On the back of the blood-winged flying dragon, Xiao Lan, who did not need to climb the mountain, immediately recovered her spirits. She also lay down in Bai Mo's arms with a blushing face and asked curiously:

"Do you think we can find the frozen bird?"

"It's not possible, maybe we can meet the frozen bird today, maybe we never meet it. After all, this white snow mountain is so big, it's really difficult to find a elf." Bai Mo shook his head. Shaking his head, although he can be sure that there are frozen birds here, the Baixue Mountain is not small, and frozen birds are really hard to find.

Seeing that Bai Mo, who has always believed in him, was not sure that he would find the Frozen Bird, Xiao Lan's eyes turned to an idea, "Joey at the center of the elf didn't say that the Frozen Bird would help travelers in distress in the snow-capped mountains. Well, if we pretend to be killed, do you think the frozen bird will take the initiative to appear in front of us?"

"Stop dreaming, do you think we look like travelers in distress?" Putting a hand on the whimsical little blue's forehead, Bai Mo looked up and said firmly:

"Let's go to the top of the mountain to look for it a little bit."

"I believe that hard work pays off!"

Because the current wind and snow is a bit heavy, the blood-winged flying dragon is a little slow to avoid the strong airflow affecting Bai Mo and Xiaolan on its back, but this speed is still many times faster than the two people who climbed by himself. , Soon, the two came to the top of Baixue Mountain.

It has to be said that the elf that can fly in such an environment is really much more reliable than helicopters and the like.

The area of ​​the top of Baixue Mountain is not large. Sitting on the back of the blood-winged dragon, Bai Mo quickly looked at the entire area on the top of the mountain. Unfortunately, there was no sign of the frozen bird.

However, Bai Mo is not in a hurry. He already had a plan when he thought about going to the top of Baixue Mountain to camp.

The environment here is not only good for the ice-type elves, but also an excellent training place for the ice-type elves like the stingy land shark. No matter whether the frozen bird is found in the end, Bai Mo will always be there. Train here for a while.

The ones who needed training were Bai Mo and Liebite Lu Shark. Bai Mo didn't want Xiaolan to train with him in such a cold place.

I asked Xiaolan what she meant, and seeing that she didn't want to go back to the small world but wanted to stay with him, Bai Mo released a fire-breathing dragon X Xue Xiaozhi used the fire-breathing dragon in the anime, and used flames where he felt there was less wind and snow. A hole burned out.

Then let the Hippo King use the exciting light to turn the surrounding snow into hard ice and become an igloo.

In the end, he built a warm tent inside, and let Xiaolan stay here when she was free. He also left her a solar sled. If she was bored, she could go out to play, but she asked her to bring a communication machine.

The environment inside the tent is warm and comfortable. Xiao Lan, who has been in the cold wind for a long time, lies in the comfortable tent, and the feeling of exhaustion just now has been reduced by most of it.

"Mo, are you really not coming in to rest?"

Xiaolan asked with concern, there was a strange light in her eyes, the reason why she didn't want to go back to the small world was to seize the opportunity to be alone with Bai Mo!

"No, I'll ride the fire-breathing dragon X to search nearby. I'll come back to cook after a while. If you have something to do, just contact me through the communicator. I won't be out of the contact area." Bai Mo shook his head. Shaking his head, he rode the Fire-breathing Dragon X and disappeared into the snow.

In order to prevent accidents, Bai Mo called out Shanai Duo, both to protect and to have a company with Xiao Lan.

Seeing Bai Mo disappear, Xiao Lan suddenly felt a burst of guilt in her heart. Since traveling with Bai Mo, she found that every time Bai Mo and her sisters prepared everything for her and planned everything.

And she always enjoys it as a matter of course. Like now, she is clearly staying here to rest, but she has to come back for lunch before Bai Mo comes back. It's really useless.

So, with a flash of firmness in his eyes, Xiao Lan decided to try making lunch today.

Naturally, Bai Mo didn't know what Xiao Lan was thinking. Because it was a personal relationship, Bai Mo was flying very fast on the Fire-breathing Dragon X. After he chose a direction, he signaled the Fire-breathing Dragon X to search along the way.

The reason why he chose Fire-breathing Dragon X instead of Blood Winged Flying Dragon was mainly because the flames at the tail of Fire-breathing Dragon X could help Bai Mo keep warm.

Bai Mo was searching for the north this time, and he found nothing along the way except for a few small boars or messenger birds and other ice-type elves.

However, Bai Mo was in a good mood, because he easily subdued a small mountain pig and a messenger bird with good aptitude.

After searching the northern area, it was almost noon, and Bai Mo returned to the top of the mountain, and he was about to start the ice and snow training to bite the land sharks.

The content of ice and snow training is very simple. The general training content is the same as usual, but the environment has changed.

But what left Bai Mo speechless was that when he returned to the cave, he saw a gray-faced man and Shanaido who was smiling wildly.

This scene shocked him, and when he took a closer look, he realized that the disgraced person was actually Xiao Lan.

Seeing Bai Mo, Xiaolan's face showed a blush, but because of the dark layer on her face, no one saw her.

When Shanaduo saw Bai Mo, he covered his mouth and chuckled and told Bai Mo what had happened before.

It turned out that after Bai Mo left, Xiao Lan wanted to try cooking, but due to the poor control of the heat and the addition of too much oil, the place was smoky and smoked like this.

When Shanai Duo explained the matter clearly, Xiao Lan looked embarrassed, her eyes were a little rosy, she looked at Bai Mo and asked anxiously:

"Mo, you say, am I very useless, I don't think I can help you a little bit."

Chapter 0772 Xiaolan fell in love, and the frozen bird appeared

"Mo, do you think I'm useless!?"

Hearing Xiao Lan's question, Bai Mo smiled and shook his head. He took the snow water from the side to wash the former's face a little. After cleaning, he said seriously:

"Everyone has their own thing to do, just like Ram is doing cooking and shooting, Xiaoxue is doing cooking and nurturing elves, and you are doing elves fighting!"

"So, you just need to use your abilities in battle. Cook, we have too many people, so I can't trouble you!"

"Besides, you have been with me in the snow-capped mountains, so don't think too much."

"When traveling with me, just get used to how I treat you well."

Saying that, Bai Mo reached out and pinched Xiao Lan's face.

"You'll spoil me, then I won't care..."

Bai Mo's words moved Xiao Lan to the ground, and she threw herself into Bai Mo's arms under her emotions. At this moment, Xiao Lan knew that she would no longer avoid the man in front of her.

In response to this, Bai Mo just touched his head and didn't care at all, thinking to himself:

"Spoiled is spoiled, as long as it makes you happy."

In the days that followed, Bai Mo's work and rest were very regular. In the morning, he spent half a day searching for a direction he had not been to before. In the afternoon, he supervised the training of the sharks, and in the evening, he returned to Little World and the girls. Have a meal, chat and deepen the relationship.

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