Seeing that the thunderclouds in the sky are about to take shape, many people have horrified eyes.

Even Bai Mo is a little unstable, this is really an inexplicable disaster.

Thinking of this, Bai Mo couldn't help turning his head to look at Dream, planning to let her take action.


Before Bai Mo could speak, just when everyone was about to despair, a high-pitched cry suddenly came from the depths of the sea.

Under the sea, a black shadow appeared in everyone's eyes. Dozens of tyrannical carp dragons roared wildly after hearing the call, and then canceled the use of the tornado in the eyes of everyone in surprise. Go clean.

This accident really came and went quickly, and the sky returned to its original brightness.

The ship passengers who survived the disaster have guessed what the shadow is, but the shadow has disappeared after the tyrannical carp dragon dispersed, so no one can go to investigate.

On the other hand, Bai Mo was thoughtful.

After a small gap, nothing happened after that. Bai Mo and his party came to Zhanlan City!

Since it was still early, Bai Mo discussed with all the girls, and the rest of the girls decided to take a stroll in Zhanlan City, while Bai Mo took Xiaolan, Shanaiduo and a few elf girls straight to Zhanlan Gym to challenge.

The building of Zhanlan Taoist Hall is somewhat similar to Yuanzhu Taoist Hall, both of which are dojo buildings.

Walking into the gym, Bai Mo found that several teenagers in uniform judo costumes were in an empty-handed duel with some fighting elves. Due to their seriousness, no one noticed Bai Mo and Xiaolan walking in for a while.

"Excuse me, is the gym trainer here?"

Seeing that no one came to greet him, Bai Mo had no choice but to shout.

"you are?"

The one who spoke was a teenager who practiced with Hao Li. He stopped immediately after hearing Bai Mo's voice and came to Bai Mo to ask.

"Hello, I'm here to challenge Zhanlan Taoist Hall." Bai Mo smiled slightly.

Hearing this, the young man suddenly realized, "Oh, it turned out to be a gymnasium, but the teacher is warming up for a sparring in the backyard. I'll take you there."

Having said that, the boy turned around and walked towards the backyard with Bai Mo and the two of them.

Seeing this, Bai Mo and Xiaolan looked at each other, nodded, and walked behind the boy towards the backyard.

Soon, the boy brought Bai Mo to the backyard.

In the backyard, a big, muscular man without a shirt was doing a simple exercise with a Hao Li.

The young man walked straight to the big man and bowed respectfully.

"Teacher, this is Bai Mo from Weibai Town, who came to challenge you to the gym."

"Oh, is that right?" Hearing his student's words, Ah Si turned his head and looked up and down at Bai Mo, then his eyes lit up and he said imposingly:

"I didn't expect that the famous Dr. Bai Mo would come to my gym to challenge!"

"It's my pleasure!"

"I am Ah Si, the trainer of the Azure Gym."

"Hello, Dr. Bai Mo!"

"Hello!" Bai Mo was accustomed to the surprise and delight of the gym owners every time he challenged the gym, and said lightly:

"Master Ah Si, next to me is my girlfriend Xiao Lan, we all have to challenge the gym!"

"is that OK!?"

Chapter 0786 Azure Gym Tournament

"Then start the gym competition between Azure Gym trainer Ah Si and challenger Bai Mo with badges as bets!"

"Start now! The elf used is two, are you two ready?"

Bai Mo and Ah Si came to a venue, along with many of Ah Si's disciples.

"Dr. Bai Mo, the elf I use is this strange power and the hot monkey!"

After the referee finished speaking, Ah Si threw two Poke Balls directly.

As two white lights flashed, a sturdy and imposing hot monkey and a strange force with four limbs and hands appeared on the field, but from the appearance, it can be seen that the hot monkey and the strange force were cultivated very well by Ah Si .

Each gym has its own characteristics, and so does Azure City.

Every time he faced a challenge, Ah Si would let the trainees in the gym come to watch the Pokémon battle between him and others. He felt that this would give him a more realistic understanding of how the knowledge he had learned was applied.

With the nature of return, Ah Si will directly release the two elves that he wants to send.

"Go on, Hot Monkey!" After releasing the elf, Ah Si nodded to the Hot Monkey beside him.

The elf that Ah Si first sent turned out to be a hot monkey, which surprised Bai Mo.He knows very well that Hot Monkey's temper is quite bad. If you don't look at anything else, just look at Xiao Zhi, who is sad and reminded in the anime.

It is a very troublesome thing to want to command such a bad-tempered elf well.

"Dr. Bai Mo, do you really want to see how my hot monkey is trained?" Ah Si noticed Bai Mo's unexpected expression, and a smile appeared on his face.

"That's right, I don't know if you can make this hot monkey obey the command." Bai Mo nodded, he was really curious.

"Come on, you will be surprised." Si looked confident.

Hot Monkey is a relatively short-handed elf, Ah Si only has the idea of ​​a quasi-celestial king, Bai Mo thinks about it and directly sends the more cautious electric dragon to play.

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