"Bite the land shark, respond to my heart, Mega evolves."

This is the second reason why Bai Mo used the strong bite of the land shark, and the strong bite of the land shark can evolve Mega!


Lie Bite Lu Shark roared in response, a stone tied to his tail emitted a strange light, and then under Yusha's unbelievable gaze, Lie Bite Lu Shark radiated a white light of evolution.

When the light dissipated, the more domineering Super Bite Lu Shark appeared in front of everyone's eyes. The front horn of the forehead protruded a lot and became more rigid. The claws and the small wings on the back also changed their shape, giving people a more aggressive feeling.

"Super shock!"

Although Lie Bite Lu Shark has completed the Mega evolution, his physical strength will not increase too much because of this. Now the battle at this level still needs to be resolved quickly, so Bai Mo directly let Lie Bite Lu Shark launch a big move.


When Super Bitten Lu Shark heard the order, his eyes lit up, and a silver light immediately flashed over his head, thinking that Lightning Bird rushed over quickly.

Lightning Bird is not a vegetarian, and once again hit it with a super shock.

But this time, the shocking thing happened to the lightning bird. After a stalemate with it for a while, the fierce bite land shark actually suppressed it, and it was hit on the ground again.

Since both elfs used their ultimates, they all fell into a state of stun at the same time.

However, Lightning Bird's divine beast physique is not covered, it recovers a little faster than Lie Bite Land Shark, and immediately intends to emit a destructive light of death.

"Oops!" Seeing this situation, Bai Mo's expression changed. He didn't expect that Lightning Bird had not been defeated, which caused Liebite Lu Shark to fall into a passive state.

In this situation, if the Bite Land Shark is hit by the Lightning Bird, it will definitely lose its combat effectiveness!

However, just when Bai Mo felt that everything was over, Lightning Bird's action of launching a destruction light suddenly froze.

Noticing the situation of the Lightning Bird, Bai Mo was overjoyed. He knew that due to the previous direct collision, the hidden characteristics and rough skin characteristics of the fierce bite land shark played a role, and the Lightning Bird was injured and interrupted him by the way. action.

Seizing this opportunity, Bai Mo immediately shouted:


At this time, the Lightning Bird was still on the ground and didn't fly, Bai Mo asked Liebite Lu Shark to use a destructive ground-based move.


The recovered super-biting land shark immediately stomped on the ground, and the ground began to vibrate.

On the ground, the Lightning Bird, which had no time to fly, was hit head-on by the shock wave brought by the earthquake, and received huge damage directly.

After the earthquake was explained, although the Lightning Bird hadn't fainted yet, it had no ability to fight again depending on the situation.

Bai Mo immediately threw an advanced ball.


As soon as the advanced ball touched the lightning bird, it took the lightning bird in, and then a series of rapid beeps sounded, shaking frantically.

After a while, in Bai Mo's expectant eyes, the advanced ball finally regained its composure, and then disappeared in place.

"very good!"

Bai Mo was in a good mood after successfully subduing the Lightning Bird!

In a good mood, Bai Mo took the initiative to make a hearty dinner for the girls to enjoy. By the way, he also welcomed the new partner, Lightning Bird. Of course, he also entertained Yusha, who had already accepted his fate but was still a little lost.

But Yusa thought about it too, after all, Lightning Bird is not her elf, and there will be other Lightning Birds here.

It's just that she felt that she would never forget this day. Bai Mo, a mysterious, handsome and incomparably powerful trainer, conquered the legendary elf by means of too powerful!

Chapter 0822 Reunion with the water king

The next morning, Bai Mo and others said goodbye to Yusha and continued to move towards Yanmo City.

In the days that followed, Bai Mo brought the girls to the town where Xiao Zhi met with the training of two babies Ding. Bai Mo came much faster than Xiao Zhi, so naturally he had no chance to meet such a singing party. .

During the trip, Bai Mo focused on cultivating the electric dragon.

You must know that after the super-evolution of the electric dragon, its special attack is a little higher than the general state of Chao Meng, the highest special attack among the super beasts.

Of course, if Chao Meng is ultra-evolutionary, the special attack is absolutely abnormal, there is nothing to say.

Of course, in this world, it is almost impossible for ordinary elves to be stronger than divine beasts and above, but the talent of the electric dragon is still worthy of recognition. In addition, it is the existence of the electric system, which has considerable training value.

After resting in this town for one night, Bai Mo and the others continued to leave for Yanmo City.

During the period, they passed by the sports park. For Bai Mo, who has already participated in the construction of the battle development area, the so-called sports park is naturally no fun, so he did not challenge and continued to move forward with the girls.

In this way, under Bai Mo's super-high speed, the group quickly arrived at the Ice Cave.

Because they were not sure how long it would take to go to the cave, and it was getting a little late, Bai Mo and the two planned to rest for the night in front of the cave.

The rare plan is to go camping. Bai Mo and the girls have a clear division of labor. Some prepare tents for camping, while others prepare dinner.

However, when Bai Mo was about to start, a large amount of fog suddenly appeared around him.

Facing this situation, Bai Mo was puzzled at first, and then he thought of something, and quickly took out the long purple hair belonging to Suijun in his backpack.

After sensing it a little, Bai Mo realized that Shui Jun was nearby, so he said hello to the blood-winged flying dragon who had just returned to the ground to eat elf food, and asked him to come to Shui Jun, just in time for everyone to eat together.


Before waiting for the blood-winged dragon to move, Sui Jun came to Bai Mo first, but at this time Sui Jun's state was not very good, and he seemed very unmotivated.

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