This situation made Minaki's face look very ugly. He originally planned to defeat Suicune with a group fight, and then use the family's special ball to subdue it.

It's just that he didn't expect to encounter such a fiasco at Bai Mo for the first time today.

"Dr. Bai Mo, you are really amazing, but it won't be the end of the matter. This year, my cousin, the young patriarch of the Gongto family, will also join the Chengdu Alliance. He has the strength of a heavenly king and the help of his family. I will definitely let him avenge me and make your loss ugly."

Minaki lost all his pride in front of Bai Mo, Bai Mo won so cleanly, he didn't give him any face, so he didn't have the face to stay here, he said a cruel word, and he left in a daze .

Hearing Minaki's words, Bai Mo didn't feel anything. Instead, he was a little excited. His opponent, he was worried that the opponent in the league competition was not strong enough. If that little patriarch Gongto could really bring him a little fun, That's really good.

As for winning or losing, it has never been Bai Mo's consideration.

As for Minaki, the man who dared to threaten him, Bai Mo didn't plan to let him go, but just planned to take another shot.

Finally, after Minaki left, Sui Jun also said goodbye to Bai Mo.

Bai Mo and the girls camped in this place for one night, and they started walking through the Ice Cave early the next morning.

The Ice Cave was full of potholes, and Bai Mo guessed that this should have been caused by the battle Suijun said.

It took two days for the group to pass through the Ice Cave.

Bai Mo and the girls also subdued some well-qualified little fist stones, scorpions, little sea lions, and the hard-to-find lip-smacking dolls.

After leaving the cave and walking for two more days, Bai Mo and the girls finally arrived at Yanmo City, and went straight to the Yanmo Taoist Hall.

Yanmo City is a quiet city standing in the mountains. Xiao Zhuang, the trainer of Yanmo Taoist Hall, is the cousin of Chengdu District Champion Du, a talented trainer of the heavenly king level.

At the same time, Yanmo City is also the clan of the Yulong family.

The Gym is also the first gateway to the Dragon Cave, the most important heritage place for the guardian dragon family!

For some reason, Bai Mo and Xiao Zhuang had known each other for a long time, and they knew that her main force should be the Thorn Dragon King, the Violent Carp Dragon, and a Huck Dragon.

The people of the Yulong family either use dragon-type elves, or they use a dragon in the name of the elves. Bai Mo remembers that Miss Ji Ke from the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley seems to have a good relationship with the Yulong family.

"Bai Mo, you are finally here!"

When Bai Mo arrived at the gym, at the entrance of the gym, a woman with long light blue hair, light blue eyes, a blue one-piece leather skirt, and the Yulong family's signature cape was on the first floor. Welcomed for a while.

The woman is Yulongdu's cousin, and now Yulong's family is the trainer of the Yanmu Gym in Yanmo City, Yulongzhuang.

Xiao Zhuang and Bai Mo have known each other for a long time, because the former mini-dragon didn't know why something happened when it was about to evolve, and Bai Mo helped to solve it at the beginning.

It was also this time that Bai Mo and the Yulong family established a friendship.

At the same time, Yulongzhuang has a great affection for Bai Mo.

However, Yulongzhuang has always liked powerful trainers and is not interested in researchers, even if Bai Mo is an excellent young elf doctor, if he doesn't like it, he doesn't like it.

But Bai Mo has suddenly risen in the past few years, and he has also made amazing achievements in the field of elf trainers. He even has a head-level elf, which makes the strongest person in the Yulong family admire.

Yulongzhuang, who has liked the strong since childhood, naturally pays great attention to Bai Mo, especially when he has a good impression on him, so Yulongzhuang's feelings towards Bai Mo are very unusual.

And some people in Yulong's family like Yulongzhuang to Bai Mo, and they definitely agree with it!

"Xiao Zhuang, long time no see!"

Seeing Xiao Zhuang, Bai Mo smiled and stretched out his hand to give him a hug.

To be honest, of all the girls, Xiao Zhuang is definitely a special one, because it is different from other girls that Bai Mo pursued, or that it came naturally.

Xiao Zhuang was the girl who confessed to Bai Mo early in the morning and chased back.

That's right, Xiao Zhuang chased after Bai Mo.

Of course, this process of chasing back did not last long, there was no way, Bai Mo was such an indecisive person.

"Hee hee, do you want to take the sisters to play in Yanmo City for a while, or challenge the gym first!?" Xiao Zhuang is a very straightforward girl, and she asks questions neatly.

However, her words made the girls around Bai Mo show meaningful smiles. The sisters said a lot of things.

"I want to challenge." Without thinking too much, Bai Mo made a decision, "After playing the Yanmo Taoist Hall, I can be considered to have completed all the challenges."

"The time after that is to prepare for the league competition."

"So I plan to stay in Yanmo City for a while."

"it is good!"

Xiao Zhuang was overjoyed at Bai Mo's decision, and even happily led him towards the battlefield.

"I will be the referee, Kabu, please give me more advice."

Inside the gym, after Bai Mo and Xiao Zhuang had settled down, an old man stood at the referee's seat and introduced himself first.

"Then now start the gym competition between Bai Mo, a trainer from Weibai Town, and Xiao Zhuang, a gym trainer from Yanmo Gym. The number of elves used is 3 each, and there is no time limit. When all the elves used are incapable of fighting. when the game is over.”

"The challenger can freely change the pokemon during the battle, but the gym trainer cannot change the pokemon. Now the game starts!"

Kabu is a retainer of the Yulong family and also serves as a referee of the alliance.

Regardless of whether Kabu is a kind old grandfather or a retainer of the Yulong family, his strength is very unusual, and he can be ranked first in the Yulong family.

After Kirby announced the rules, Bai Mo did not rush to release the elf, but turned his head and said to Kabu:

"Master Kabu, the ceiling can be opened, so open it."

"it is good!"

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