"I didn't expect Dr. Bai Mo to know me. It's really my honor. By the way, I'll introduce you."

"This is Mr. Kamidai. He is not only an ancient explorer, but also an excellent elf trainer."



Yahida's words surprised the girls around Bai Mo, and they all looked at the Age of God curiously. You must know that a champion trainer is definitely at the tip of the pyramid among human trainers.

I didn't expect them to meet in this wilderness.

However, the girls were just a little surprised, not too rude. Their vision and temperament had long since been trained with the monster Bai Mo.

Although the champion level is very strong, the champion level defeated by Bai Mo's men is not one or two.

"It's Mr. Yahida who won the prize. I'm Kamdai. Hello everyone, please give me more advice." Shindai looks like a meticulous person from the outside, but his attitude is very modest, and he can't see that he is a champion at all. Level elf trainer.

After the two sides got to know each other, White asked curiously: "Mr. Yahida, what are you talking about? Is it about archaeology? Is it convenient to tell us?"

White, obsessed with archaeology, has an extraordinary interest in archaeological nature.

"It's not a secret!" Yashida glanced at Bai Mo, didn't know what to think, scratched her head and said, "Actually, I recently had an idea to build an organization."

"I found Mr. Koujiro this time in the hope that he, a champion trainer, could join the team, but he said that his recent state was not very good and he had something to do, so he couldn't agree for the time being."

"I'm still doing my best."

"You better stop working hard!" Hearing Ahida's words, the gods said righteously: "Yahida, you know that I won't do the second thing until it's done."

"So I won't consider your proposal until this is done."

Chapter 0807 digging a corner openly

"But in this case, the situation on my side is very bad." Yahida said with a wry smile, "Mr. Kamidai, even if there is progress in your affairs, it is estimated that it will not be completed within two or three years. If there is no progress, it is more likely to be completed. No, can't you put it off first?"

"If you join me, you may be able to get more help, and it will be disdainful to complete your plan faster."

"Sorry!" The voice of God's generation was very polite, but there was no room for negotiation, and he said seriously: "This is my code of conduct and must be postponed."

"This god generation is good!"

The performance of the gods fell into Bai Mo's eyes, and he immediately pondered in his heart.

To say something like this, Shendai is serious about things, but if it sounds unpleasant, it means that the stones in the pit are stinky and hard. Such a character is not all bad, at least if he can be subdued, he is absolutely stance because of his personality and his own personality. will not falter.

Otherwise he is denying himself.

Such a person is accompanied by a good ancient knowledge and elf strength, if he pulls his own WT.

Thinking of this, Bai Mo touched his chin.

On the side, noticing Bai Mo's actions, Shanaido, who knew him best, knew that he must be up to something bad again, so he asked Shendai, "Mr. Shendai, what exactly happened to you?"


Jindai hesitated when he heard Shanaido's question, but finally told what happened. It turned out that he discovered a batch of ancient civilization documents during a recent exploration of ancient ruins.

He had a hunch that if the things above were solved, what he had been looking for would come out.

Moreover, these documents are very well preserved, and the text on them is clearly visible. They are definitely precious cultural properties, and he regards them as treasures.

But what makes God helpless is that neither he nor some of the archaeology professionals in the alliance he knows know where the words in this batch of documents come from and what they are about.

The history of the establishment of the Elf Alliance is not long after all. Although it has made the global currency, text, language, measurement, etc. all unified after its appearance, this is not long ago. There are countless countries and cultures in the world, and their characters are naturally different.

"Well done, she deserves to be my nearest wife of Xiaonai!" Bai Mozheng was worried about how to start the topic, Shanaiduo's inquiry solved this problem for him, and gave Shanaiduo a look you know, Bai Mo became a pilgrim Dai asked:

"Can you show it to me if it's convenient?"

"It's nothing!"

For Bai Mo's request, Shendai not only did not refuse, but was rather happy, he took out a stack of thick documents from his bag and handed it to him.

These are copies of documents. As for the originals, they must have been preserved by God using advanced technology.

When Bai Mo got the information, the girls all stepped forward to watch it, and found that they couldn't understand the text on it at all, and they were suddenly a little bit interested.

On the contrary, White saw it with relish, and she couldn't understand it either, but she was very interested in this kind of thing, so she was very devoted to seeing it.

After reading confidently for a while, Bai Mo shook his head. He couldn't understand it either, but although he couldn't understand it, one person definitely understood.

"Dream, tell me what's written on it." Bai Mo used telepathy to ask for help in Dream. The latter, as an existence that can't live for a long time, probably doesn't know the words of a human kingdom.


Dream had long since released her superpowers and translated the content of the text, but after the translation, the information she got made her a little surprised.

This document records the results of an ancient empire's attempt to capture Ho-oh.

The result was naturally that the country failed, angering the Queen of Phoenix and it directly destroyed the country, but it was mentioned above that in the process of the last capture, they actually seriously damaged the King of Phoenix, if it wasn't for something specially developed. One mistake, and they succeeded.

It is also because of this that King Ho was completely enraged, and he summoned a group of younger brothers to completely wipe out the country, turning it into the dust of history.

"However, this document mentions the results literally and does not document the method they used at the time."

"In addition, at the end of this document, there is a picture and text. The picture and text say that there are many temples left in this empire, and in these temples, it seems that there are three pillars of gods."

This made Bai Mo guess that these three divine pillars should be the three that the gods would conquer in the future.

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