"not good."

Reis suddenly screamed inwardly. Although hypnotism is a super-type skill, it is an auxiliary type of status skill, and the Dragon King Scorpion is not immune at all!

In the arena, Hu Di's eyes flashed white light, and the two silver spoons in his hands fused together, using a hypnotism technique.

Facing this situation, the Dragon King Scorpion could not react at all, and had already fallen to the ground and fell asleep.

"Come back, Hu Di!"

Seeing this, the corner of Bai Mo's mouth twitched:

"Hu Di, infuriating fist!"

"Dragon King Scorpion, wake up~" Hearing Bai Mo's order, Reis' expression suddenly changed. Hu Di's special attack is known to be high, while his physical attack is terrifyingly low.

Reis never thought that he would choose to let Hu Di launch a close attack, which is why he didn't have time to react before.

At close range, Hu Di would be completely beaten by the Dragon King Scorpion.

Reis had no idea that Bai Mo would let Hu Di abandon his strengths and use his weaknesses to attack.

And Bai Mo, what he likes most is surprise!

In the field, the Dragon King Scorpion was not accidentally punched by Hu Di and rolled on the ground.

Under Hu Di's deliberate attack, the Dragon King Scorpion rolled on the ground for a while before it stopped, probably because the damage it received was not too great, it still didn't wake up at this time.

"Hu Di, Electromagnetic Wave!" Bai Mo gave the order again. Although he has gained an advantage by surprise, he also knows that Hu Di's physical attack is very low, so he intends to continue to create favorable factors for himself!

"Crack crackle crackle!"

The electromagnetism accurately hit the Dragon King Scorpion, and a layer of electric light immediately appeared on its body.

"When the Dragon King Scorpion was hypnotized again, he was paralyzed by Hu Di's electromagnetic waves. Is this the end of the game?"

The passionate voice of the commentator rang throughout the venue.

"Hu Di, the last blow, the infuriating bomb!"

Seeing that the effect was achieved, Bai Mo immediately ordered the pursuit, and asked Hu Di to use the special skills of the fighting system.

This fighting skill combined with Hu Di's special attack can achieve great results.

"Dragon King Scorpion, wake up, wake up quickly!"

Infuriating bombs are the strongest tricks in the fighting system, and it takes a lot of time for Hu Di, a super-type elf, to gather energy.

This may be the reason why he asked Hu Di to use electromagnetic waves even when he found out that the Dragon King Scorpion hadn't woken up.

Looking at the yellow-white brilliance that was gradually emerging, Reis shouted anxiously, probably because Reis's thoughts were conveyed to the Dragon King Scorpion's heart, and the tightly closed eyes of the sleeping Dragon King Scorpion slammed open.

Seeing this scene, Reston was overjoyed and hurriedly shouted.

"Dragon King Scorpion, accumulate strength, use the greatest strength to destroy the dead light!"


When the Dragon King Scorpion heard the order, it let out a dull roar from the ice, and orange-yellow energy gathered in its mouth.

"Dragon King Scorpion wakes up! Facing the infuriating bomb prepared by Bai Mo player Hu Di, Leis player also chose to let Dragon King Scorpion use the strongest trick to destroy the dead light to counterattack. The two strongest tricks exploded, and the winner will be Where would it belong to…”

When the narrator had another chance, he immediately shouted loudly, mobilizing the atmosphere of the entire venue.

Bai Mo's eyes flashed, and he snapped his fingers and said loudly:

"Infuriating bomb, come on!"


Hu Di roared, the two spoons moved, and a blue infuriating bomb hit the place where the Dragon King Scorpion was.

"Dragon King Scorpion, destroy the death light, launch!"

At this time, the power to destroy the death light has been accumulated to the extreme, and Reis immediately issued an order.

Following Reis' order, a huge orange-yellow beam of light was launched against the oncoming concentrated slam.


A huge explosion came out, and the blazing light made everyone's eyes stabbed to tears, and they had to close their eyes. There was a rumbling sound in their ears, and it gradually stopped after a while...

This scene explained that everyone opened their eyes and saw that the Dragon King Scorpion was standing in a big pit, while Hu Di disappeared and hid without knowing where.

"Where, where!"

Reis' eyes kept searching on the field, but he couldn't find any clues. Suddenly, he thought of a possibility, and immediately shouted to the Dragon King Scorpion:

"Hold on, Dragon King Scorpion, hold on!"

"I found it, unfortunately, it's over!" Bai Mo smiled and said nothing.

At this time, the land directly under the Dragon King Scorpion suddenly loosened, and then a figure rushed out and hit the Dragon King Scorpion's chin.


It was Hu Di who used digging, the only ground-based skill he knew!

Ground-based skills, the only attribute skills to restrain the Dragon King Scorpion.

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