Why some of the same kind of elf can use some skills, and some can't?

Natural talent is one aspect, physical skills and so on are also one aspect.

Bai Mo has super powers, and has various experimental data and monitoring. It is natural to be able to develop a unique trick, but if others try it easily, they may destroy the elf in their hands!

"The Giant Claw Mantis loses its combat effectiveness, and the Fire Beast wins, so the winner is Bai Mo!"

Seeing that the Giant Claw Mantis lost its fighting power, the referee immediately announced, and at the same time, the big screen also displayed the photo of Bai Mo and the two elves who appeared, and the audience cheered enthusiastically.

"The league preliminaries group H has come to an end, and all the games are over. Bai Mo from Weibai Town advanced to the official knockout round with two consecutive wins and six points. Let us look forward to his performance and wish him a better career. score."

After the referee made the verdict, the commentator immediately made a broadcast, and the audience also applauded, cheering and blessing Bai Mo.

"That's great, this way, Brother Bai Mo and I will have a better chance." In the audience, Xiao Zhi waved his fist. He has successfully passed the preliminaries and advanced to the top sixteen!

"Thank you for giving me such a wonderful game, which made me realize my own inadequacies. I still have a long way to go to become a elf master!"

At this moment, Jibu walked in front of Bai Mo and stretched out a hand. He knew that when he encountered such an opponent, there was nothing to regret.

Can't beat it, can't beat it!

"Thank you too, it was a great game."

Bai Mo also reached out and shook hands with Jibu.

"Then, be sure to do your best when it comes to winning the championship."

"Of course, I have the ultimate goal as my first goal." Bai Mo smiled, and after saying goodbye to Jibu, he came to the lounge and took the girls such as Ram and Shanaido out of the arena.

After leaving the venue, Bai Mo went directly back to the Elf Center in the contestant village and gave Xiaoxue the dumb hippo and the hot beast, and asked her to go back to the small world to treat them.

Then sit in the Pokemon Center and watch the video broadcast while waiting for the finalists to be announced.

"Bai Mo, look at the time, all the games are almost over, the list should be announced soon, right?" Nazi asked aside.

Bai Mo's competition was originally the afternoon of the third day. Since Bai Mo's strength was strong after all, it ended relatively quickly, but in terms of time, the preliminaries were almost over at this time.

"more or less!"

Bai Mo looked up at the time on the wall clock, and saw Booy and his group walking in.

Since the exits of the players and the audience are different, a few people made an appointment to meet here, and by the way, let's take a look at the arrangement of the final tournament.

Shinji was very happy after seeing Bai Mo again, and ran to Bai Mo and said.

"Brother Bai Mo, congratulations on your promotion, the hot beast is really strong."

Bai Mo smiled and said that it was nothing. The Fire Beast was his weakest elf on the ladder, which was nothing.

On the other hand, Reis looked at him with a displeased expression.

At this moment, the big screen in the field suddenly lit up, announcing the information of the final tournament, and the photos of 16 trainers appeared, divided into two rows, eight in each, and then connected to the center in a way.

"Ah, the first group is Mo's game!"

Seeing the information on the screen, Xiao Lan immediately exclaimed, but Bai Mo shrugged indifferently.

By the way, when it comes to Xiaolan, she gave up her alliance plan this time, because she changed her target and wanted to become a member of the battle development zone. Recently, she has been receiving special training from Bai Mo.

For a game like the league, Xiaolan no longer values ​​it.

As for Bai Mo, it is more of a feeling.

The Grand Slam of the League Competition is the romance of all travelers!

At this time, he suddenly felt a gaze, and following the gaze, Bai Mo saw the owner of the gaze, who was his opponent in the next match. The two nodded to each other and continued to look down.

Bai Mo found out that Leis, Booy, Miyato Jun, and Xiao Zhi did not meet each other. Leis was in the third group, and the opponent was a girl. Booy was in the eighth group, a middle-aged man, and Gongto Jun was also in the third group. is the fourth group.

As for Xiaozhi, it is still the same as the original book, and he will not lose the game if he wants to.

However, Ye Yue, who should have appeared in the original book, did not appear, which made Bai Mo curious as to where Xiao Zhizhi went.

There is also Xiaochi, he has been practicing in Baiyin Mountain, but he seems to have disappeared recently, and I don’t know what the situation is!

At the same time, in the depths of Baiyin Mountain, in a light cave, Xiao Chi suddenly opened his eyes, and an aura erupted from his body:

"Is this the waveguide?"

"What a powerful force, can human beings themselves comprehend such a force?"

"Very good, but did you miss this league competition?"

"It doesn't matter, I want to join WT. This incomplete space-time inscription tells me that if I follow Bai Mo, I can go to the top!"

"One of the top ten kings of WT, with a head-level existence, I didn't expect that I could reach this height!"

"I just don't know, what is above the head!"

On the other side, after reading the information, a few people left after having dinner together, and agreed to see you the next day.

There's a day's rest after the preliminary league is over, and then it's time for the playoff tournament to begin.

Unlike the Preliminary League, the Final Tournament is played in only one main venue, so all contestants come together.

The final tournament uses a six-on-six format, and venues must be selected before the game begins.The conference prepared a total of four types of fields: grass, rock, ice, and water. The field to be used in this game was determined by random selection, and then the order of first attack and second attack was also determined, and finally the game started.

In the game, if three of one side's elves lose their ability to fight, the conference will take a five-minute break to allow the players to adjust their state.

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