bai Mo knew that the three divine beasts like Suijun, Lei Gong, and Emperor Yan would always use their roars to confuse the elves and create opportunities for themselves to escape. make them run away.


Seeing that he couldn't escape, as a divine beast, Suijun had his own pride. Although he was surrounded by a few elves at this time, he didn't seem flustered. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Bai Mo calmly, as if he wanted to See what Bai Mo has to say next.

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