"(Lugia, are you there, I need your help.)"

Bai Mo held the silver wing and began to contact Lugia, calling it secretly in his heart.

Lugia also responded quickly, and responded quickly.

"(What's the matter? Boy, are you in trouble?)"

Lugia is curious at this moment, but Bai Mo has a dreamy existence by his side, what will he ask her for help?


Bai Mo sighed helplessly:

"(Sorry, I have to trouble you this time. I am on the side of Shuidu. If there is no accident, there may be a tsunami here. I hope you will come and solve it!)"


Hearing this, Lugia was silent for a while, and then continued: "(Are you talking about the city called Omadore on the side of the Whirlpool Islands where I am? No, I didn't sense the ocean. What's wrong on the side!"

"(It's all right now, but it will happen soon!)" Bai Mo reluctantly arrested Latios, and the other party used the water droplets of the heart.

"(I didn't expect such a thing to happen. I have already warned those guardians to take good care of the water droplets of the heart. I didn't expect such a situation to happen!)"

"(Speaking of which, boy, I would also like to thank you, because it is my duty to protect the Maelstrom Islands!)"

"(You wait, I'll come right away.)"

After the last sentence was finished, Lugia cut off the spiritual connection between the two and began to rush towards Aldo Mare with all her strength.

After receiving Lugia's answer, Bai Mo felt a little relieved. Lugia is the god of the sea, and things like controlling the sea are innate.

Tsunami is definitely not a problem.

The most crucial problem was solved, Bai Mo looked at the girls and said:

"Let's go, go save Latios first!"

"Bang! Bang!"

At the moment when Bai Mo's voice fell, a fine metallic sound suddenly came.

Then everyone saw that countless iron railings suddenly appeared on the frames of the balconies and windows of the surrounding houses.

These iron bars appeared strangely, trapping all the residents in the house.

"This is Shuidu's defense system activated." Dream yawned with a look of indifference.

While the dream was explaining, there were bursts of such sounds from the street outside.

The situation of this person surprised Nanamei and the girls, and hurriedly ran to the window to take a look.


Seeing the situation outside, the girls were shocked and speechless for a while.

I saw at this time, except for the water channel and the sky above, the whole Odomare was full of thick iron railings.

After these iron railings appeared, all the houses and streets were completely blocked.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo's eyelids jumped:

"Looks like what I'm most worried about has happened!"

Chapter 0856 The power of the water droplets of the heart

"Is J stupid to think that he can control this power!"

The blandly highlighted few words were very disdainful for Elf Hunter J's self-righteous Bai Mo.

Immediately, his eyes flashed and he shouted towards the sky: "Fire-breathing dragon X, blood-winged dragon, fossilized dragon, come down!"

Hearing Bai Mo's voice, the three elves in the sky all descended.

Bai Mo took the girls to sit on the three elves together, while Bai Mo and Shanaido went to Latias White's back.

Latias Ka is leading the way.

Feeling the huge pressure from the blood-winged dragon and the fossilized dragon, Latias Ka was overjoyed, knowing that Bai Mo's power was very strong, and she immediately accelerated and flew forward without reservation.

Bai Mo also didn't look at the trapped people in the houses below.

He doesn't have time to save them one by one now.

This matter will not be relieved if Latios is not rescued.


Just as everyone sat on the flying elf Fire Su and rushed to the museum, a huge fossilized pterosaur suddenly roared and fell from the sky.

The giant fossil pterosaur grabbed Latias Ka, who was flying at the forefront, with a pair of huge claws.

However, Bai Mo's fossilized pterosaur moved quickly, and it was a destructive death light when he went up!


A powerful ball of light was formed, and immediately spewed out of the fossilized pterosaur's mouth, turning into a golden beam of light, hitting the huge fossilized pterosaur in an instant.


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