"However, in order to restore one's own disadvantage, using this method of warfare is really..."

Boo Yi, who was beside him, was speechless in surprise.

"It's really one of the best ways to fight the weak against the strong."

Bai Mo was a little speechless. It wasn't the first time he encountered such a situation, but he really didn't expect that the opponent would use such a method when he didn't fight at the beginning.

This is really surprising.

Although with his eyesight, he already knew something was wrong when Jibu gave the order, but Duo Hippo's response was a little slow, and Shanaido, Hippo King and the others, even if he responded, it was too late, so he didn't speak.

Some speechlessly retracted the dumb hippo, Bai Mo took out the second Poké Ball and threw it out.

"Hot Beast, I'll give it to you!"

"Sure enough, it's a hot beast. It's a pity. If I knew that the dumb hippo was so strong, I should have let the dream demon die together from the beginning. Now, the last moth, I ask you again!" Ji Bu felt regret for a while, but he threw it out quickly. From his Poké Ball, he released the last moth that appeared once.

"At the end of the moth, use the paralysis powder!" Jibu decided to block the action of the fiery beast first, and immediately launched the order.

"Hot Beast, Big Character Exploding Flame." Bai Mo was a little unhappy after losing the fighting power of the Hippo for no reason. He decided to directly fight with strength, and immediately launched a big trick.

The strong flame formed a 'big' character along with the blasting beast, instantly burning the paralysis powder to ashes, drowning the moth, and falling down vertically in pitch black and steaming, losing its combat effectiveness.

"The last moth loses its combat effectiveness, and the fiery beast wins!" The referee announced the result immediately.

"Please again, giant pincer mantis!"

Unexpectedly, the defeat was so straightforward, Jibu threw the last Pokeball after taking back the last moth.

"Fire Beast, Big Character Exploding Flame!" Bai Mo gave the same order.

"Giant Claw Mantis, use the shadow clone to avoid." Jibu quickly ordered, "Then use the steel claws!"


When the giant pincer mantis heard the order, he acted very fast, and reacted before the large-character explosion hit... There were dozens of clones in a row.

There was also a metallic light on the claws, and it easily avoided the large-character explosion and hit the fire beast.

Seeing this, Bai Mo smiled indifferently, and gave the order again, with a calm voice:

"Let me show you a skill I created by myself, which combines the Dragon God swooping of the Blood Winged Dragon Sect and the Fire Wheel of the Fire Beast!"

"Fire Beast, Flame Wheel Impact!"

Flame Wheel Impact, a fire attribute physical skill, although it does not have the dragon attribute, it integrates some characteristics of the Dragon God's dive, thus increasing the power and hit rate of the flame wheel!

Hearing Bai Mo's words, everyone pricked up their ears.

Some Heavenly King-level and Champion-level trainers and even some talented quasi-king-level trainers can barely create combo skills, but this is the first time everyone has heard of their own skills!

inside the field.

All saw that the fire beast quickly stopped the attack of Daewoo explosion, his eyes locked on the giant pincer mantis, and the flames burned violently behind him, and then spun!

In the next moment, the fire beast flashed like a red lightning, dodging the attacks of all the shadow clones of the giant pincer mantis, and then, in the flame wheel, the position of the fire beast's head emitted a burst of blue flame light.

In this way, a spinning fireball with a little blue light slammed into the giant pincer mantis.

"The Giant Claw Mantis, get rid of it!"

Jibu instinctively sensed the crisis and immediately gave an order.

In the field, the shadow clones of the giant pincer mantis were all combined on the body, and the secondary skin turned into a red light to open the distance from the hot beast.

But at this moment, the flames on the body of the fiery beast suddenly rose, turning into a faster red light and slowly chasing after it.


This scene surprised Jibu!

"Giant Claw Mantis, use the power of awakening to knock down the fiery beast!"

However, Ji Bu still reacted quickly. Since he couldn't get rid of it, he chose to attack immediately.

Inside the arena, the giant pincer mantis stopped suddenly, and sent out dozens of white light bullets, smashing straight at the hot beast, but they were lightly avoided by the hot beast, and then the blue and red body carried the power of the ultimate move. It slammed into the giant pincer mantis.


The giant pincer mantis was hit directly into the ground.

"End it, big characters explode!"

Bai Mo's superpower swept away, making sure that the giant pincer mantis had not completely lost its ability to fight, and gave the final instructions.

"Giant pliers mantis, run away!"

Ji Bu hurriedly shouted, but at this moment, the giant pincer mantis showed a look of fear, how could he react, and was immediately drowned by the big fire, turning into a fire ball and falling to the ground.

Chapter 0873 The disappearing little red!

"Dragon God swooping will release a strong murderous aura. If the fiery beast is really combined with the Dragon God swooping skill, it will release murderous aura, and there is a certain chance that the opponent will not be able to use his unique move. Just now, the giant pincer mantis should be the Because of that, it doesn't respond to the trainer's instructions."

In the audience, Reis explained directly without waiting for Shinji to ask questions, but there was one thing he didn't say, that is, by integrating this skill, the accuracy of the selection of the hot beasts will be very deep, because the dragon god dive also comes with its own The ability to lock the target's breath.

"I created my own skills, so strong!" Reis' eyes were hot, but he knew that this was not something that could be tried easily, because the skills that the elves would use were summed up by their inheritance for countless years.

Why some skills can't be used without evolution.

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