But Bishas clearly knew that Bai Mo was a superpower, and knew that he couldn't turn the tables even if he caught Celebi, so he pressed a button.


With a loud bang, the dark ball that captured Celebi had a huge explosion.

Later, Celebi came out, but at this time it had turned into a black light.

As Celebi opened his eyes, his originally pure and naturally close eyes were gone, replaced by emotionless eyes that seemed to be empty inside!

It is certain that the dark ball can improve the elves' ability, but this improvement is in exchange for overdrafting their vitality in advance, even if they are divine beasts, phantom beasts, unless they are super divine beasts, they are infinite.

However, Celebi's life is connected with the forest, otherwise there will be no animation until the end of the animation when Celebi destroys the forest, and there will be aging.

When it comes to darkening the elf, Bai Mo feels that not only will the elf be turned evil, but the character of the elf will basically be completely reversed!

Just like Bangira, whose original character had become cautious and cowardly, became violent after being captured by the Dark Elf Ball!

But now, the originally cheerful Celebi has become so gloomy.

"Haha, let's perish together, Celebi, destroy everything!"

Looking at Celebi in front of him, Bishas shouted wildly, and now he has an idea, let Bai Mo, let countless people ignore the elf to bury him.

In mid-air, Celebi, who had overdrawn her life, had recovered for a short time. Now that her character has become extremely evil, she decisively began to destroy.

It raised its hands, and a pale pink energy shield appeared around its body. As its arms swung down, a powerful shock wave appeared, directly blowing the wild elves away, without the slightest resistance.

Immediately afterwards, Celebi kept the energy shield and destroyed it everywhere, scaring all the elves to flee in a hurry.

In front of Celebi, who was completely darkened and greatly increased in strength under the control of the Dark Elf Ball, the wild elves were basically powerless and could only choose to escape.

Looking at everything that was destroyed around, everyone realized that it was not good.

"Dream, can you stop it?" Bai Mo turned to look at Dream.

"I can't do it." Dream said with a gloomy face, but also a little distressed: "I have fought, but Celebi is already fighting with the source."

"I really beat it down, and I'm done too."

"Moreover, what really threatens Celebi's life is not being beaten to the point of being incapacitated, but the extent of damage to this forest!"

"We still find a way to hug the forest so that it won't be destroyed like this, we must stop it immediately..."

"When there is the Lake of Life, Celebi can recover!"

Dream is also helpless. She was about to say that she defeated Celebi, but Celebi was in danger.

"Damn, careless!" Bai Mo was speechless, how could he think that he was just taking the opportunity to break through for Lucario, and such a thing would happen.

This is also crazy than Shas, and he chose to die together.

At this time, the energy shield around Celebi's body also began to generate a huge suction force, and he saw countless trees and stones were all sucked in, and slowly formed a giant ball.

Then, just like the original, Celebi began to destroy all kinds of things.

But this time, with the control of the elves such as Mewtwo, Dream, Meloetta, Shanedo, etc., Celebi's destruction was controlled to a certain extent.

Soon, Celebi finally ran out of source, all the rattan around the ball loosened, and then Celebi let out a painful cry.

As Celebi's voice came out, the elves around the forest all ran out and began to shout.

These elves all want to call out Celebi's sanity.

"~~~" Meloetta also sang the song of awakening at this time.

Finally, the black light on Celebi began to dissipate.

Hidden in the dark, Bishas saw that the situation was not good and wanted to escape, but the elves in the forest did not want to let him go.

Bai Mo noticed this scene, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

Bishas, ​​must die!

At this time, with the destruction of the monster formed by Celebi, she finally lost all her power.

Bai Mo immediately moved in an instant, took Celebi into his arms, and finally returned to the ground!


At this moment, everyone saw the appearance of Celebi in Bai Mo's hands, and they all exclaimed.

At this time, Celebi has become a piece of existence like rotten wood, and the whole body exudes a strong death energy, and the original green body has also turned yellow like a plant.

Chapter 0844 Back to the big wood Xuecheng

"Damn it!"

Looking at Celebi's appearance, Bai Mo blamed himself a little. He didn't expect such an accident, but he didn't react slowly. He already knew what to do now, and immediately said:

"Now we have to quickly put Celebi into the Lake of Life."

"That's right!"

Da Mu Xuecheng was overjoyed when he heard Bai Mo's words, and felt that this method was feasible.

But the next moment, Damu Xuecheng's face turned ugly again, because the scene was destroyed too thoroughly and too chaotically, and it was too difficult to find the way to the Lake of Life now.

"Shuijun!" Damu Xuecheng and the others were anxious, but Bai Mo couldn't, so he raised his head and called out.

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