If it was a one-on-one matchup, Bai Mo reckoned that if the Blood Winged Dragon didn't evolve as a Mega, it would be difficult even with his command.

Although this Suijun is not strong, its ability in battle is unexpectedly good.

Bai Mo is confident that if he and Suijun cooperate with him in training and give him good training, the latter will definitely become a good fighting force.

Although Sui Jun can't follow him all the time now, but if there is a major event in the future, such as calling him to help out when challenging the Four Heavenly Kings Championship, there is absolutely no problem.

Of course, Bai Mo's happiest moment is the breakthrough of his own strength. He can feel that he is now a small humanoid nuclear bomb. Even if he is facing a heavenly king-level elf, he can go forward to fight, and it is true.

Whether it is a powerful superpower or the vigorous vitality emerging from his body, Bai Mo has the confidence to fight against the Heavenly King-level elf.

Feeling the power in his body, Bai Mo shook hands with a smile on his face:

"What a surprise."

"I don't know what kind of cute expressions Nazi and Cattleya will show when they find out that I have broken through to the god level faster than before they broke through to the top level!"

Chapter 0769 Target Snow Mountain

Leaving Yuanzhu City and meeting Suijun, Bai Mo, who gained a series of benefits, took the girls on a journey to Asano City, where the next gym is located.

During the subsequent journey, Bai Mo first took the girls to a tea party held by the five sisters of Ibrahimovic, drank a good cup of tea and took a rest.

Then, the group then passed through the forest with dark ducks.

In this forest, Bai Mo used his recent breakthrough strength to subdue several dark ducks with top-grade qualifications.

Next, the group came to an extremely desolate place. Seeing that there were broken statues and stone pillars everywhere, Bai Mo recalled the animation plot and thought that it should be the remains of the ancient civilization of giant trees.

This civilized person is very fond of the cannon fish, maybe he can try to catch a cannon fish nearby.

I told Xiao Huang and the other girls what I knew.

"It turns out that the iron gun fish looks like this. I thought what the elf with this name would look like."

Xiao Huang squatted down and stretched out his hands to play with the sculptures on the ground a few times, apparently having difficulty understanding the name of the iron gun fish.

Seeing Xiao Huang's confused look, Bai Mo immediately showed his expression and explained with a smile: "The name of the iron gun fish means that this kind of elf swims very fast in the water, like a cannonball. Besides, you must Unexpectedly, the evolution of the iron gunfish is the octopus barrel."

Saying that, Bai Mo took out the picture book and transferred the picture of the octopus bucket and placed it in front of Xiao Huang.

Looking at the red octopus barrel with eight tentacles, and looking at the iron cannon fish sculpture on the ground, the girl couldn't understand how these two kinds of elves could intersect.

If it wasn't for knowing that Bai Mo wouldn't lie, Xiao Huang would have thought he was joking with him.

In fact, Bai Mo himself is a little unacceptable for the setting that the iron gun fish evolves into an octopus barrel, but nature is sometimes so magical.

At this time, Nana looked around curiously and wondered, "The environment here doesn't seem to be suitable for the life of iron gun fish, right?"

As the granddaughter of Dr. Ogi, Nanami has a lot of information on Pokémon.

"I don't know about this, but I remember reading a book that said that the people of the ancient civilization of giant trees cut down all the trees in a radius of several hundred years ago in order to build magnificent towns. The changes in the environment made Ponds and rivers are gradually drying up, and the land becomes desolate."

"With the shortage of food and water, the people of the ancient civilization of the giant tree abandoned this land and left here to live in new places, which is why this place has become what it is now."

"That is to say, there were lakes and rivers here for the iron gun fish to live a long time ago."

To be honest, judging from experience, Bai Mo also thinks that there will be no iron gun fish in this place, but who gave him the golden finger of being familiar with the plot.

"It turned out to be like this. Those people are so stupid that they destroyed their own homes."

Xiao Huang pouted angrily. Although she is human, she still doesn't like humans who destroy the environment.

Seeing Xiao Huang's appearance, Bai Mo chuckled lightly, "Let's take this as a warning. I heard that the people in the alliance seem to be planning to reshape the environment in this area, and I don't know how long it will take to complete it."

"I remember that every [-] years there will be gorgeous colored aurora near this ruins. Unfortunately, we didn't come at the right time. We can't see such a scenery now."

Bai Mo's words made the girls very interested.

"Colored aurora? Why does this place look like this?"

Of course, Bai Mo himself knew what was going on, and he let it go in the cartoon, but he couldn't tell Xiao Huang and the others, so he had no choice but to propose to go to the upper reaches of the riverbed to check it out.

The two found a strange pond where they were swimming on the riverbed. The water in the pond seemed to have dried up, but a huge icicle was erected in the center of the pond.

When he got here, Bai Mo said the truth in a guessing tone, "The matter of the colored aurora should be related to this icicle. Isn't ice able to refract sunlight, that colored aurora may be produced by the refraction of sunlight by this big icicle. "

Hearing this, Nanami asked with some doubts: "Even if you can explain what you said now, how did this icicle appear? It won't take long for icicles like this to melt in the environment here, so what? Maybe it will survive to the present?"

Bai Mo opened his mouth, not knowing how to speak.

He knew that this icicle was made by the iron gun fish, but if he knew it, he couldn't tell the girls that it looked like when I watched anime in my previous life?

Li Xiaozhi should have been here now, who knows if he can see it now.

In the end, Bai Mo had to reluctantly give an explanation, "It should be the masterpiece of the iron cannon fish. I just explain it based on science. As for what happened, you won't believe it if you don't see it with your own eyes."

Nanami obviously did not accept this explanation, and even the girls with Ram were puzzled, which made Bai Mo a little helpless.

Don't you have to lose face if you can't pretend! ?

Bai Mo felt a little helpless in his heart, but his luck was obviously good.

The next second, everyone saw the rare sight of Bai Mokou.

I saw a large number of iron cannon fish suddenly appear in the pond that has dried up. They are constantly using water gun skills to fill the pond, and then one iron cannon fish sprays water on the big icicle with water gun. The iron cannon fish uses the freezing light to freeze the water on the icicle. With the joint efforts of hundreds of iron cannon fish, the big icicle is bigger than before.

"It turns out that this big icicle is really formed like this. The cannon fish spray water on the icicle every day. With the efforts of the cannon fish, the volume of the icicle increases more than the volume it melts. It's getting bigger."

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