Following his call, a Suicune rushed out of the jungle under the suspicious eyes of everyone.

"Please, please tell us the direction of the Lake of Life." Bai Mo nodded slightly towards Shui Jun.

It can be said that this Suicune was specially sent by Ho-wang to guard the Lake of Life. Of course, it knew the importance of Celebi and nodded immediately.

Knowing the direction of the Lake of Life, Bai Mo did not stop, and decisively used his super powers to drive Celebi in that direction.

Dream, Shanaido, Jirachi, Nazi, Cattleya and others saw this, and they decisively led them to teleport.

Soon, the group came to a huge lake.

Bai Mo jumped directly into the Lake of Life, and quickly put Celebi in the lake, but to everyone's disappointment, it didn't have any effect.

"Hey, although the forest damage is not serious, the power of the forest and Celebi are one. An explanation:

"Suijun, doesn't Suijun have the ability to evolve water?"

Minas looked at Sui Jun and said, "Sui Jun can give this lake a new light!"

Hearing Minas' words, everyone's eyes lit up, but Bai Mo frowned and thought.

When Suijun heard the words, he nodded and shouted, his whole body emitted a blue light, and he jumped to the lake of life.

With Suicune's jump, the originally dull lake water once again emitted a clear light.

Soon, with Suijun's actions, the water in the entire lake was evolved, but what was extremely disappointing was that Celebi, who was soaked in the water by Bai Mo, still did not respond.

"Why, even though the bad guy controlled the forest destroyed by Celebi, he wanted Celebi to die, why?"

Looking at Celebi, who was more deadly, Damu Xuecheng shed tears, and the girls were also very touched. They looked like they were about to cry, and the atmosphere suddenly became sad.

Bai Mo didn't want his woman to cry, and immediately said:

"Leave it to me, I should be able to save Celebi."

With that said, Bai Mo looked at Xuecheng, Xiaozhi and the others in their surprised eyes again, and handed Porkby in his arms to Ram, and then stretched out his hands, grabbed Celebi and began to transmit power.

Just kidding, Bai Mo's body is the power of Arceus given by the World Tree, and what it heals is the source. This healing power is the strongest in the world!

Following Bai Mo's movements, a blue transparent energy light ball slowly appeared in his palm, and the light ball gradually became larger, and then wrapped Celebi inside and held it up in the air.

As time passed, Celebi's condition finally improved, and the withered body began to look green.

"Useful!" Everyone was overjoyed.

But at this time, Bai Mo couldn't be happy. Now he feels that he is being sucked by a bottomless pit, and he is really afraid that he will be sucked dry.

Celebi was originally exhausted and surrounded by hunters. Later, he took Da Mu Xuecheng to travel through time and space to overdraw his strength.

Later, the source was overdrawn by the dark ball.

Now this situation is really excusable!

"Why not!" After another five minutes, Bai Mo glanced at the sky and was a little anxious. If it goes on like this, if Celebi is not doing well, he will be finished.

Bai Mo didn't want to sacrifice his life for righteousness and sacrifice himself for others.

"Ding dong!"

At this moment, a strange sound was suddenly heard in the air, and green space-time ripples appeared.

"This is the sound that travels through time and space." Dreamy eyes narrowed.

As the dreamy words fell, everyone saw that the sky completely turned bright yellow, and then a circular passage appeared, and dozens of Celebi flew out together.

Three of them flew to Bai Mo's side, easily interrupting the transmission of his Arceus power.

Three more flew to Celebi, who had recovered a lot, and began to release countless emerald green energy from his body to heal Celebi.

Then the six Celebi flew into the air with Celebi and Bai Mo, circled in the middle, and spun, and gradually all the Celebi bodies glowed green.

The green light carried a strange power, which was transmitted to Bai Mo and Celebi in the center.

The green light started to get stronger, and Bai Mo finally felt that the power that he had lost just now was gradually recovering, and it was slowly starting to improve.

In the end, Celebi, who had been treated by Bai Mo for a half, recovered completely, and after waking up, he greeted his companions happily.

Seeing that Celebi and Bai Mo fully recovered, all Celebi flew back into the space-time channel, and the entire sky also returned to blue.

"Great, Celebi, you're finally fine." As soon as Yuxue Labi brought Bai Mo down from the sky, Da Muxuecheng ran over with an excited expression on his face.

"Bi!" Celebi nodded towards Damu Xuecheng, and then he looked at Bai Mo.

Obviously, Celebi also knew that Bai Mo had treated him, which made him seem very close to Bai Mo.

After flying around Bai Mo a few times, Celebi flew into the air again, and then called out.

Immediately, a mysterious light circle radiated from Celebi as the center, which was dazzling and made a strange sound.

Hearing this voice, everyone understood that Celebi was going to travel through time and space.

"Looks like Celebi is also going to take you back." Bai Mo said, Celebi also nodded.

"Bai Mo, Xiao Zhi, everyone!"

Although the encounter was short-lived, the encounter made Damu Xuecheng look at everyone differently.

Damu Xuecheng treats them all as friends!

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