The girls were shocked by the scene in front of them, but Bai Mo didn't have the heart to appreciate this scene. He released his superpowers. There are so many iron cannon fish here, and there must be some with good qualifications. He intends to capture a few!

This rare sight did not appear for a long time. When Bai Mo subdued the fifth high-quality Iron Cannon Fish, the large army of these Iron Cannon Fish disappeared as mysteriously as they appeared.

Seeing that the iron gun fish disappeared, Bai Mo took the girl who still had some unfinished thoughts to the Baixue Mountain in front. He remembered that there was a frozen bird on that mountain.

Chapter 0770 The trip to Snow White!

In the Chengdu area, Bai Mo led the girl towards Baixue Mountain, targeting the frozen bird in Baixue Mountain.

Speaking of frozen birds, if Bai Mo used it himself, he would have a better choice, one of the three stupid birds in Asia Island.

Bai Mo knows where the three divine birds are now, but for the time being, he doesn't want to subdue them.

This frozen bird in Baixueshan is the ice elf that Bai Mo intends to use to attack Kona!

On the way to Baixue Mountain, Bai Mo had good luck. He met two talented bear babies and Huanjuanxiong. He rudely subdued the two elves. It took another two days for the group to arrive. Rest in a place called Sunflower Inn.

The hotel is run by a strange couple named Sophia and Maruque. When Bai Mo and Shanaido and other girls arrived at the hotel, the couple were taking wedding anniversary photos with a group of sunflower monsters. .

According to Sophia, the couple have been taking pictures with a group of sunflower monsters every year on their wedding anniversary for more than [-] years.

The arrival of Bai Mo's group of young people made the old couple very happy. As soon as they entered the hotel, Sophia hurriedly took out various snacks and drinks and placed them on the table.

Bai Mo knew that this grandma had the habit of telling stories, so before she planned to talk at length, she quickly prepared some necessities in the hotel and took the girls up to Baixue Mountain.

The height of Baixue Mountain is extremely high, so it can be seen from a long distance.

After a few days of traveling, Bai Mo and the others finally arrived at the foot of Baixue Mountain, where they checked their equipment for the last time.

Because of the need to find and conquer frozen birds, Bai Mo has prepared a lot of auxiliary equipment for this trip to the snow mountain, such as warm tents and solar skis.

In addition, there are some food and cold-proof clothing, which are all purchased at the Sunflower Hotel.

After arriving here, Bai Mo did not climb immediately. There are different things to pay attention to when climbing a snowy mountain and climbing an ordinary mountain. For the safety of everyone, Bai Mo deliberately recorded some precautions on the snowy mountain. He gave various instructions to the girl, and solemnly stated that if something happened, he would immediately return to the small world with the leaves of the small world tree.

"Let's go, set off to the top of Baixue Mountain, I want to conquer it."

When they first arrived at the snow-capped mountains, the girls seemed very excited, and Xiao Lan pointed to the top of the mountain in the distance with her hand, looking full of momentum.

Seeing this, Bai Mo shook his head helplessly, wondering if the girls with excess energy had listened to his instructions.

But it doesn't matter, Latias, Shanaido, Dream, Meloetta, Mewtwo are all there, and there is nothing to be afraid of danger.

The top of Baixue Mountain is not uninhabited. Only more than half of the entire mountain is covered with ice and snow, and the lower part is not much different from other peaks.

The most important point of climbing a mountain is to adapt the body to the suddenly changing environment. The low temperature and hypoxia environment in high altitude areas is the biggest test for climbers. If you can't overcome this, don't think about climbing.

When climbing Baixue Mountain, Bai Mo and Mengmeng looked at each other tacitly, thinking of the scene when the two met for the first time.

Bai Mo and the girls walked to the top of the mountain step by step, resting there for a while every time they walked to give their bodies time to adapt.

In addition, Bai Mo also released several of his main elves for such training.

Training in such an environment is always beneficial, even if you don't come across a frozen bird.

Especially the Bite Land Shark, the Blood Winged Dragon and the Fire-breathing Dragon X, with the dragon attribute, they are completely restrained by the Frozen Bird, and they still need more training for the resistance of the ice element.

With the environment of Baixueshan and the ice attribute of Frozen Bird, Bai Mo felt that this action might be more troublesome than the one that contained Shuijun. After all, the environment of Baixueshan had a great restraint on non-ice-type elves.

The most important thing is to guard against possible avalanches when fighting on the snowy mountains. After all, Bai Mo and the others are above the snowy mountains.

It took a long time for Bai Mo and the girls to finally climb to the top of the mountain, and Xiao Lan and the others had long lost their enthusiasm.

At this time, the elf center in Bai Mo's memory was finally discovered by the sharp-eyed Ram.

Ram was surprised when he saw that there was an elf center in front of him, and immediately told the girl.

A group of people quickly ran to the door of the Elf Center, and saw a sign in front of the door that said:

"The tallest elf center in the world, the last chance to restore the elf."

"I didn't expect that there is also a Pixie Center here, the tallest Pokemon Center in the world, let's take a photo as a souvenir!"

Xiaolan waved her little hand, and became interested again, Xiaoxue and the girls nodded in cooperation.

"I'm coming."

Ram skillfully took out the camera and stand from the backpack, set up the automatic shooting, and came to the public sign with Xiaolan, and several people left a photo here.

After doing all this, because there were very few people in this elf center, Bai Mo and the girls stayed overnight for a long time.

Early the next morning, Bai Mo, who had rested all night, brought all his equipment and led Xiao Lan to the top of Baixue Mountain.

As for the other girls, um, they all went back to the small world because of the little lazy loli who took the lead.

Only Xiao Lan, because she had made rhetoric before climbing the mountain, felt that it was too shameful to withdraw like this, so she gritted her silver teeth and continued to climb the mountain with Bai Mo!

It is very difficult to climb these thick ice-covered cliffs normally. The ice axe in hand cannot be knocked into the ice layer at all, but in order to provide a support point for the body, the ice axe has to be vigorously swung.

Xiaolan has no experience in climbing snow-capped mountains. After climbing the snow-capped mountains for nearly two hours, she finally gave up. She looked at Bai Mo pitifully and said:

"Mo, I can't take it anymore. If this goes on, my hands will blisters. You just want the Blood Winged Dragon to take us up there, okay?"

Chapter 0771 Depressed little blue

Hearing Xiao Lan's words, Bai Mo smiled angrily. He didn't let the elf out before because he hoped that the frozen bird would take the initiative to show up. Now that I think about it, it's not a bad time. It's better to go to the top of the mountain. Look for it.

Thinking of this, he nodded and agreed to Xiaolan's request, released the blood-winged dragon, and the two of them immediately got on its back and let it fly straight to the top of the mountain.

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