Eight groups of games will be played in one day, and then the quarterfinals will be played on the rest day.

In a region, there are not tens of thousands of elf trainers, there are still tens of thousands, but there are only about [-] people participating in the competition.

Although not all participating members entered the competition with eight badges, some were places for the noble family, and some were places directly obtained by the Elf Academy.

But that's just the right to participate. After layers of competition and targeted screening by the league's computer, now the rest are the elites among the elites.

Bai Mo felt that there might be several Heavenly King-level trainers in addition to Booy.

Games like this are fun!

Chapter 0874 The top sixteen competition, the performance of the fire-breathing dragon Y (on)

A day's rest soon passed, and the final tournament officially began.

"Now the first match of the decisive championship will begin. One of the two players is Awu from the Fangyuan area. According to the data, Awu has participated in three Fangyuan League competitions, and even entered the last Fengyuan League competition. The top four."

"The other is Bai Mo from Weibai Town, Fangyuan. This is the third time for Bai Mo to participate in the league competition, and he has won the championship of the Fangyuan League and the Kanto League respectively. The Chengdu competition has performed very well since its inception. Excellent."

"Let's look forward to a great match from them."

"First of all, the venue for the first half of the game is the ice venue. What kind of elves will the two sides come up with?"

In the commentator's opening remarks, Bai Mo and A Wu walked out of the player's passage and stood at both ends of the competition field. At the same time, the ice field also rose from the middle of the open ordinary field.

"Ice Ghost Guardian, you go first!"

According to the draw, A Wu first threw the Poké Ball, and after opening it, the Ice Ghost Protector appeared on the field with his entire body covered in ice.

"The ice ghost guard is used in the field of ice, and it seems that it is considering the use of geographical factors to fight!"

After hearing the commentator's explanation, Bai Mo knew that A Wu was a good opponent. It was impossible for A Wu to come to Chengdu and not to conquer the new elves, but now there are elves in the Fengyuan area. Obviously, the other party sent several people who followed him The main force of the year is definitely not weak.

However, in such a situation, Bai Mo had more fighting spirit, and a Poké Ball appeared in his hand and threw it out.

"Fire-breathing dragon Y, come out!"

"The game begins!" the referee announced.

"Ice Ghost Protector, use freezing light!"

A Wu immediately issued an order, and immediately saw the ice ghost guardian begin to gather energy on his forehead, and then launched it at the fire-breathing dragon Y.

"Fire-breathing dragon Y, the big characters burst into flames!"

Bai Mo also issued an order immediately, and saw a roar from the mouth of the fire-breathing dragon Y, and a column of crimson fire suddenly spewed out, forming a large character, facing the freezing light, the two collided, stuck with each other for a moment, and then exploded with a bang. Come on.

"How is it possible that the freezing light actually blocked the attack of Brother Bai Mo's fire-breathing dragon Y character explosion?"

In the audience, Shinji said in a surprised tone.

"Hey, what's so strange about this, didn't you see that the field is the field of ice?"

Seeing Bai Mo slumped in front of Shinji, Reis was very relieved and smiled, "There are four kinds of venues in the Alliance Conference, and one venue represents not only the venue, but also the home field suitable for the four types of elves. , In the field of ice, if the temperature is too low, the power of the flame will be greatly weakened, while the power of the ice and water elements will be greatly enhanced, so you should pay attention to these in order to travel next year,"

"...Hey, amazing, actually used the smoke of the explosion to use the iron head skill!"


At the moment when Reis and Shinji were talking, Ice Onigo had already rushed out of the smoke, and suddenly slammed into the fire-breathing dragon Y.

Bai Mo did not deliberately use his superpowers to observe, and Fire-breathing Dragon Y obviously did not expect such a sudden attack. He paused for a while before flapping his wings to avoid it, but it was obviously a little late, and he saw Ice Ghost Protector rubbing Fire-breathing Dragon Y. body slammed into it.

"Fire-breathing dragon Y escape."

In the audience, Shinji asked nervously.

"No, I bumped into it, and wiped it to the side." Booy's eyes were very good, and he just saw the situation on the field, and immediately replied, "And the additional effect of the iron head skill has also been activated!"

"Are you in a state of fear?"

In the field, Bai Mo looked slightly stunned. It seemed that this ice ghost guard was trained very well, but he soon recovered his composure.

"Ice Ghost Protector, do it again, use all your strength to use the Iron Head Technique!" At this moment, A Wu also discovered the abnormal state of the fire-breathing dragon, and immediately seized the opportunity to issue an order, but the order for A Wu.

Bai Mo smiled and didn't give any instructions to avoid it.

In the field, I saw the Ice Ghost Protector spinning rapidly, forming a top that emitted a metal light, which directly hit Fire-breathing Dragon Y and knocked it out, but at this moment, a fire suddenly appeared on the Ice Ghost Protector. , in a state of burns.

"What? That fire-breathing dragon Y actually has the characteristics of a flame body. The Ice Ghost Protector used all his strength to use iron head skills, which is equivalent to sending it up and getting burned."

Seeing the flames appearing on the Ice Ghost Protector, Ah Wu immediately secretly said something was wrong.

"Fire-breathing dragon Y, big character explosive flame attack!"

Bai Mo showed a smile, the normal fire-breathing dragon Y has the characteristics of fierce fire or solar power, and the flash fire-breathing dragon has both characteristics, but Bai Mo's fire-breathing dragon combines the flames given by Fengwang.

It's even brighter than a flash. By chance, Bai Mo discovered that the fire-breathing dragon Y has the characteristics of a flame body, which is simply the best choice for a yin person.

At this time, although the fire-breathing dragon Y was hit by the iron head, it was a good deal in exchange for the result of the opponent's burn.

"Ice Ghost Protector, hurry up and use your shadow clone to use the surrounding icicles to escape!" A Wu hurriedly ordered.

After being attacked again by Tietou Gong, Fire-breathing Dragon Y has recovered from the state of fear. Hearing Bai Mo's order, he once again sent out a large fire-shaped flame and headed straight for the Ice Ghost Protector.

At this time, the flame on the ice ghost's body has just dissipated, but the fiery heat of the big character fire has approached, and there is no time to breathe, the body flashes, and dozens of clones appear next to each icicle, and The flames of the big character fire were also dispersed by these icicles, failing to harm the Ice Ghost Guardian.

However, flames appeared on the ice ghost bodyguard again, and the burn damage continued.

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