"Do you understand the principle?"

"I really know." Dream Tsundere nodded, but then added: "But I can't teach you."

"You don't need to teach me." Bai Mo was overjoyed when he saw the dream meeting, "As long as I install a set in my building, you can help me, right?"

"Anyway, this museum has it, and it's not bad for me. I won't use it to popularize it."

"This..." Dream hesitated.

Seeing this, Chaomeng's beautiful eyes on the side flashed: "I don't think you will, slap your swollen face and make a fat man, and now you're revealing your stuff."

"No." Dream can't stand the thriller the most, especially the one of Chaomeng, she said decisively: "Just don't spread it out, I'll do it if I do it, I have to prove myself."

"I'll wait and see." Chaomeng Aojiao folded his arms around his chest, and in the dark, a white street called and exchanged glances.

Regardless of what's going on in the museum, meanwhile, in a high-flying vehicle.

"J, have you found the goods I want?"

"Don't worry, the last two days!"

Pokémon hunter J just stared at a screen in the hall without blinking. On the screen was a middle-aged man who was also J's customer.

And this customer's target this time is Latias and Latios!

Chapter 0855 The crisis of the water capital

Under the leadership of Latias Ka, Bai Mo and his party took a good tour of the museum.

Because there was still plenty of time, Bai Mo did not rush to see Latios, but agreed with Lattias Ka to see you tomorrow.

As for tonight, Bai Mo took the girls to the celebration after the so-called racing competition.

But when the celebration was about to end, Bai Mo planned to take the girl back to the small world.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Are you, Latias Ka? What's the matter?"

Seeing Latias Ka suddenly appearing in front of him, Bai Mo suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

At this time, Latias Ka threw himself into his arms under the watchful eyes of the girls, and his small head leaned on his shoulder and wept softly.

"What's wrong? What the hell happened?"

Seeing Latias Ka's appearance, Bai Mo and the girls knew that something must have happened, and Latias Bai stepped forward and became concerned.

At the same time, she still has some small tastes in her heart. This little sister is also really, if she doesn't find her, she will find Bai Mo first.

"Well, that's how it is!"

Latias Ka's voice appeared in the hearts of everyone, and then a burst of white light shot out from her body. When the light disappeared, she temporarily changed back to the red and white elf form.

"that's amazing!"

Xiao Huang couldn't help but exclaim, even though she knew that the elf could still become a human, and there were so many sisters around her.

But this is the first time I have actually seen this scene.

Latias Ka changed back to the elf state, and there was a natural reason for her appearance. Through the ability of visual sharing, she presented what happened before.

In the picture, Latios is trapped in a cage, which has turned into gold, and a woman riding a blood-winged dragon descends from the sky and forcibly defeats Ladias.

And Bai Mo finally understood the whole story.

It turned out to be the elf hunter J. This woman has champion-level strength, and with the modern technology and weapons in her hands, she can indeed take down Latios.

Moreover, Latias was in the museum at the time, so he couldn't take it unscrupulously.

"Who is this person, I always feel that the clothes are a little familiar!" Nanami, who also saw the picture, asked suspiciously.

"It's the Elf Alphabet Hunter!"

"I know this woman, codenamed Elf Hunter J, her blood-winged dragon has a champion-level strength, and she has no intention of calculating, plus Latios wants to protect Lattias Bai, no wonder she can win."

"Then let's go now." Latias Bai couldn't wait to say, "Let's go save my brother."

"Saving must be saving, but the situation is not so simple now." Bai Mo said solemnly: "You have seen the picture, that J not only captured Latios, but also took the water drop of the heart."

"She did it on purpose!"

"It is said that if someone with an evil heart uses the water droplets of the heart, it will cause a tsunami to destroy the entire city."

"So this city is about to be destroyed, and while saving Latios, we stop the tsunami."

Speaking of this, Bai Mo was still a little unhappy. He didn't expect things to develop to this stage, and it was the elf hunter J who never appeared before.

Could it be that his little wings flapped too much?

No matter what, Bai Mo still has to take care of things.

Thinking of this, Bai Mo took out a feather.

This feather is a silver wing, which was given by Lugia from the Vortex Islands at the beginning, saying that he could find her if he was busy and needed.

The water in Odomare happened to be in the Whirlpool Islands, and I believed it would be too late if Lugia arrived.

As for Mengmeng and Chaomeng, although they are powerful, at best they can save their lives and cause some impact, but it is still not enough to fight against the overwhelming tsunami.

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