"I need to measure the value between these things and Suicune!"

Hearing this, King Feng pondered for a while, but he didn't hide it. Anyway, after Bai Mo broke through, she could slowly figure it out. She didn't mind selling her favor, and said bluntly:

"First of all, without telepathy, you can understand the meaning of any elf's words, because this world was created by Arceus, and it can be close to everything, including nature!"

"And then there is the breakthrough in your super power, such as the perception range!"

"The last power is related to the guide. Because of my guidance, the power of your healing will be strengthened. This power will be able to heal directly from the source of the elf. This power can also continue to grow with the time after awakening. In the end, even some serious human diseases can be treated.”

"Even Nirvana rebirth is not impossible!"

"Hey!" Feng Wang's words made Bai Mo instantly excited, and then he no longer thought about it, and immediately nodded to express his agreement to the deal.

Seeing Bai Mo agree, Feng Wang closed his eyes and said lightly:

"You put your hand on Suicune's horn, and I will guide your awakening through the power that remains in your body."

Hearing this, Bai Mo immediately followed suit and put his hand on Sui Jun's horn. Suddenly, a rainbow-colored light entered Bai Mo's body along with the horn.

Immediately, Bai Mo felt as if his brain had exploded, and he passed out instantly. At the last moment before the coma, he only felt that he was in a warm embrace, and there seemed to be two soft mountains that were very majestic.

But he didn't care about enjoying these, but made a rare foul language.

"Grass, King Feng, you are a fool!"

Chapter 0768 The Great Harvest

His eyelids moved, and Bai Mo struggled to open his eyes. What caught his eyes were two small mountain peaks. Uh, well, it was actually a certain girl's breasts that had developed a certain size.

Previously, due to the power in his mind suddenly opened a prison, a large amount of mental power was unlocked in an instant, and Bai Mo passed out beautifully.

And at the moment of his coma, he fell to Meloetta not far away.

Meloetta originally wanted to dodge, but she quickly discovered Bai Mo's situation, so she reached out to support him.

This sudden situation scared the girl to death, but fortunately, Ho-wang contacted Dream through telepathy and explained it a little, and then Dream told everyone.

This time, everyone finally let go.

However, Dream was alone and didn't know what to think, his eyes flashed, and the corners of his mouth flashed a radian from time to time.

Since he didn't know when Bai Mo woke up, Meloetta put his head on her lap so that he could sleep more comfortably.

In fact, it should be done by other girls. After all, the relationship between Meloetta and Bai Mo is only a friend level for the time being.

But this time, the girls tacitly chose to turn a blind eye. Meloetta herself has a gentle temperament. In addition, after getting along with Bai Mo during this period of time, the relationship between her and Bai Mo was indeed very good, and finally they acquiesced.

Now, almost two hours have passed since Bai Mo fell into a coma. He opened his eyes, and Meloetta, who had been paying attention to Bai Mo, had a natural smile on his face.

Only the next moment, she suddenly found that Bai Mo blushed suddenly, and when she saw Bai Mo's eyes again, she didn't know what was going on.

He quickly pushed Bai Mo away and stood up, blushing all over his face.

Bai Mo covered his face in embarrassment, and sighed that his breakthrough this time was too powerful. Not only did he make a massive breakthrough in his mental power, but his physical strength also increased.

"You, you take advantage of me!"

Seeing Bai Mo stand up, Meloetta suddenly looked at him with big watery eyes, a little angry.

"Who asked you to give me a lap pillow, didn't I just see it when I opened my eyes, blame me!" Bai Mo kept thinking in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it on his face, but said with a hippie smile.

"Meloetta, I didn't do it on purpose. I just broke through, but my power was not well controlled."

"Besides, our relationship doesn't have to be so ostentatious, doesn't it?"

"We have nothing to do with each other!" Meloetta was very arrogant, and then did not wait for Bai Mo to speak again, the light flashed, the figure disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was already in Nanamei. behind.

Seeing Meloetta leaving, Bai Mo turned to look at Shanaido beside him, and smiled, "Xiao Nai, where is Suijun, are you gone?"

Shanai Duo immediately rolled his eyes at him, secretly laughing that Bai Mo's ability to change the subject was getting better and better, but she was all focused on Bai Mo, so she handed over a high-level Poké Ball and said a little mischievously.

"If you say go, you are gone, and if you say you don't go, you don't go."

"Oh, what do you mean!?" Reaching out to take the advanced ball, Bai Mo was a little puzzled by Shanaido's words.

Shanai Duo hasn't spoken yet, and Xiao Lan leaned over excitedly and said happily.

"Bai Mo, your luck this time is really good. You suddenly fell into a coma just now, but we were terrified. We thought Sui Jun did something to you, but then Feng Wang and Mengmeng were telepathic."

"It also told us why."

"Feng Wang, that's Feng Wang, it would be great if I could see her, but it would be nice to have a few words with her this time, and then she told me you were fine, and she didn't tell me as long as you recovered. Why do I."

"Then Sui Jun and Ho-wang seemed to communicate something, and they took the initiative to enter your Poké Ball. After showing that it was subdued, he ran out again, gave Dream a hair on her neck and left."

Xiao Lan said this, the dream on the side reached out and handed over a long purple hair, Bai Mo grabbed the hair in the palm of his hand, at this moment, a strange feeling appeared in his heart, it seemed that it was Sui Jun What are you talking about with it.

Combined with the previous explanation of Xiaolan's escape, he roughly understood what happened, and the meaning was very simple. Sui Jun admitted him, and after communicating with Ho-wang, he entered his Poké Ball and was subdued by him. made a mark.

After doing all this, it left to continue its mission that did not know what Ho-wang gave.

And the long purple hair on its hands is that when Bai Mo needs her in the future, as long as you feel her heart, she will come to help as quickly as possible.

Of course, she also faintly expressed that unless it is really necessary, don't look for it easily, otherwise, it is estimated that King Feng will not be happy.

After he figured out everything, Bai Mo burst into ecstasy. He had seen the power of this Shuijun with his own eyes. Although he was confident when he challenged him, he had two heavenly king-level quasi-gods, Lu Shark and Bloodwing Flying Dragon. The power of the elf is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

But the defeat of Suicune was completed only after losing his combat effectiveness and losing a lot of physical strength!

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