When Bai Mo saw this, he secretly said that it was not good. He made a rare mistake and ignored that the Dragon King Scorpion still has a tail to use, but it is too late to issue an order to make it.

In the arena, everyone saw the Dragon King Scorpion's tail closed and then flicked.

Staying Hippo's mental strength trick was interrupted, and Dragon King Scorpion's claws grinding trick followed closely.


The dumb hippo was hit in the key and flew upside down and hit the wall.

directly out of combat.

"How is it possible that even if the attributes are restrained, the strength of Bai Mo's hippo will not be knocked down by one blow?"

In the audience, Xiao Zhi looked at the situation in disbelief. Although Shinji on the side was very happy about his brother's victory, he was also puzzled. He obviously didn't know why the Dragon King Scorpion could win so easily!

"It's a fact, nothing is impossible."

Booy looked at the dumb hippo and the flamboyant Dragon King Scorpion in the field, turned his head and explained: "The blow just now definitely hit the key point, but it's impossible to defeat the dumb hippo!"

"There is only one possible situation. The dragon king scorpion is a sniper, and the damage caused by sharpening its claws to the dumb hippo is six times normal, which is worse than the previous situation when the wind speed dog defeated the emperor penguin. This is a superposition of various advantages. effect."

Hearing this, Shinji said with some anticipation: "Now, among Brother Bai Mo's elves, both Marla and Dao Hippo have lost their combat effectiveness, and the Electric Dragon has no advantage over the Dragon King Scorpion. I don't know, what elves will he send next. To deal with my brother's Dragon King Scorpion."

"I'm also looking forward to it. I hope it's the same level of elves as the electric dragon."

Booy nodded in anticipation after hearing this.

In the field, Bai Mo looked at the retracted tail of the Dragon King Scorpion, and secretly blamed himself for his negligence. After taking the Hippo King back, he threw a Poké Ball again.

"Go, Hu Di."

"Bai Mo, I never thought that at this time, you still want to retain your strength."

Seeing that what Bai Mo released was actually Hu Di, Reis was a little disappointed, and the super power type Hu Di was restrained by the evil nature of the Dragon King Scorpion.

Although the dragon king scorpion has poison, but due to the existence of evil attributes, the super power has no effect on the dragon king scorpion at all.

Hu Di is a total inferior elf.

Although this Hu Di looks at the body in front of him and looks like a flashing elf, Reis still feels that he has been completely underestimated!

Noticing Reis' expression, Bai Mo instantly understood his thoughts, chuckled lightly, and said:

"Reis, although Hu Di was restrained by the Dragon King Scorpion, it doesn't mean that there is no way to defeat the Dragon King Scorpion, so don't let your guard down, be careful of being easily defeated by me!"

"In that case, let me force one more of your main force out."

Reis was noncommittal about Bai Mo's words, and immediately commanded his eyes.

"Dragon King Scorpion, the wave of evil!"

The black waves seemed to be formed by countless black rings connected to each other, going in a circle towards Hu Di.

In this scene, Hu Di seemed to be frightened by the evil skills, his eyes widened, and he didn't move.

"Momentary movement." Hu Di's expression reflected in Bai Mo's eyes, but he was always calm and plainly saw that he was giving an instruction.

The Reis Dragon King Scorpion was compressed using the Wave of Evil, and it was an advanced version. Although the target was unsuccessful, the launch speed was very fast, and it flew straight towards Hu Di's body.

Hu Di stood on the field with a calm expression, and only used teleportation until he was about to be hit by the wave of evil, easily avoiding the wave of evil, and his figure disappeared with the dark light of the wave of evil.

It leaves no one guessing where it will appear in the next instant! .

"Dragon King Scorpion, spread out the waves of evil, be careful with your feet!"

Reis had the experience of fighting with other Hudi, and he didn't panic, but he wasn't sure where Hudi was.

"As I said, Hu Di is not that easy to deal with." Seeing Leis' cautious look, Bai Mo smiled and snapped his fingers stinky:

"Hu Di, shadow clone!"

Hu Di received Bai Mo's order, and the hidden figure appeared opposite the Dragon King Scorpion. At the same time, the shadow clone made use of it. In an instant, the field became ten identical Hu Di!

The figures began to tell to move after they appeared.


Seeing that he was surrounded by Hudi, the Dragon King Scorpion couldn't tell where the deity was, and his mood became a little impatient.

Seeing this, Reis hurriedly shouted:

"Dragon King Scorpion, calm down and use Loud Roar!"

Chapter 0897 Champion level, a game that has long been controlled!

"Dragon King Scorpion, calm down and use Loud Roar!"

Reis knew that he couldn't let these clones be confused, otherwise his momentum would be slowly worn away, and he quickly gave orders.

Loud Roar is an evil-type sound skill, which can cause a lot of damage to Hu Di, and can also attack in groups to easily destroy the phantom.

The Dragon King Scorpion's skills were used, and the substantive sound continued to pass through Hu Di's figure, and the Hu Di clones disappeared after being hit.

At this moment, Hu Di's deity suddenly moved and appeared in front of the Dragon King Scorpion.

This situation made the attacking Dragon King Scorpion temporarily unable to guard against it. Bai Mo immediately seized the opportunity and ordered:

"Hu Di, hypnotism!"

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