"I didn't expect you to awaken your superpowers by yourself. It's really a miraculous thing." Bai Mo pretended to be surprised, causing the girls to roll their eyes.

However, Xiao Huang was obviously very curious and asked aloud:

"Brother Bai Mo, can an elf like nine tails really live for two hundred years?"

"Of course!" Bai Mo chuckled and explained: "It is said that the tail of the nine tails contains an energy that can live for a thousand years, which is also the origin of the saying 'nine tails live for a thousand years, Kamui live for ten thousand years'. ."

"Of course, if you break through to the championship level, then any elf can live for a long time."

After answering Xiao Huang, Bai Mo turned to look at Jiuwei and said, "Since Jiuwei, your master has passed away, we will try to help you get out of here, but you have to follow the girl next to me, what do you think? ."

Saying that, Bai Mo reached out and pointed at Nazi!


To be honest, Jiuwei was very moved by Bai Mo's proposal. It has a long lifespan, even if it follows Nazi, it doesn't matter. Anyway, it has nowhere to go now.

The main thing is that Bai Mo feels very natural to it, making it look like a close relative.

And Na Zi also gave her a kind feeling in her eyes, making him feel that following Na Zi might be a good choice.

Besides, hundreds of years have passed, and the outside world is not what she understands.

So without thinking for too long, Nine Tails nodded in agreement.

This made Na Zi on the side very happy, she fell in love with her at the first sight of this nine-tailed.

Seeing Jiuwei's promise, Bai Mo acted directly. After watching the anime, he knew that Jiuwei was restricted by the Poké Ball, so he asked Jiuwei Road to find the room where the Poke Ball and its owner's portrait were placed. .

When he got to the room, looking at the picture of the original owner of Nine-Tails on the wall, Bai Mo raised his brows, because he found that things had changed here, and the owner of Nine-Tails was really a beautiful girl.


Chapter 0806 Sealed Poké Ball, encounter God and Yahida

Touching his chin, Bai Mo released his super power to sense the surroundings. His super power is that of a champion elf, much stronger than the Nine Tails, who are only heavenly kings now.

"It really is here."

In the end, Bai Mo found a trap behind the portrait, and the trap was a Poké Ball, a nine-tailed Poké Ball.

Reaching out and holding the Nine-Tails Poke Ball in his hand, Bai Mo was a little puzzled. The ordinary Poke Ball is the product of the will of the world, and the Poke Ball in front of him is somewhat similar to the current Poke Ball, but the Poke Ball around it is quite different. Added a layer of purple crystalline substance.

What surprised Bai Mo the most was that the crystalline substance gave him a familiar feeling, as if it had the same source of power in his body.

"The power of Arceus!"

The next moment, the voices of Bai Mo and Dream sounded at the same time.

"Is this really the power of Arceus?" Bai Mo was finally completely sure when he heard the dream speak.

"It is indeed the power of Arceus." Dream took a step forward and took the Poké Ball in his hand to sense it, and said with a grin, "This Poké Ball has been artificially added to the power of Arceus, and has a powerful seal. If the Poké Ball is subdued, the Pokémon below the first level of God will be powerless to break free."

Speaking of this, Dream glanced at Jiuwei and said: "This Jiuwei is a bit special. It may have been a long time, but he has adapted to this power and can move around at a certain distance, but that's all."

"If no one manually opens the Poke Ball, she will never get out."

"Yeah!" Bai Mo nodded, but there was a doubt in his heart, why did the original owner of the nine tails seal the nine tails in this way?

Maybe it's all just an accident?

Although he was puzzled, Bai Mo immediately returned to the small world and used the current technology to exchange a Poké Ball for Jiuwei, making her Nazi's Poké Ball.

The talent and aptitude of this nine-tailed animal are very good, and it has accumulated a lot of energy. Now it is only the strength of the peak of the king level, but that is because it is restricted by the Poké Ball.

Now that I have changed to a Poke Ball, I believe that Nazi will soon be able to train it into a good combat power.

And Bai Mo, the Poké Ball with the power of Arceus, naturally accepted it by himself. This is a good thing, and maybe it will come in handy in the future.

Next, the journey continued, and Bai Mo and others continued to rush towards Kaji Town.

But one day, in a mountain range, Bai Mo met two unexpected people.

One of these people's name is God Generation!

In the original anime, the archaeological adventurer of the Age of God and the pioneering brain of the battle pyramid in the battle development area left an absolute deep impression on Bai Mo.

If nothing else, it is absolutely shocking that this person has subdued three divine beasts.

Although the gods conquered the three weakest pillars among the divine beasts, the divine beasts are divine beasts in the end. As legendary elves, they have their own strengths and special features. For this, Bai Mo, who now has divine beasts in his body, already has profound experience.

Among the divine beasts, the three divine birds that have the most contact with humans are undoubtedly the three divine birds, which are similar to the three divine pillars, but they have not been subdued by anyone until now.

Of course, with the exception of Bai Mo, who opened up.

Speaking of this, I believe everyone knows that this person from the generation of God definitely has his own uniqueness. After all, he was able to successfully conquer three divine beasts.

When he met Jindai, he was talking to a person who Bai Mo also knew. It was the fat man who created the battle development zone in the future, Yahida.

"Hey, isn't this Dr. Bai Mo!" Yaxida naturally noticed Bai Mo's group, after all, a handsome guy with a bunch of beauties was too eye-catching.

Moreover, people who have reached a certain level are definitely familiar with characters like Bai Mo and cannot be familiar with them. Of course, this kind of familiarity refers to one-sidedness.

"Hello, Mr. Yaxida." Bai Mo smiled and stepped forward, calling out the other party's name.

"Yeah!" A hint of doubt flashed on Yaxida's face, obviously he was very confused that Bai Mo knew about him.

But Yahida is a big man from Weilai and a qualified profiteer. He didn't ask any more questions, but smiled and let his body aside and said with a smile:

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