"The same is true, that shadow avatar tactic works well."

Bai Mo laughed, this Lu Tong would definitely win if he met an ordinary trainer, but unfortunately he met himself.

However, according to what he said before, he should not have used his full strength yet.

Afterwards, the two talked for a while and made a brief farewell, and Bai Mo took the girls and continued to move towards Yanmo City.

Looking at the backs of Bai Mo and others leaving, Lu Tong narrowed his eyes and suddenly smiled:

"Bai Mo, it's interesting!"

After conquering and winning the battle against Lu Tong, Bai Mo took the girls to continue to move forward to Yanmo City, and the action was very fast.

But this day, Bai Mo suddenly slowed down, making the girls feel strange.

Bai Mo, on the other hand, was mysterious and didn't tell them what to do, only that there would be surprises at times.

In fact, Bai Mo suddenly remembered a story, that is, before the Ice Cave, Xiao Zhi and others found a mysterious lake nearby because Pikachu was injured. There is a special lake in this lake. spar.

The Lightning Bird and some nearby electric elves will come here to recover when they are injured or their stamina is severely reduced.

Release the electric dragon, while moving forward, Bai Mo let it sense it, and he also released the power of Arceus to sense nature to see if there is anything he can find.

After walking for a while, Dianlong and Bai Mo simultaneously sensed that there was something special about the northeast.

Bai Mo guessed that it was the legendary spar, and immediately accelerated in that direction. Along the way, Bai Mo also found more and more electric-type elves, Leiqiu, electric dragons, thunder elves, etc. .

At this time, Bai Mo and Dianlong also felt the difference here, and it seemed that the power was more abundant.

Finally, just when the girls couldn't help but complain, a large clear blue lake appeared in front of the two of them, and a burst of white light shot out from the center of the lake, which was very strange.

Nearby there were injured or weak electric elves going to the lake to take a bath, but they recovered after a while, and then they played in the lake with great energy.

This miraculous scene fell into the eyes of the girls and felt a sense of novelty, and immediately came to observe it mentally.

Ram kept taking photos, while Xiao Huang took Qiuqiu to the lake to take a bath.

And Nanami asked Bai Mo how he knew about this place, but Bai Mo just laughed and told the secret.

Seeing that Bai Mo didn't want to say anything, Nanamei pouted and followed the rest of the girls to observe all kinds of electric-type elves.

The purpose of Bai Mo's coming here is naturally the Lightning Bird, but the Lightning Bird is obviously not so easy to meet. After all, the Lightning Bird only comes back here when he is seriously injured or severely lacking in physical strength.

Bai Mo even guessed that Lei Gong, as one of the three envoys of King Ho to monitor the world, as the incarnation of Raiden, would also come here.

However, the chance of Lei Gong's injury and physical strength dropping to the point where he wants to come here is too low, and he has no hope.

And although it is called the legendary elf, there is more than one lightning bird!

Chapter 0819 Lightning Bird Arrives

There are many lightning birds. If nothing else, Bai Mo knows that there is one in the unmanned electricity station in Kanto, such as the one in Asia Island. If you can't wait here, then go to the unmanned electricity station. Just look for that one, but for now you can spend some time here waiting to see.

Although the strength of the lightning bird is much stronger than that of ordinary elves, it has no special significance. For example, the one in the unmanned electricity station is almost there all the year round.

And there are a lot of electricity-type elves here that he doesn't have. If he has good qualifications, he can accept it again. Not to mention putting it in the company, it is also a good choice for Xiaoju'er as a gift!

Thinking of this, Bai Mo told the girls his plan to stay here for about half a month, and they had no opinion on this.

So the group briefly camped here.

During this period, Bai Mo subdued some qualified lightning balls, magnet monsters, and electric shock monsters who came here for treatment.

The three-in-one magnet monster can also evolve into a self-exposing magnet monster. It needs to go to a special location to evolve. As far as Bai Mo knows, the locations are: inside Tianguan Mountain in Shenao, inside the calcium carbide cave in Hezhong, and in Carlos. On Route 13, Xin Zijin Town in Fangyuan area.

Of course, Bai Mo has already researched the special features of these places, and he can use his own abilities and methods to evolve the three-in-one magnet monster.

Soon, ten days passed, and the half-month plan was getting closer and closer, and Bai Mo couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

I even wondered if Ash's protagonist's halo was so scary, because he didn't come, so the Lightning Bird never appeared.

On this day, just when Bai Mo was about to prepare lunch with the girls, a girl with green hair, red hair accessories and a yellow mountaineering suit suddenly appeared in front of them, and asked slightly hostilely:

"Who are you and why are you here?"

The first time she saw the girl, Bai Mo recognized her, but she forgot her name, but Bai Mo knew that this person was the woman who brought Xiao Zhi and the others to this lake in the anime, and she seemed to have special protection for the lightning bird. want.

Seeing her, Bai Mo suddenly felt a special feeling in his heart, he might see a lightning bird today.

Bai Mo naturally felt the hostility towards this girl, but he didn't want to hide anything, smiled slightly, and said directly, "I'm Bai Mo from the Fangyuan area, next to me are the girlfriends who traveled with me!"

"I came here because I knew there were lightning birds here, so I came here on purpose."

Now, whenever Bai Mo introduces girls, the prefix of girlfriend will be added.

In this regard, Nazi, Nanamei, etc. are naturally indifferent, and Xiao Huang, although shy at first, did not refuse. She was actually very happy when Bai Mo introduced her like this.

Hearing Bai Mo's answer, the hostility in the girl's eyes became more intense, and even the girls on the side could clearly feel it.

However, Bai Mo's words said the girls were also taken aback. They always thought that Bai Mo was going to wait for the rabbit to conquer some qualified electrical elves, but they didn't expect that there would be a lightning bird coming here.

Another legendary elf, Bai Mo never told her.

"You are Dr. Bai Mo!?" Suddenly, the girl came to a realization and understood Bai Mo's identity, but soon, she said a little rudely.

"No lightning bird will come here. You made a mistake. Don't waste your time. Let's go."

In response, Bai Mo curled his lips. The more excited the girl was, the more likely his guess was. Shaking his head, Bai Mo raised three fingers and put on a slightly confident smile on his face.

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