"What is this little elf? It's so beautiful." Xiao Huang couldn't help but exclaimed.

"This is a fire bug." Bai Mo reached out and touched Xiao Huang's head, and explained carefully:

"The Vulcan moth resembles a moth, with white neck hairs on its neck and a pair of red tentacles around its cheeks. It has three pairs of reddish-brown moth wings with black spots, which roughly represent the scale powder on the Vulcan moth wings. The body appears full, and the moth wings are divided into a large pair, a middle pair, and a small pair, arranged in the shape of flowers."

"It's a very rare elf!"

"And the Vulcan is believed to be the incarnation of the sun. Appears in the freezing winter to save Pokémon that are stunned by the cold."

"So powerful!?" Xiao Huang's pretty face suddenly turned red, obviously surprised by the power of the Vulcan.

"Yeah." Bai Mo nodded, looking at the Vulcan's expression was indeed a little speechless:

"However, this fire worm always makes people feel a little embarrassed."

"What's wrong?" Nazi asked in confusion, noticing Bai Mo's expression.

"This Vulcan worm should have evolved not long ago." Bai Mo said amusedly:

"The fire god insect is really strong. The other party's fire god insect has a good aptitude and is the best."

"But this strength is only in the early stage of the Quasi-Tianwang!"

Chapter 0818 Mysterious Lake

"Junior Heavenly King!?" The girl was stunned when she heard Bai Mo's words, and then all looked at Lu Tong, who was on the opposite side, wondering if the man was stupid.

Previously, the Heavenly King-level Wind Speed ​​Dogs were quickly defeated by Bai Mo. Now, isn't the one who sent the Vulcan, the quasi-heavenly king, looking for abuse?

"Cough cough!" Noticing the eyes of the girls, Lu Tong scratched his chin in embarrassment when he heard Bai Mo's words:

"As expected of Dr. Bai Mo!"

"If I had known it was you, I would not have challenged."

"I have been training nearby for a long time, and this Vulcan has just evolved."

"My other elves don't have much physical strength left, so I can only use Vulcan!"

"Okay!" Everyone nodded, but the girls looked at Bai Mo with a playful look, because it was not the first time that the latter had not been recognized.

"Really!" Noticing the eyes of the girls, Bai Mo was very upset, and immediately shouted:

"Bite the land shark fiercely, the breath of the dragon."

"Roar!" Lie Bite Lu Shark roared, and finally quickly emitted a silver-white light that was the first to shoot at the Vulcan.

"No, the abuse of vegetables is also the first to attack!"

Lu Tong complained, but he did not move slowly, so he quickly shouted:

"Vulcan, shadow clone!"

The Vulcan worm received the order, and a white light flashed across his body immediately, and then several clones were separated, and the breath of the dragon only hit one of them.

"Sweep all the Vulcan insects with the breath of the dragon..."

Bai Mo naturally knew how to deal with it now, and gave orders calmly.

"Vulcan, flame vortex!" Lu Tong responded loudly.


Following Lu Tong's order, the fire worm suddenly appeared from the top of Liebite Lu Shark's head, and a vortex of flames spewed out of his mouth, covering Liebite Lu Shark.

"Hey, it's pretty awesome."

Seeing the Vulcan worm that landed in front of Lu Tong again, Bai Mo praised.

"Hmph, of course!" Lu Tong raised his eyebrows proudly:

"I am the king of fire! To become the king of fire, the existence of the champion!"

"Vulcan, get on me and shoot flames!"

"Bite Lu Shark fiercely, one more water column tail!" Bai Mo chuckled and gave the order again.

But in his heart, Bai Mo had a bit of a crush on Lu Tong, thinking of the opportunity to draw him to WT.

The trainers who like to use the flame-type elf are more enthusiastic and upright, and this is the friend Bai Mo needs.

And this Lu Tong's strength and luck seem to be good, and it is worth attracting.

At this time, in the field, I saw the Vulcan worm opened its mouth and sent out a flame, quickly rushing towards the Bite Lu Shark, and the Bite Lu Shark directly used a water column tail, which extinguished the flame and hit the fire at the same time. Divine Insect, but the power is halved, and the Vulcan Insect is not directly stunned.

But what Bai Mo is best at is to seize opportunities and immediately shout:

"Dragon Claw!"


Lie Bite Lu Shark's eyes narrowed, and he acted quickly. He hit the dragon's claws, and the Vulcan was hit, and he lost his fighting ability directly.

"Ah, the level gap really isn't fake!"

Seeing that the Vulcan was defeated, Lu Tong worriedly ran over to pick up the Vulcan and put it in the Poké Ball, then scratched his head, and came to the white man who was feeding the burn fruit and orange fruit to the fierce bite land shark. in front of strangers.

"Thank you for giving me such a wonderful battle, Dr. Bai Mo!"

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