Gongto Jun's eyes were also cold, but he did not leave, but suddenly took out another Poké Ball and threw it out, and a cold voice came out:

"Water Arrow Turtle, kill Bai Mo for me!"


A water arrow turtle appeared on the field, its weight was very heavy, and it made a loud noise when it landed.

As soon as the water arrow turtle appeared, it lowered its head quickly, and two huge torrents were shot from the two water guns behind it.

"It's a water cannon attack!"

Moreover, it is the water cannon attack of the head-level strength water arrow turtle!

The water arrow turtle is the head-level elf of the Gongto family, and it is also the root of the family. I didn't expect it to appear here now.

What happened in the venue was so sudden that no one noticed it at all.

When some people discovered the situation and exclaimed, the water jetted by the water arrow turtle came in in front of Bai Mo and Fire-breathing Dragon X.

At this time, a look of grimness flashed across Miyato Junya's face:

"Hahaha, Bai Mo, in this game, no matter whether I win or lose, I'm waiting for this moment, in order to let the water arrow turtle give a fatal blow when you win or lose Bi Sau."

"There is an instrument at the scene that affects your use of superpowers, go to hell!!!"

Hearing Miyato Junya's words, Bai Mo was still calm, and there was a hint of playfulness in his eyes:

"Oh, really?"

Chapter 0908 The conference is terminated!The Rockets are coming!

"Oh, really!?"

Bai Mo smiled lightly, and at this time, the water cannon had already arrived in front of Bai Mo.

But at this moment, a black flame suddenly appeared on the fire-breathing dragon X, and it rushed towards the water column in front of him!


The water column collided with the fireball formed by the fire-breathing dragon X, and the water vapor began to appear. The water vapor instantly covered everyone's sight, making it unclear what was inside.

Right now.

"Boom boom boom!"

With the appearance of a series of harsh voices, over the conference hall of the Alliance, black combat helicopters appeared. The helicopters were completely black, and a dazzling red font was printed on their dark bodies: R!

"Don't move at all!"

"do not move!"

"Here, our Rockets are supervised!"

"Everyone is not allowed to move."

When everyone was attracted by the helicopter in the sky, there were Rockets in black uniforms with red big R printed on their chests in some of the surrounding aisles.

After these people appeared, they recognized the elves for the first time, and the venue was immediately occupied by many elves such as Abo Snake, Double Bomb Gas, Radha, Heruga, and so on.

These elves appeared, and they all stared at the audience, looking like they were going to eat people.

Being stared at by these elves, several trainers or nurturers who had planned to take out elves to fight stopped their movements.

At this time, the Rockets are obviously prepared. They will only become the bird who shoots the first bird.

Of course, the most important thing was that some people in ordinary clothes who were sitting beside some powerful trainers suddenly shredded their clothes, revealing the standard uniforms of Team Rocket members.

Obviously, as long as it is stronger, it may lead to accidents and people have already been targeted.

These people also include Ash, Booy, Reis and others.


Ash hugged Pikachu tightly, his eyes a little dignified, in this real world, even this miracle maker now feels a deep sense of powerlessness.

Around, there are many people who are trembling and dare not respond. At this time, everyone is very curious, how the Rockets mixed in and out.

It is too ironic that so many members of the Rockets have blatantly entered the league's competition venue, or broadcast it on TV, in front of the people of the world.

"Uncle Liu, Sakagi, you should come too, come out and talk!"

On the host stage, Dama Lanqi, who had come out of the VIP room at some point, came here with cold eyes.

At this time, Damalanqi was undoubtedly furious in his heart. He regarded the league as more important than himself. He was very angry with the Rockets' behavior of slapping the league in the face.

If it weren't for the fact that the entire audience at the venue had become a hostage of the Rockets, and the situation here is still being broadcast to the world, he would definitely not be able to resist.

Few people in the whole world can bear the anger of a head-level trainer.

"Haha, Damalanchi, why are you angry!"

As Damalanqi's voice fell, a hunched figure slowly stood up in the crowd, he took the hat on his head, and a serious face appeared in front of everyone.

"It's Uncle Liu!"

"I've seen pictures of him."

"Isn't this nonsense, Liu Bo was originally the gym owner of the strongest Tianwang gym in Chengdu, and he was a living fossil. Later, his identity was exposed by Bai Mo. He was one of the founders of the Rockets, the head level trainer."

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