At this time, Bai Mo had already come to the ground with the girls who were obviously surprised and apologetic.

Looking at Sui Jun in front of him, Bai Mo smiled.

"Suijun, since I met you today, I won't let you escape like this!"

Chapter 0764 Incarnation of the North Wind: Suijun

The three sacred beasts that follow Ho-oh are Suijun, Entei, and Raikou.

From Dream's mouth, Bai Mo learned that these three elves exist in every region, in order to give Ho-wang a sense of the human condition.

Once the evil of human beings reaches a certain level, they seem to need to do something.

Of course, these are not things that Bai Mo needs to consider for the time being. Speaking of the three divine beasts, among the three, Bai Mo's favorite is Shuijun.

No matter what other people's aesthetics are, in his opinion, Suicune is the most handsome of the three.

And now, he has actually met Suijun, and with such a chance, he will definitely take action.

With his eyes locked on Shui Jun, Bai Mo thought for a while and said, "Don't worry, I won't let all the elves come together, but you are a divine beast, I will send Lie Lu Shark and Blood Wing Flying Dragon with you. Fight, and if I can't beat you, I'll let you go."


Saying that, Bai Mo also took out a pokeball with blue on the top and white on the bottom, which was different from ordinary pokeballs, and continued:

"This is a high-level ball, much better than the Poke Ball. It's okay to use it to temporarily subdue you. When there is a chance, I will make a Poke Ball for you."

In the end, Bite Lu Shark is the elf sent by Xirona. After Bai Mo's training, he is only a little away from breaking through to the championship level, and everything will come naturally.

This time, Bai Mo intends to let the blood-winged dragon, who has just broken through to the mid-championship stage, take him to fight with Sui Jun and absorb the experience.

As for this Shuijun, Bai Mo has experienced it with his superpowers. Aptitude is a god, and it is only a matter of time before he becomes a second-level god under the accumulation of time.

But today's strength is still a champion-level intermediate, similar to the blood-winged dragon.


At this moment, Sui Jun has realized from the surrounding situation that something is wrong. She has a hunch that she is likely to be subdued by the person in front of her today!

But soon, Sui Jun's eyes were fixed. As one of the three envoys arranged by King Ho in the world, he had his own pride and dignity, and he absolutely could not be subdued by humans. Thinking of this, he immediately roared, and the man above his head roared. The horn emitted a circle of blue light waves, releasing pressure to force the surrounding Pokémon back to the Poké Ball.



At the same time, the Fossil Pterosaur, the Blood Winged Dragon, the Fierce Biting Land Shark, Boss Cordola, etc. felt the pressure emanating from Suicune, and immediately roared, and the two pressures spread at the same time, at the same time towards Suicune squeezed over.

Suicune is called a divine beast, but in the end, he and the other two Entei and Lei Gong are just the envoys of Ho-king left in the world, and they are only a little stronger than the fully grown quasi-divine beasts.

The most important thing is that when the strength has reached the level of champions, the elves such as Boscodora cannot be suppressed by mere coercion.

On the other hand, being suppressed by multiple coercions at the same time, Sui Jun couldn't break free for a while, feeling like he was blocked by a very small space.

Looking at the other elves surrounding him, Sui Jun completely lost all hope of leaving in his heart.


In the end, seeing that he couldn't leave, Shui Jun looked at Bai Mo for a while, and nodded slightly as a compromise. He knew that this battle was inevitable.

On the side, the girls were very excited after they came down with Bai Mo. They didn't expect to have the chance to meet the legendary Suicune. Although they usually get along with Meng and the others, Latias has seen nothing, even more. The transformation of the elf.

But it was definitely luck to meet the legendary elf in the wild like this, which made them a little excited for a while.

But when they heard that Bai Mo was going to subdue Suijun's invitation to fight, they all stood aside obediently. The next game was obviously a championship-level match, and the origin of staying together might be dangerous.


As the girls backed away, all the elves except the Bite Land Shark and the Bloodwing Flying Dragon also retreated, leaving a space for the three elves to fight.

Shui Jun originally wanted to escape, but it didn't seem like he was taking any risks, but now that he accepted Bai Mo's challenge, he naturally wouldn't go back on his promise.

After the elf backed away, she roared, took the lead in attacking, and sprayed a purple light at the blood-winged dragon.

This is a polar beam, and Suicune obviously wants to strike the Blood Winged Dragon first with ice-based skills.

"The blood-winged dragon, spraying flames, suppresses this aurora."

The blood-winged dragon immediately spewed out a flame, blocking the aurora to avoid injury.

"Bite the land shark, dragon claw!"

Taking advantage of the stalemate between Bloodwing Flying Dragon and Shui Jun, Bai Mo asked Liebite Lu Shark to come forward to assist.

In the arena, Lie Bite Lu Shark immediately stepped forward, unfolded his dragon claws, covered with a purple phantom, and attacked Suijun.


Suijun's body is very sensitive. After finding that his polar beam and the jet flame of the blood-winged dragon can only compete with each other, he keenly observes the action of biting the land shark with force on its limbs and flexibly dodges.

After that, it was not idle in the air, and opened its mouth to bite Lu Shark with a blizzard.

"Bite the land shark and dig a hole!"

After Bai Mo noticed Sui Jun's actions, he immediately let Liebite Lu Shark use the burrowing trick to escape, and then shouted: "Blood-winged dragon, thunder and lightning teeth."

The blood-winged dragon's wings flew towards Suicune, and dazzling lightning flashed from its sharp teeth.

The blood-winged dragon is outstanding in its physical attack, and the lightning teeth are the only electrical skills it can. As long as the lightning teeth can hit, the effect obtained is absolutely outstanding.

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