"The game starts!" The referee waved the flag!

Both sides released the elf, and the referee immediately announced the start of the game.


Bai Mo immediately directed the electric dragon to use electric discharge to attack.


When the electric dragon got the order, it flashed all over, and the extremely fast discharge did not give the hot monkey time to react and hit it.


Suddenly attacked, Hot Monkey immediately became angry, and without getting Ah Si's order, he jumped and rushed towards Electric Dragon.


Seeing the hot monkey rushing towards the electric dragon, Bai Mo calmly asked the electric dragon to set up a power grid around it and wait for the hot monkey to arrive. Under such circumstances, he really wanted to see how Ah Si would command and was already in anger. State of the hot monkey.

But what surprised Bai Mo was that in the face of the furious Hot Monkey, Ah Si never spoke.

In the arena, before the hot monkey rushed to the power grid, he naturally used frantic grabbing to shred the power grid in front of him.

After doing everything, the angry expression on the hot monkey's face is still the same, but its movements are as if it has been practiced hundreds of times:

"Huh!?" Bai Mo couldn't help frowning.

Noticing Bai Mo's expression, Ah Si asked with a smile:

"Dr. Bai Mo, you must be very strange, right?"

Hearing this, Bai Mo nodded. He couldn't understand why Hot Monkey would make the most correct response at such a time.

With a complacent look on Ah Si's face, he said eloquently: "Generally, the trainer of the hot monkey always wants to control the temper of the hot monkey, so that the trainer can command the elf anytime and anywhere during the competition!"

"And I think doing this is a kind of restraint on the ability of Hot Monkey. Dr. Bai Mo must know that the more angry the little elf Hot Monkey is, the stronger its strength will be. If it is forced to calm down, then the strength of Hot Monkey will inevitably be weakened."


Bai Mo was a little surprised. The hot monkey in front of him was trained very well, but the strength of the electric dragon should not be underestimated.

In the next moment, Bai Mo calmly commanded:

"Electric Dragon, split tiles!"


As Bai Mo's voice fell, Hot Monkey who had broken through the power grid collided with Electric Dragon in the arena, and Electric Dragon resisted Hot Monkey's hand-knife attack by splitting tiles.

Seeing this, Ah Si continued:

"If you want to maintain the strength of the hot monkey, the best way is to keep it in a state of anger."

"But how can Hot Monkey make the most correct choice like this?" Bai Mo asked the question he cared about most.


Ah Si stretched out his finger to the Hot Monkey in the arena, and said proudly: "In normal times, through constant training, the Hot Monkey can adapt to various emergencies, and let it turn this reaction into an instinctive existence, so that even if It is in a state of anger and can still make the most correct choice in the face of danger."

Although Ah Si said it easily, Bai Mo knew how difficult it was to achieve such a level. How many times of training would be required to make all kinds of reactions become instinctive.

Only countless boring exercises can turn these coping styles into instinctive reactions, so that not only can the hot monkey stay in the strongest state, but also let it seize the opponent's every mistake, as long as there is a chance The body's instinct will allow it to seize this flaw and launch a violent attack.

After thinking about Ah Si's method carefully, Bai Mo still shook his head:

"Master of the Fourth Pavilion, your approach may improve the strength of Hot Monkey, but I can't fully agree.

Relying on the instinct to fight can indeed improve the strength of the elf, but this kind of unthinking fighting method is easy to be guided by the opponent. If the opponent deliberately reveals flaws to you, then the hot monkey will definitely be fooled. "

Just as Bai Mo was talking, the electric dragon on the arena had wrapped the hot monkey's body with its tail.

It turned out that after the electric dragon and the hot monkey had a fight just now, the hot monkey immediately used the shadow clone to interfere with the electric dragon's sight body.

It's a pity that the electric dragon was trained by Bai Mo, and has learned to use its own electric field to sense the opponent's orientation. Although this method cannot be used proficiently, it is still possible to control a slight current to test each shadow clone. .

"Concentrate punch!"

Bai Mo knew that the electric dragon had found the figure of the hot monkey, but the hot monkey did not know it, so Bai Mo launched a surprise attack.

Hit Slam is a fighting style's big move, and it hits Hot Monkey at once.


With a loud bang, the hot monkey flew upside down!

Chapter 0787 Easy to win, ready to participate in the whirlpool islands competition

"Electric Ball!"

When the hot monkey flew out, Bai Mo's voice rang in everyone's ears.

Inside the arena, the electric dragon immediately raised his hands after using the concentrated slam, and a sphere flashing with electric light was quickly condensed, and then threw it out!

The speed of the electric ball was extremely fast, and it caught up with the hot monkey that flew out almost instantly, and hit it!


A powerful explosion suddenly erupted from the hot monkey, and powerful electricity enveloped the hot monkey.

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