Take Kamizlei, for example, he has many suitors in Hezhong. If she cannot become a Heavenly King-level trainer before a certain age, she will definitely need to choose one of the suitors to marry. This is an unavoidable fate.

But now, the appearance of Mega has given Kamizlei a glimmer of hope. Mega, whether it is the enhancement of her strength or the possibility of breaking through the King of Heaven, gives her more hope!

Hearing Kamizlei's question, Bai Mo knew what she was thinking, and nodded: "This will definitely happen."

"However, there are not many Mega evolution stones in the electric dragon, and the development of matching keystones also takes a lot of time."

"Kami, you need to take a moment to wait."

"Phew, it's alright, it doesn't matter if you wait for a while." After receiving a positive answer from Bai Mo, Kamizlei showed a smile, as long as there is hope.

Seeing Kamizlei's performance, Bai Mo suddenly said, "Kami, do you want to travel with us?"

"It just so happens that Ami wants to travel with us for a month, and you can just as well. In one month, the development of the keystone must have been completed, and I still have the Mega Evolution Stone of the Electric Dragon, but I can give you one."

"Is this true?" Bai Mo's words made Kamizlei breathe a little faster, but she knew that Mega Evolution Stones were expensive. Unlike Keystones that can be mass-produced, Mega Evolution Stones are very rare, so Even though Mega Evolution Stones are expensive, they are still in short supply in the market, and now it has caused a wave of exploration of Mega Evolution Stones all over the world.

With the accumulation of the past few years, Kamizlei will definitely get the money to buy the Mega Evolution Stone, but if others also buy it, it's hard to tell when it's her turn, which is why she is asking now...

I just didn't expect that Bai Mo would be willing to provide Mega Evolution Stones now, and Kamizlei was really surprised.

"Of course, we are friends after all, aren't we?" The corners of his mouth curled up, Bai Mo took out an electric dragon Mega Evolution Stone and handed it to Kamizlei.

Bai Mo is now completely generous. Since his superpower breakthrough, his small world has changed again. One of the changes is that the small world tree can produce Mega evolution stones according to his wishes.

However, Bai Mo knew very well that rareness was precious and the power of Mega, so he firmly grasped the circulation of Mega Evolution Stones in the market.

But he certainly won't be stingy when it comes to picking up girls or using it for his own woman.

"Thank you!" Seeing Bai Mo handing the Mega Evolution Stone to him so dashingly, without making any demands, Kamizlei felt more heart-warming than some dreamy feelings at this time.

At this moment, Kamizlei felt that Bai Mo's smile had become so bright. Thinking of everything that happened last night, she said in a mysterious way, "Bai Mo, I have a nickname called Xiao Ju'er."

"We are all good friends. You can call me Xiao Ju'er in the future."

"Well, okay, little Ju'er." With the opportunity to get closer to the beauties, Bai Mo is naturally worried!


After the battle in Shallow Onion City, Bai Mo decided to hurry up to Zhanlan City to win the badge in order to catch up with the Vortex Islands competition.

Originally, in order to get to Baimo in Zhanlan City quickly, I planned to ride the blood-wing flying dragon directly, and it would take about half a day to arrive.

However, considering that the weather at sea is really changeable and a little unsafe, and that Kamizlei and Ami are new members, the group finally chose to take a boat.

So, Bai Mo took the girls on the shuttle boat to Zhanlan City to Shallow Onion City.

After getting on the boat, the girls were a little excited and ran around on the boat.

Seeing their happy expressions, Bai Mo couldn't help showing a doting smile on his face.

Chapter 0785 The tyrannical carp dragon riot, Lugia! ?

Bai Mo has always been a person who makes good use of his time. When he got to the boat, he immediately released several blood-winged dragons, fossilized dragons, and fire-breathing dragons X and Y.

Recently, Bai Mo always kept two of the little elves in the air, and only came down to rest when they were tired, so that they could not only exercise their physical strength but also exercise their flying ability.

Moreover, the blood wing dragon and the fossil wing dragon, they are all fighting madmen, and they can also fight on their own in the air, deepening the combat experience and the strength of their unique skills.

After releasing the elf, Bai Mo lay down on the chair alone, enjoying the rare sunshine.

Among the little elves, the electric dragon and the two big chrysanthemums that have just evolved some time ago have learned the same way, sunbathing like Bai Mo!

The Hippo King stayed by the railing and looked at the sea, wondering what he was thinking.

Bite Land Shark and Bangira are training with new weight devices made by Bai Mo. These two elves are training madmen, and fighting is their best way to relax.

After basking in the sun for a while, Bai Mo wondered if he should go fishing in the sea and try to catch a new elf.

But at this time, when he saw that Shanaido was just at the top of the deck, he suddenly had a flash in his mind, wondering if it was time to recreate a classic scene from a famous love movie in his previous life.

It's just that before he could act, he frowned and couldn't help but look towards the sky. Since his power breakthrough, his mental power perception has become much stronger, and he has become very sensitive to changes in the natural forces around him.

He found that the clouds were a little different.

At this time, bursts of exclamations entered Bai Mo's ears.

"My God, there are so many tyrannical dragons!"

"God, they seem to surround us."

He vaguely understood what was going on, Bai Mo immediately came to Shanaido, and at the same time called the girls around him to protect him, lest they have any accident.


The sky suddenly became extremely dark, and a large group of black thunderclouds mixed with lightning appeared directly above the ship.

At this time, Bai Mo, who came to the side of the boat, also saw the surrounding situation clearly. There were about two dozen tyrannical carp dragons surrounding the boat, and they also used the tornado skill together. They are outraged.

Encountering such a scene, Bai Mo frowned slightly, it is not difficult to solve this danger now with his ability.

On the contrary, if he waited until the tornado of the Tyrannosaurus was fully formed, and then launched a combined attack, it would be difficult for him to shoot.

Thinking of this, Bai Mo immediately ordered a few elves around him to attack, at least to stop a few tyrannical carp dragons. As for Dream and the others, they would not take action until the critical moment. This is some of the super beasts Unwritten restrictions.

Fortunately, there are many witty people like Bai Mo on this ship. Several trainers have released Pokémon to attack, apparently with the same intention.

However, Tyrannosaurus is also a powerful elf after all, except for a very few, other Tyrannosaurus are hardly affected.

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