"Oops!" Noticing this situation, Nanami shouted, and quickly turned to look at Minas beside her.

"Minas, please."

"Oh, good!" Minas nodded cutely, then opened a small mouth and spurted a water column. Although the diameter of the water column was not large, the piercing force was extremely strong, and it easily pierced through Bishas' mechanical arm.

At this time, Bai Mo also threw the Poké Ball and said calmly:

"Lucario, please."

"Seize this opportunity, the opponent is a champion, but the strength is very weak, if the pressure is enough, you can evolve!"


Lucario, whose strength has grown to the peak of the Heavenly King level, immediately looked at Bangira and the giant pincer mantis in front of him with full of fighting intent, and he seemed to want to fight against each other.

"Bangira, destroy the death light!"

Seeing Bai Mo release the elf, Bishas decisively changed his target and commanded Bangira. Bangira did not hesitate, and sent a destructive light towards Lucario first.

"Move at high speed!" Bai Mo responded calmly.

Lucario's figure turned into an afterimage in an instant, and he began to quickly avoid the destructive light of death, and at the same time kept approaching Bangira.

As long as Lucario can get close to Bangira and use his fighting style, the latter will definitely feel better.

Of course, the giant pincer mantis beside Bangira was not a decoration. It also moved quickly, and soon came to the direction where Lucario was heading, waving its huge blood-red pincers to block him.

But facing this scene, Bai Mo's eyes flashed:

"Lucario, leave it alone."

"Fast speed, close to attacking Bangira directly!"

At this distance, there is no difference between Lucario's speed and teleportation on Bangira.

After receiving Bai Mo's clear instructions, Lucario suddenly stopped, and then suddenly stepped on the ground with his right foot.


With a loud, clearly audible sound, Lucario's afterimage disappeared this time.

Suddenly losing Lucario's voice and shadow, the giant pincer mantis was obviously startled, but he had been forcibly promoted to the champion level with good fighting instincts, so he subconsciously turned his head and looked in the direction of Bangira.

When the giant pincer mantis turned its head, it happened to see Lucario appearing behind Bangira.

Because of the constant burning of life potential in Bishas's Bandera, there is no rigid state when using the destruction of death light, or the rigid state has been directly replaced by the burning life potential.

So Bangira can act.

But Lucario's speed is so fast that even if Bangira can move, it's still too slow.

In the end, it could only withstand Lucario's attack.

Bai Mo also spoke at the right time:

"Close combat!"

Chapter 0843 Celebi who was accidentally caught!


Hearing Bai Mo's order, Lucario shot instantly, white rays of light appeared on his fist, and then he attacked Bangira's head like raindrops.


A series of attacks made Bangira completely unable to react, and she could only scream in pain.

I don't know if it's lucky or not, but Bangira is a "desert tyrant" in the end, and its rough skin and thick flesh is one of its advantages. Even being attacked like this by Lucario did not lose its combat effectiveness.

However, Bai Mo is not in a hurry. Lucario has a considerable advantage against Bangira, and next to him, Nazi also released a elf to entangle the giant pincer mantis.

But this time, something unexpected happened.

Bai Mo ignored it, or no one thought that Bishas actually controlled the sitting robot to launch a missile at this time.

And the target of this missile is not a person, not a elf, but the giant tree.


With a loud noise, a huge explosion occurred on one side of the tree, and the entire tree fell to one side.

At the same time, a raging fire enveloped the tree.

"Damn it!"

At this time, Xiaozhi, Damu Xuecheng and Celebrico were all on the tree. When such a thing happened, I was completely caught off guard, and I didn't know what to do.

There was no way, Bai Mo teleported and finally chose to save Damu Xuecheng, and at the same time he asked Shanaido to use his mind to save Xiaozhi.

But Celebi would fall in the direction of Bishas by accident.

By this time, Bishas had gone crazy.

"Anyway, I can't play with you anymore. In this case, we will perish together."

As the words of Bishas fell, he threw a dark ball, which took in Celebi before Dream and Meloetta could react.

But it doesn't matter, because the dream can completely move the dark ball over.

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