"You don't know such a person to be sick, right?"

"Speaking of Dr. Bai Mo, how is his current situation?"

There were a lot of discussions in the crowd, and these discussions quickly attracted everyone's attention.

Most of the audience's attention returned to the arena.

Many people are wondering what happened to Bai Mo, who was attacked by the head-level water arrow turtle.

"Hmph, what else can be done, Bai Mo, who has no superpower, in an emergency, except for serious injuries, he will die!" Gong Teng Jun also flashed a cold arc at the corner of his mouth.

All over the world, Bai Mo's women's expressions have become extremely gloomy at this time, but they are not panicked. They know that Bai Mo has a small world and they know that the latter will be fine.

But someone blatantly wanted to kill Bai Mo, which made the girls very upset.

If it hadn't been notified by Bai Mo long ago, some girls planned to use the leaves of the small world to return to the small world, and then go and kill Gongteng Jun.

They dared to beat their men.

But this matter, soon someone helped them do it.


A cold snort suddenly appeared in the venue, and then two women walked out of Bai Mo's lounge.

One of these two women is a woman with long purple hair and a graceful side, dressed in black, which will attract attention invisibly.

The other is a woman with long golden curly hair, which gives a dignified and glamorous feeling without losing her extravagance.

"go with!"

Two women appeared, suddenly holding each other's hands, blue light appeared in their eyes, and around Miyato Shunya, several huge stones shot towards him rapidly.

This situation is equally abrupt.

Few people reacted, including Miyato Shunya.

However, the water arrow turtle beside him was a head-level existence, and he quickly came to rest assured. He opened his mouth and sprayed two water guns to break two of the rocks.

At the same time, the water arrow turtle moved quickly, came to the other side of Miyato Junya, and used his defending skills.

After all, it happened suddenly, even the water arrow turtle can only make such a response.


The water arrow turtle tried to defend and blocked the rock on the side, which was completely blocked. When the rock on the other side was hit by the water cannon, although most of the rock was destroyed, there were only some very small rocks left.

Under the control of Nazi and Cattleya, these rocks were still very fast, and they all hit Shunya Miyato.


The stone slid across Miyato Junya's body, easily torn through his clothes, and even caused blood to appear on his body.

A stone also slid across Miyato Junya's cheek and pulled out a long mouth.


The pain on his body and face made Jun Gongtou, who was still happy because he solved Bai Mo, who could not be himself, suddenly became furious, and roared at the water arrow turtle:

"Water arrow turtle, water cannon!"

In the face of this situation, Nazi and Nazi seemed very indifferent. Their superpowers could still be used, so Bai Mo couldn't use them?

So now...

Chapter 0909 Sakagi: The Four Heavenly Kings of Chengdu are all my people!

"Water arrow turtle, water cannon, kill these two bastard women for me!"

Gongto Jun was also attacked, and instantly became furious. Regardless of whether there were two beauties on the opposite side, he directly chose to destroy the flowers.


The water arrow turtle roared, and quickly spewed a huge water column at Nazi and the two. At this time, it was also furious, because Gong Teng Jun was also injured under its protection.

In the view of the water arrow turtle, it is a great insult to it.

Facing the menacing attack of the water arrow turtle, Nazi and Cattleya seemed very indifferent.

Even their super powers can still be used, why can't Bai Mo's super powers be used?

So, would the intact Bai Mo just watch his two women being attacked?

The answer is of course no.

Sure enough, the next moment, Bai Mo's voice sounded clearly in everyone's ears:

"Darklay, black hole attack!"

"It's so boring!"

As Bai Mo's voice sounded, a pleasant voice followed, and then, everyone saw that the water arrow turtle had spewed out a rotating darkness in front of the level in front of the two of them. vortex.

The dark vortex appeared, and the water cannon was easily sucked into the black hole, and then the black hole was still spinning toward the discovery of the water arrow turtle.


The water arrow turtle's best trick was solved so easily, and Gong Teng Jun also showed a look of shock on his face.

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