And this is not over yet, with the passage of time, the green light began to slowly cover the light, and when the light was completely enveloped by the green light, the frowning expression that was originally due to the pain gradually calmed down.

Such a change fell into the eyes of Ami and the others, and they all closed their mouths wisely and did not speak again, for fear of affecting Bai Mo.

After a long while, Bai Mo withdrew his hand, let out a sigh of relief, then turned to look at Ami and smiled, "Fortunately not to be humiliated, Guang'er will not be in danger for the time being."

"Really!?" Ami was suddenly excited, then looked at Joey who was on the side, the latter understood, and immediately went to the side and started to operate.

It's not that Ami suspects Bai Mo, it's just that Guang'er is too important to her, she is very cautious, and Bai Mo who knows this doesn't care.

After a while, Joey's pretense ended. He first glanced at Bai Mo in surprise, then looked at Ami and smiled:

"Miss Ami, you don't have to worry anymore. Guang'er has returned to the state before the accident. As long as you don't encounter similar things in the future, you don't have to be afraid."

"That's great." Ami let out a sigh of relief when Joey returned with certainty. Then she came to Bai Mo and bowed solemnly:

"Thank you, Bai Mo!"

"Don't be so polite." Bai Mo smiled and shook his head, then rubbed his chin and said, "Guang'er's problem is more serious than I thought."

"It's because it's been around for so long!"

"If it is to be cured, it will take a long time of treatment."

"Can a cure be done!?" After hearing Bai Mo's words, Ami suddenly asked excitedly. When she heard what Bai Mo said, she thought that Guang'er had not been cured, but she didn't expect it was just a matter of time.

"Of course you can." Bai Mo seriously looked at Ami's pretty face, which was a little flushed from excitement, and smiled, "My superpower has recently broken through, and I have the ability to heal, but this power is still there. It’s not strong, and Guang’er’s situation is more troublesome.”

"So long-term treatment is needed."

"According to my estimate, it will take my treatment every day and it will take a month to completely resolve the problem."

Speaking of this, Bai Mo paused when he spoke, and then continued: "But when it is completely cured, Guang'er's aptitude originally only of the top grade will definitely grow quite a bit, and it is not impossible to become the top grade aptitude."

"In addition, its strength may make a breakthrough, with the strength of the king!"

"This, is this true?!" Bai Mo's words surprised Ami. She is now [-] years old and has been nurturing elf for four years. Because of some background in her family, she has also cultivated a big steel snake with excellent qualifications. .

But until now, the big steel snake is nothing but the strength of the quasi-king peak.

But even so, Ami has become the top gym trainer in the entire Chengdu area.

From this, it can be imagined that high-quality elves are rare and difficult to cultivate.

Just like the electric dragon Guang'er, Guang'er and Ami have been friends for [-] years. They grew up together and have high-grade aptitudes, but now they are only the peak strength of the quasi-celestial king.

But now, since Bai Mo can cure Guang'er while giving her stronger strength and aptitude, how can this make Ami not surprised? !

"Of course it's true." Bai Mo nodded in affirmation.

"Okay." After Bai Mo's affirmative answer, Ami immediately made a decision in her heart. Looking at the former, she said, "Then Bai Mo, I will disturb you for the next month. Can I take Guang'er to travel with you?"

"Of course there's no problem." Bai Mo naturally wouldn't refuse the beauty who wanted to travel with him. He knew very well that the elf to be treated was the electric dragon Guang'er, and Ami had a special feeling for her, so she would follow and change No other elf will behave like this now.

"That's good." After making a decision, Ami glanced at Guang'er on the hospital bed and smiled, "Then, Bai Mo, in the battle, I won't be in the mood until Guang'er wakes up, so let's decide tomorrow, how about that? "

"No problem." Bai Mo wasn't in a hurry to get a badge or something.

"Yeah!" After discussing the matter with Bai Mo, Ami had time to look at Ke Xia who was on the side and said:

"Ke Xia, you go back to the gym first, and I'll tell you something when I get back."

"Yes!" Ke Xia nodded obediently immediately.

Afterwards, he stayed for a while, because the battle was going to be tomorrow, Bai Mo took Xiaolan aside from the Elf Center, and planned to take the girls to stroll around the Shallow Onion Market:

"That's great." Ke Xia, who came out with Bai Mo, didn't dare to take a deep breath until she walked to the door of the elf center. Her face was full of happiness. As she said that, she looked at Bai Mo who was beside her, her eyes flashing. Said: "So the big brother is the famous Doctor Bai Mo."

"It scared me to death just now."

"I thought I was going to be scolded to death by Teacher Ami this time. Thank you, Big Brother Bai Mo, thanks to your willingness to forgive me."

Hearing this, Bai Mo stretched out his hand and patted her on the head, and said with a smile, "But your teacher is in a bad mood after being tricked by the electric dragon. You shouldn't make similar mistakes in the future."

"What!" Hearing Bai Mo's words, Xia pouted and said, "I just want to take this opportunity to receive the challengers on behalf of the teacher, and help the teacher to share his worries!"

"But the teacher is a dead brain, and he won't agree to copy it."

"Your teacher is obviously afraid that you will smash the signboard of the gymnasium!" Bai Mo complained for a while, but his expression was still calm, and said lightly: "The gym owner needs the approval of the alliance, even if Ami approves you, it is useless, Don't even think about it."

"Okay." But Xia also knew that Bai Mo was telling the truth, she shook her head in frustration, and then said, "By the way, Big Brother Bai Mo, there is a model clothing show in Shallow City tonight!"

"It will be very lively by then. If you are interested, you can go and see it!"

Hearing this, Bai Mo suddenly became interested and asked curiously:

"Fashion show? What kind of clothing show is it?"

Chapter 0778 Bai Mo was "slapped in the face" and saw Kamizlei for the first time

"What kind of clothing show?" Bai Mo asked curiously.

Hearing Bai Mo's question, Xia took out a seaside note from the small satchel around her waist, "This, because our Shallow City is a port city, it will be closely connected with other cities and even other regions, so Some large clothing companies will regularly hold model catwalks here!"

"The main thing is that this is not an ordinary fashion show, but a brand new fashion show where models and elves walk on the stage together!"

"Hey, this is their flyer. I heard that this time, a supermodel from other regions will appear. I heard from the teacher that the supermodel is still her good friend."

"Oh!?" Ami's words successfully aroused Bai Mo and Xiaolan's interest, and the former took the poster and checked it out.

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