The time came to the evening ten days later.

On this day, Bai Mo brought the girls to Leibo Mountain.

Seeing that it was getting late, Bai Mo and the girls returned to the small world for the night.

But at this time, a heavy fog suddenly formed on the Leibo Mountain, and the thick fog quickly dispersed and enveloped the entire Leibo Mountain.

Bai Mo and the others who were in the mountains could hardly see anything in such an environment.

"Mo, why is it foggy all of a sudden?" The girls instinctively surrounded Bai Mo.

"Didn't I mention it to you before, I guess your future partner is coming." Bai Mo leaned over to Na Zi and chuckled lightly.

"Oh, so it was her." Nazi suddenly understood.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of light footsteps in the thick fog.

As the sound of footsteps appeared, the fog faded a little, and a nine-tailed figure appeared in front of Bai Mo and the two of them.

"Wow, so beautiful."

The girls stared at the nine tails that appeared, their eyes lit up, and the girls really didn't have much resistance to the elf like the nine tails.

The beautiful beige hair on Jiuwei's body, the noble and elegant temperament, and the nine tails that sway constantly all made Yayi fall in love with this little elf that suddenly appeared.

The most important thing is that they have learned from Bai Mo that this nine-tailed animal has lived for hundreds of years and has mastered superpowers on its own.

If Bai Mo hadn't had too many powerful elves, he would have subdued it himself.

But now he is more willing to let Na Zi subdue and become her combat power, anyway, the girls are his.

Moreover, men chasing women are not the only way to subdue them. Specifically, you can refer to the monarch snake.

The master and servant Play is also very touching!

Chapter 0805 The beautiful nine tails with super powers!

Under everyone's attention, a woman walked out from behind Jiuwei. She bowed slightly to Bai Mo and the others, and said softly:

"My name is Luo Ke. It's very foggy here. It's very dangerous to walk on the mountain road at night. You can rest at my house for a night."

After Luo Ke spoke, Bai Mo and the others did not answer immediately, and the girls even gave Bai Mo a very covert look.

Suddenly seeing such a beautiful nine tails just now made the girls unresponsive for a while. Now that Luo Ke immediately remembered Bai Mo's explanation, she couldn't find a way.

Bai Mo gave Na Zi a slight gesture, the purpose of their trip was to let Na Zi get this nine-tailed, so he also wanted to see what medicine the other party sold in the gourd.

Anyway, he is also a bold artist.

Worst of all, there are Dreams and Super Dreams.

After receiving Bai Mo's gesture, Na Zi felt a little happy in her heart and said on behalf of everyone, "Thank you so much, Miss Luoke, but if we go to your house now, I don't know if it will disturb you?"

"It doesn't matter, my place is very big, and there is no problem with you living in it. It just so happens that you can also be my company, but it's hard to see people in this mountain." Yixi, without waiting for the rest of the people to react, has already carried the lantern in front to lead the way for everyone.

Her impatient look made the girls feel that things were tricky, but they were not afraid and followed Luo Ke under the leadership of Bai Mo.

Strange to say, it was clearly in the mountains, but the road chosen by Luo Ke was unusually flat and there was no difficult place to walk. What was even more strange was that after walking behind Luo Ke for a few minutes, a luxurious yard appeared. In front of the two of them, Bai Mo.

"Wow, I didn't expect there would be such a big house in the mountain." Xiaolan was obviously a little surprised when he saw the gorgeous mansion in front of him. You know, the house in front of him is worse than Bai Mo's home in the small world. Not too much.

But everyone should know that the location they are now in is halfway up the hillside of Leibo Mountain, and it is a huge project to build such a house here.

However, Bai Mo, Nazi and a few others knew that all this was just an illusion, and with their strength, they could get rid of it at any time.

"I'm the only one here, you don't have to worry about disturbing others."

"Please come in."

Luo Ke smiled and made a please gesture.

In response to this, Bai Mo naturally chose to refuse, and turned his head to Jiuwei and asked, "Tell me, what's your purpose in bringing us here?"

Bai Mo knew very well that the root of everything in front of him came from this nine tails. He was not so bored when he entered the stone house and dreamed, so he spoke directly, his purpose was the other side.

"I don't mean anything, it's just that I've been here for too long and I'm lonely, so I just want to find a few people to accompany me."

Jiuwei wasn't surprised that Bai Mo could see through her. She noticed Bai Mo's specialness the first time she saw him.

The nine tails did not speak, but replied through the illusion of Luo Ke created by it. It has mastered superpowers and can use superpowers to communicate with each other.

Now that Bai Mo had seen it through, Jiuwei also removed the illusion created by himself, and the originally luxurious mansion immediately turned into a dilapidated appearance, making people know that no one has lived in it for a long time.

"As you can see, everything here is just an illusion."

"Two hundred years ago, my master asked me and my servant to look after the house and then went on a trip by myself. Logically speaking, the master should come back in a month, but... After waiting for ten years, the master has not come back. After ten years away, the last person in the house has also left."

"In the end, I was the only one left here waiting for the master to come back."

"Then [-] years, [-] years later, the mansion is getting more and more dilapidated, but I still continue to wait, I believe that the master will come back."

"But after a hundred years, I think the master is no longer alive, so I made up my mind to leave here."

"But I still can't do it. It seems that some force is holding me back and I can't get out of here."

"And then after about a hundred and fifty years, I got the incredible power I have today."

"By the way, my master is the girl you see now. This is what she looked like when she left."

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