Hearing Bai Mo's request, Ami bowed again and explained, "As a gym trainer, I can't refuse a challenge!"

"But now I can't have a fair gym match, whether physically or mentally."

"Oh!" Noticing Ami's current state, and thinking of what happened in the original book, Bai Mo's heart suddenly reacted, and he asked knowingly:

"If you don't mind, can you tell us what happened?"

"Maybe I can help you!"

"Help me!?" Hearing Bai Mo's words, Ami looked at him seriously, then her eyes lit up, and she said with a hint of excitement:

"Ah, you are Dr. Bai Mo, I didn't expect to see you here!"

"That's it. Recently, Guang'er's health is not good. I need to take care of her. I can't leave her side, so I can't fight. I'm really sorry."

"Guang'er, is Guang'er your boyfriend of Ami?" Xiaolan asked curiously after hearing Ami's explanation, because Ami now acts like she is taking care of her sick boyfriend.

"Of course not!" Hearing Xiao Lan's words, Ami waved her hand immediately, while Bai Mo explained in a sullen manner, "Guang'er is an electric dragon."

"Oh, it turned out to be an electric dragon." Xiao Lan nodded to show her understanding, and then she reacted again, looking at Bai Mo curiously and asked, "This, Mo, how did you know?"

"This is because Dr. Bai Mo has helped Guang'er before and knows about Guang'er's situation." It was Ami who answered Xiaolan, and she smiled slightly: "That was three years ago, when Guang'er had a strange disease. , it is always easy to have excess power, but there is no way to solve it.”

"I couldn't help it at the time, and I posted this situation to the navigator website hoping to get help from others."

"And it was Dr. Bai Mo who helped me."

Speaking of this, Ami's eyes became brighter, and her gaze towards Bai Mo also became somewhat different.

Noticing Ami's gaze, Bai Mo followed her words and explained to Xiaolan: "Guang'er is the elf that Ami's grandmother gave her when she was a child. It means different things to her, but she is born with flaws. It is easy to fall into a state of load, and it is not suitable for combat!"

"The method I gave is to waste its power, so Guang'er often goes to the lighthouse to generate electricity."

"But it's a cure for the symptoms rather than the root cause."

After explaining, Bai Mo frowned at Ami and asked, "So, is Guang'er relapsed?"

Unlike Ami, in order to study the body, Bai Mo spent a period of time with the electric dragon named Guang'er. Instead, he had a good relationship, so he cared a lot.

"Yeah." Ami sighed and said, "Some time ago, Onion City encountered a big typhoon, and Guang'er was generating electricity at the lighthouse, but she was struck by lightning, and then fell into a state of load, and now there is no way to quit."

"I let Miss Joy see it. Miss Joy said that Guang'er has a big problem because of her own defects. It depends on whether it can survive."

Speaking of this, Ami's performance is a bit lost. She and Guang'er have grown up together since childhood, and their relationship for nearly [-] years is not fake. Moreover, Guang'er is also an elf from her dearest grandmother. The meaning is also Different.

Now that the electric dragon is in danger of losing her life, she is naturally very worried.

This is also the reason why she refuses the gym competition even though she is a gym trainer.

"That's it!" After hearing Ami's explanation, Bai Mo touched his chin, and then smiled, "It's okay, it seems that Guang'er really has a relationship with me."

"I have a way to save Guang'er."

"Even, this time may be able to solve the problem at the root."

"Dr. Bai Mo, do you have a solution!?" Bai Mo's words immediately made Ami excited, but just when she wanted to ask something, the navigator in her pocket suddenly rang, and she hurriedly answered the phone, after saying a few words. After the sentence, the complexion became a little unsightly.

After hanging up the phone, Ami looked up at Bai Mo and said seriously, "Dr. Bai Mo, Miss Joy called to say that Guang'er's situation seems to have deteriorated, and I must rush to Guang'er's side right now."

"Sorry for letting you go for nothing, the gym battle will only be postponed to the next time."

"Well, are you willing to come with me!?"

Saying that, Ami's eyes became a little anxious and expectant.

"Of course, let's go!" Bai Mo smiled and motioned for Ami to lead the way.

Afterwards, the group led by Ami went to a treatment room in the Spirit Center.

At this time, in the treatment room, an electric dragon was plugged into various circuits, and around it, blue-purple electric lights flashed continuously.

Looking at it like this, it is obvious that the electric power in this electric dragon has reached a very high level.

"Miss Joy, how is Guang'er!?" Entering the treatment room, Ami came to Joy with a heavy expression.

Seeing Ami's arrival, Joey sighed and said:

"Miss Ami, Guang'er's situation is very bad."

"It was unable to correctly estimate the amount of electricity stored in the two red electric balls because of a physical defect."

"Originally generating electricity in the lighthouse, at least passively creating balance, but this time, accidentally absorbed the power of natural lightning, Guang'er has too much electricity in his body, and fell into a coma."

"The most deadly thing is that under such circumstances, it is still absorbing electricity unconsciously. If it goes on like this, it may expose itself because of too much electricity in its body!"

Hearing this, Ami's complexion suddenly sank, and at this time, Bai Mo had already come to Guang'er's side, and directly ignoring the current on his body, he stretched out his left hand!

Chapter 0777 Model Show in Shallow City!

"Bai Mo!"

Noticing Bai Mo's movements, Xiao Lan suddenly wanted to stop her, while Joey, Ami and Ke Xia all looked towards the hospital bed when they heard her voice.

The next moment, the girls were all shocked.

When Bai Mo reached out and touched Guang'er's body, the electric current on the latter's body seemed to attack him consciously.

But at this moment, a strange green light suddenly appeared on Bai Mo's hand. When the current on Guang'er's body touched this green light, it was like encountering an insulator, and he stopped attacking Bai Mo immediately.

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