On the other side, the sharp stones attacked and the remaining sharp stones all attacked the Lightning Bird.


Lightning Bird's eyes narrowed and it waved its wings, but soon, it suffered a loss.

The Lightning Bird originally wanted to use its powerful wings to block the attack of the remaining sharp stones, but it underestimated the power of the attack of the fierce bite land shark. After a few sharp stone blades hit its wings, it let the Wings ache.

Under such an attack, the Lightning Bird did not dare to be too big, and immediately used the steel wings to smash the subsequent sharp stone attacks.

"It's the legendary elf after all, the speed of launching the steel wings is so fast." Bai Mo couldn't help but sigh.

"Brother Bai Mo, we won't be affected by their battle here again, will we?" Xiao Huang asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I will end the fight with the stingy land shark as soon as possible."

Bai Mo smiled confidently at Xiao Huang, then turned around and shouted at Liebit Lu Shark:

"Bite Lu Shark fiercely, Yan returns!"

Although Bite Land Shark is the existence of the ground type and the dragon type, it can easily fly at a certain distance, and the skills of the flying type are also easily captured.


The Bite Land Shark has amazing jumping power, and there are shark-like fins on both sides of its claws, and two small wings on its back, which allow it to adjust its body properly in the air and fly briefly.

Yan Hui is the only flying skill that Liebite Lu Shark can learn.

As soon as Bai Mo's voice fell, Lie Bite Lu Shark had already accelerated towards the Lightning Bird.

Lightning Bird is not afraid, and the electromagnetic gun is fired almost without charging.

Bite Lu Shark turned up to avoid the attack of the electromagnetic cannon. The electromagnetic cannon with a thick bowl directly hit a big tree behind it. The whole tree was swept away by the electromagnetic cannon and disappeared in an instant.

At this time, Liebiting Land Shark, who had already rushed in front of Lightning Bird, turned around beautifully. Taking advantage of Lightning Bird's neutral position to end its attack, he leaned over and slammed into the opponent. Lightning Bird was smashed to the ground from the air.


The lightning bird was smashed to the ground, and the thick dust on the ground in the forest was blown up by the airflow. In order to ensure the sight in front of him and the girls around him not to choke, Bai Mo decisively released his superpower to blow the dust away. open.

Unleashing his superpowers, Bai Mo easily saw through the dust that the Lightning Bird got up almost instantly after landing, and a punching trick dashed towards the bite land shark with all his strength.

In the air, although Liebiting Lu Shark didn't get Bai Mo's order, it still used the Dragon God's swooping move on its own to attack the Lightning Bird from the air.

Chapter 0821 Luck conquered, narrowly beat the lightning bird!


Bai Mo couldn't help but let out a compliment for the performance of biting Lu Shark fiercely. At this time, the former was in the air, and the acceleration of gravity combined with the power of the attacking trick was quite appropriate.


The two sides collided fiercely again, and this time, the bite land shark obviously had a geographical advantage and hit the lightning bird on the ground again.

However, Lightning Bird may have been out of temper, turned around as soon as it hit the ground, and then used a super shock to take advantage of the whereabouts of the bite land shark.


This time, Lie Bite Lu Shark was obviously unprepared, and was directly named by the Lightning Bird's ultimate move. It crashed into the woods beside it, and broke several trees before barely stopping.

"So handsome!"

"Go up, go up, bite the land shark fiercely!"

"come on!"

The fierce battle, watching Nanami, White and other girls are all excited.

Champion-level battles are still difficult for them to reach, and it is really uncommon.

Although they have seen Bai Mo several times, they are still shocked every time they see it again.

On the other hand, Yusha was obviously seeing this level of confrontation for the first time. The power of Lightning Bird lived up to her expectations, but the power of Bai Mo and Lu Shao was also beyond her expectations.

At this time, her eyes on Bai Mo were different, and she finally knew a truth, there is no vacuous person under the reputation!

The girls looked excited, but Bai Mo, who was in command of the battle, was very calm. Although Lie Bite Lu Shark was hit by the Lightning Bird's ultimate move, he knew that Lie Bite Lu Shark would never fall just like that.

Moreover, with the use of super shocks, even a third-level god like Lightning Bird would be in a state of rigidity for a certain period of time. Now it is a living target. Bai Mo immediately seized the plan and ordered:

"Dragon Star Group!"

Liebite Lu Shark shook his head and stood up immediately. Hearing Bai Mo's order, a bright orange-yellow light sphere protruded for a moment towards the sky where the Lightning Bird was. The dense balls fall down.

At this time, the lightning bird was just recovering, but it was obviously too late to escape in the dense dragon star group, and was hit directly.

However, this lightning bird has a backbone, and it actually resisted the destructive light of the dragon star group against the rigid biting land shark.

This time, both Lie Bite Lu Shark and Bai Mo didn't react, and Lie Bite Lu Shark was hit again.

It was only after the two sides had finished their tricks that Bai Mo saw the slightly panting Strong Bite Lu Shark and the Lightning Bird who agreed that the state was not very good.

Seeing that Lie Bit Lu Shark was fine, Bai Mo breathed a sigh of relief. If Lie Bit Lu Shark really lost, Bai Mo would be really embarrassed to fight against Lightning Bird.

But Bai Mo didn't intend to hide it at this time. Through the previous collision, Bai Mo knew that this Lightning Bird was probably the strongest among Lightning Birds and even all the Three God Birds. The difference is that the power and battle experience of the ultimate move are also different. Now this one in front of him is still at a tie with Lie Bite Lu Shark despite his unfavorable attributes. It has to be said that it is still very powerful.

Obviously, if it wasn't a matter of attributes, his pure strength was still a little short of the land shark bite. It is estimated that only the blood-winged dragon, which has improved the most after Lugia's characteristics, has a match.

However, attributes are also one of the strengths, and Bai Mo has other options. While thinking about it, he stretched out his left hand and shouted at the gasping Lu Shark.

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