This Minaki seems a little silly!

Hearing Minaki's words, Bai Mo burst into a smirk, "Are you okay? If you want me to go, I'll go. What do you think the Gongto family is, it's the creation of the gods."

Bai Mo's words made Minaki frown and said unhappily.

"Are you going to be my enemy, the Miyato family?"

"Hehe, am I afraid of your Miyato family!?"

Bai Mo asked back, he knew that if it was another water elf, he would at most have a conflict with Minaji himself, but if he conquered Suijun, it is impossible that the entire Gongto family would be hostile to him.

But will Bai Mo be afraid? The answer is obviously no!

From the Gongto family, Bai Mo's WT subordinates can just send a team to compete!

"You are not afraid!?"

Bai Mo's words made Minaki's frown a little deeper.

He remembered that he could not be afraid of the same top-level forces in his family, all the people of the same age as Bai Mo, there was absolutely no one in front of them among these people.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, Minaki remembered a person, a person who had built a force that was definitely stronger than a single top family at a young age.

Bai Mo!

"You are Bai Mo!"

After carefully looking at Bai Mo for a while, Minaki finally recognized him. Anyone who has reached a certain level must have seen Bai Mo's basic information and photo albums.

This time, Minaki's brain suddenly buzzed, but he knew that his entire family would not dare to provoke Bai Mo, because Bai Mo had more than one sect-level elf in his hands, and there were many divine beasts.

Coupled with the power and members of WT, it is not difficult to deal with the Miyato family.

And he even used the Gongto family to threaten Bai Mo before, which was a joke.

But Minaki was an extremely conceited and proud person. He spoke his words, and people were offended. Fortunately, he spoke again simply:

"I didn't expect it to be Dr. Bai Mo. If it were you, it would not be difficult to defeat and subdue a Suijun!"

"However, I've been following this Shuijun in the wild for a long time. I thought that it was never subdued before I came here. Could it be that Dr. Bai Mo likes to pick it up now?"

Of course, Minaki's "picking the leak" meant that Bai Mo took advantage of Suijun's lack of physical strength to subdue it.



Hearing Minaki's words, Xiao Lan took a step forward and tried to explain, and Sui Jun also roared.

But without waiting for one person and one beast to continue talking, Bai Mo sneered:

"Then do you want to play a game and see if I have the strength."

"it is good!"

Minaki took it without hesitation, but the next second, he regretted it. Since he recognized the other party as Bai Mo, is there any need for strength?

Is this looking for abuse?

However, what he said was the water released, and Minaki was embarrassed. Now he can only pray that Bai Mo's elf is not useful, so he said directly.

"Then let's have a three-on-three elves battle, using three different elves to play against each other, two best of three games, I want to see how good Dr. Bai Mo is in the battle of the same level! "

"it is good!"

Nodding his head, Bai Mo simply agreed to the battle, while ignoring the careful thoughts in Minaki's words.

Speaking of the same level of battle level, isn't it because he is afraid that he will abuse him with a high-level elf.

But does Bai Mo need it?

Seeing that Bai Mo agreed, Minaki immediately dispatched his first elf, Duo Hippo.

Although he didn't plan to use a very strong elf, Bai Mo planned to give Minaki a memory, so he didn't directly send Hu Di, who was also a Heavenly King!

In front of Hu Di, the hippo standing in front of the same level was as fragile as a piece of paper, and he was easily knocked out with just a few moves.

Minaki judged that Hu Di's level was heavenly king, and when he saw that he lost so fast, his face paled a little, and then he released the second elf, a powerful crocodile.

Seeing this kind of powerful crocodile, Bai Mo nodded secretly. This powerful crocodile felt good to him. It should have the strength of the Heavenly King's intermediate level and fast advanced level. It is estimated that it is Minaki's initial elf.

Seeing this one, Bai Mo also sent a second elf, the fire-breathing dragon Y.

Minaki felt a burst of joy in his heart, feeling that he could at least win one game.

However, the development of the next battle was beyond his imagination. He didn't even need Bai Mo's command. The fire-breathing dragon Y first sprayed flames and completely evaporated the water cannon attack of the powerful crocodile, and then through the cover of water vapor, quickly launched a wing attack.

The powerful crocodile was hit in the front, and the damage was unexpectedly high for Minaki.

Minaki asked the crocodile to continue the water cannon, and the fire-breathing dragon flew directly into the sky, and then gathered sunlight at a high place, and launched the Sunshine Flame at an ultra-fast speed, Minaki's unexpected grass-based trick.

The powerful crocodile directly lost its combat effectiveness!

Chapter 0824 Smokescreen Gym, small pile!

After losing two games in a row, according to the rules, Minaki has already lost.

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