Chapter 0804 The two women who left, the two women who returned

"I don't have the habit of letting the girl I like chase you back!"

One sounded behind Kamizlei and Ami, causing the two to turn their heads quickly.

"Bai Mo!"

The one who made the sound was naturally the only man in this small world, Bai Mo.

Seeing Bai Mo not far behind, Kamizlei and Ami were startled, and then a red glow flashed on their faces. They knew that the conversation between the two of them should have been heard by Bai Mo without omission.

Although both of them have the courage to pursue love and their future life plans, they are still very shy when Bai Mo hears all their thoughts.

"You, did you hear it?" Ami couldn't help asking.

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop."

"I passed by."

Helplessly spread out his hands, Bai Mo walked to Kamizlei and Ami in a few steps, with a smile on his face and a firm tone:

"Originally, I wanted to wait until the day we were going to part ways to confess to you and ask if you would like to be my girlfriend."

"But hearing your conversation now, I think it would be better to confirm the relationship earlier."

"Little Ju'er, Ami, are you willing to let me protect you for the rest of your life?"

Saying that, Bai Mo stretched out his hand and grabbed Kamizlei and Ami's Rouyi respectively.


Feeling the temperature on their hands, Ami and Kamizlei looked at each other shyly, and finally nodded their heads. Bai Mo listened to their thoughts, so why hesitate?

"very good!"

Bai Mo showed a smile, the two girls in front of him were good girls, worthy of his protection and love for a lifetime or even forever.

Time went back to the present, after the relationship was confirmed, after half a month of getting along, the relationship between Bai Mo, Kamizlei and Ami became much closer, and even except for the last step, everything that should be done was done.


After being warm in Bai Mo's arms for a while, Kamizlei suddenly summoned up the courage to raise her head and lightly touch his lips, and said softly:

"If you come to Hezhong as promised, I will give you the gift you want the most!"

After finishing speaking, Kamizlei's pretty face was flushed, and she took the initiative to withdraw from Bai Mo's arms and ran towards the passenger ship not far away.

"This girl!"

Looking at Kamizlei's back, a smile appeared on Bai Mo's face. He understood what the former meant, Kamizlei was indeed a hearty woman.

But Bai Mo had to admit that he was indeed seduced.

I don't know if it was Kamizlei's bravery that led Ami. When she saw Kamizlei leave, she also raised her head and lightly touched Bai Mo's lips, then ran in one direction, leaving a sentence in the air:

"Mo, come to me when you win the league championship, and I will give you the reward you want."

"These two girls!" Seeing the two girls run away from the south and the north, Bai Mo shook his head amusingly, but he didn't have any nostalgia.

Kamizlei and Ami both have small world leaves given by Bai Mo, so he is not worried about the safety of the two girls, and he can contact them by phone at ordinary times, so the sadness of the separation is not that serious.

Of course, there is still some sentimentality, so Bai Mo now wants to continue his journey faster.

After letting the blood-winged dragon fly for a distance in the direction of Kaji Town, Bai Mo saw that it was getting late, so he returned to the center of the elf and planned to travel the next day.

However, after returning to the small world, Bai Mo found that the girls were all concentrated in the living room of the villa.

"Hey, you are..."

Bai Mo was curious and wanted to ask what was going on with the girls, but he understood before he finished speaking, with a smile on his face:

"Nazi, Liya, you are back."

That's right, in the middle of the girls sat Nazi and Cattleya. It's been a while since the two girls were taken to the World Tree by Dream to break through their superpowers. I didn't expect to finally return today.

This made Bai Mo a little surprised.

"Mo!" When Na Zi and Cattleya saw Bai Mo, a smile appeared on their always expressionless faces, like an iceberg melting in an instant.

"Aah, Nazi and Liya are really too much, they will only laugh at Bai Mo!" The performance of the two girls caught the eyes of all the girls, and Nana Mei suddenly became joking.

"Yeah!" Ram also stood up and said with a tasteful expression: "I'm leaving, here, waiting for my heart."

With that said, Ram took the lead and walked towards the second floor of the villa.

"Ha ha!"

Dream and other women understood Ram's meaning, let out a kind and teasing laughter, and then all walked up to the second floor.

This time, the iceberg beauty Nazi and Cattleya couldn't hold back, and they made a big red face.

"Don't worry about them." Bai Mo was thick-skinned. He sat on the sofa and hugged the two girls into his arms, and said softly:

"Nazi, Liya, I miss you."

"Yeah!" Nazi and Cattleya's stiff bodies suddenly softened by Bai Mo's embrace, and a thousand words melted into his words.

"Mo, we miss you too!"

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