"What's wrong with you!?" Bai Mo's brows were furrowed by Shuijun's situation, but he still ran to it immediately and injected healing power.

After a while, Shui Jun recovered completely, and then called Bai Mo a few times happily, after all, Bai Mo was his nominal master.

At this time, the girls also came over. After seeing Sui Jun, they were all excited, and they stepped forward to touch his head. Sui Jun did not refuse this, and used telepathy to explain the situation to Bai Mo.

It turned out that the two elves in the Ice Cave were fighting because of territorial issues. Suijun came to dissuade them. In the end, the fight became a one-vs-two, so the power was used a little too much, and the power was lost!

But this is nothing, with Suicune's ability, it can quickly recover as long as it finds a random source of water.

But when it was resting, someone suddenly appeared nearby. It didn't want to meet the human, so it took the initiative to leave, but the human seemed to be coming towards it and kept following it. At this time, Sui Jun sensed Bai Mo, so he Came to him.

"Someone is following you!?"

After listening to Shui Jun's narration, Bai Mo's brows furrowed even deeper, but he quickly relaxed again. Since Shui Jun's situation was not caused by human beings, he didn't want to worry about it too much.

There is a big-breasted girl named Hoo behind Suijun, so he doesn't need to worry about it.

But since they met so by chance, Bai Mo naturally invited Suijun to have dinner with him. Although he was the envoy of King Ho, he was usually very busy, but there was no problem with having a meal, so Suijun stayed.

During the meal, whether it was the blood-winged flying dragon, the fierce bite of the land shark, the elf, or the girls were all very close to Suicune.

Suicune is a peacemaker-like being in the world of elves, and he has a natural affinity that both elves and humans like.

Bai Mo is also very clear that if he is single, even now, whether it is Blood Winged Flying Dragon or Bite Lu Shark with Mega Evolution, he is not a match for Suijun.

But if they join forces again, they won't win as hard as they did last time without Mega evolution.

You must know that two elves at the level of the blood-winged dragon are not a simple number change like one plus one equals two...

This also shows the power of Suicune.

After the meal, Shui Jun kissed Bai Mo's body affectionately, and then planned to leave.Bai Mo's strength has grown a lot since Lugia, so the elves generally like to get close to him.

I remember one time in the wild, a group of shuttlecock cotton fluttered by the wind stayed and played around Bai Mo for a day.

But it was also because of this that Xiao Huang received a shuttlecock cotton.

"Goodbye, if there is a need for the game, I will contact you!"

Bai Mo reached out and touched Shui Jun's head and was about to say goodbye to him, but at this moment, a young man in his twenties with brown hair in a purple suit, white cloth and a red bow tie appeared before them. before.

When the man saw Shui Jun's closeness with Bai Mo, his expression was very ugly. Bai Mo could read the feeling of jealousy in his eyes.

Not envy, but crazy jealousy!

Moreover, this person gave Bai Mo a feeling of deja vu, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

At this time, Shui Jun roared at Bai Mo, Bai Mo understood what it meant, and the person in front of him was the human who had been tracking him after he escaped.

"Who are you and what is your relationship with Sui Jun?"

Knowing that the young man in front of him might be thinking of Shui Jun, Bai Mo planned to ask, but the young man asked him first, with a strong expectation in his voice, as if he didn't want Shui Jun to have anything to do with Bai Mo.

Hearing this, Bai Mo's eyes narrowed. His perception was several times that of ordinary people. The hostility in the youth's words was so obvious, he could naturally feel it.

And this hostility is obviously because of Suijun, and the most important thing is that this guy in front of him is actually a fool who can't recognize his identity, which makes him very uncomfortable.

Immediately, Bai Mo stepped forward and sneered.

"Before asking this question, introducing yourself is what a polite person should do."

"Isn't it!?"

Chapter 0823 grievances, hanging Gongto Minaki


Hearing Bai Mo's rhetorical question, the young man who had been smooth sailing from childhood to most of the time was very unhappy, but since he was born noble, he was still very self-restrained and endured, and said lightly:

"My name is Minaki, Miyato Minaki, have you heard of Miyato? Our family's beliefs are Dioka and Suicune."

"I think you should also be a person of the level, you should have heard of it."

Bai Mo's clothes made Minaki judge that he was a person with a bit of status.

When Bai Mo heard Minaki's name, he suddenly remembered his identity.

Minaki, the guy who used Hudi in the anime because he heard Xiaozhi said that he had seen Suijun and was going to duel with Xiaozhi, I didn't expect his surname to be Miyato, no wonder he was so persistent towards Suijun.

The Miyato family is the top family of the water system, and they have a paranoid love for the water system. However, although Lugia is called the god of the sea, but it is a super power system and a flying system, so the Miyato family does not believe in him.

"Heh, people from the Gongto family of the water system have naturally heard of it, and I don't know what's going on here." Bai Mo asked with a strange smile on his face.

Seeing Bai Mo's appearance, the girls immediately mourned for Minaki in their hearts. It was obvious that the former was going to deceive people.

However, on the opposite side, Minaki saw that Bai Mo knew about him, and immediately put on a proud expression, which reminded Bai Mo of the so-called second generation who were hacked and wanted in his previous life. To be so arrogant, it seems that it is okay for him to meet some nobles before.

People, indeed, there are all kinds of things.

Minaki said in a arrogant manner after being content for a while.

"Boy, since you know, hurry up and stay away from Suijun, it's not something you can approach, I'm going to subdue it now."

Minaki was already in his twenties, and the trainer level badge on his shoulder should be a heavenly king level trainer.

And Bai Mo is less than twenty years old, and in his opinion, he is indeed a kid.

However, even if he doesn't recognize Bai Mo's identity, is the silver badge on his shoulder a fake?

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