You must know that the water cannon used by the head-level water arrow turtle is stronger than the destruction and death light used by ordinary elves.

But now it was easily solved by Bai Mo! !

Moreover, how could Bai Mo be all right! ! ?

"What, I'm curious how I'm okay!?"

A cold voice sounded in Miyato Junya's ear.

The place where the fog had been ignored originally appeared. At this time, a figure walked out slowly with two little elves.

"That's it, Darkrai, Kirachi!"

Seeing the two elves beside Bai Mo, many people in the venue could not recognize them and exclaimed.

Darkrai, known as the Nightmare God, is an extremely powerful being in terms of combat power. It exists in legends and is said to absorb the power of nightmares of humans and elves.

Kirachi, the elf of hope, is said to have the energy within him to make all wishes come true.

"Damn, how do you have time to take out these two elves for defense!" Gong Teng Jun also looked at Bai Mo in disbelief. He didn't understand how Bai Mo, who was attacked, had time to take out these two elves.

"because this!"

A trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, Bai Mo waved his arm, and blue spiritual power surged out, pouring out towards Gong Teng Jun.

Seeing this situation, the water arrow turtle beside Miyato Jun also wanted to take action to protect him, but at this time it was entangled by Darkrai's unique trick black hole attack, and was unable to be distracted.

"It's just that I just broke through to the second-level god. In front of me, it's like a doll."

Darkrai noticed that the water arrow turtle wanted to help Miyato Shunya, the silver hair color dancing seemed a little unpleasant, and the other hand that was idle waved.


There is also a black hole directly below the water arrow turtle!


The water arrow turtle instantly locked its shell, rotated, and attacked with a water cannon.

The spinning water cannon top blocked Darkrai's attack.

But at this time, Bai Mo's super power had already arrived in front of Gongto Junya, covering him and flying him towards the former direction...


Gong Teng Jun also flew straight in front of Bai Mo, the light in Bai Mo's eyes suddenly brightened, Gong Teng Jun also smashed heavily on the ground, creating a not shallow gully!


Countless people gasped in popularity, and Miyato Jun also fell, and it hurts just thinking about it.

But Bai Mo didn't seem to take it slow, slowly raised his foot and placed it on Gongto Junya's face.


Bai Mo's feet kept spinning hard, and he stomped Gong Teng Jun on the ground.


Everyone couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts. It seemed that they didn't believe in Dr. Bai Mo, who had always been approachable by people who were doing this kind of thing.

But for Bai Mo to do such a thing, no one thinks it is too much. You must know that before Gongto Jun also shamelessly sent a powerful water arrow turtle to attack him.

This has directly violated the laws of the alliance, and it is also a provocation to Bai Mo.

The provocation of life.

"Bai Mo, you... um..."

Gong Teng Jun also tried to speak, but Bai Mo's blue light flickered, directly blocking his mouth.

Constantly ravaging Gongto Junya, while also trampling on his dignity, Bai Mo slowly raised his head and looked in one direction:

"Sakagi, since you're here, why hide?"

"I'm here with Uncle Liu. You really value me."

"Hahaha!" A middle-aged man's voice suddenly sounded in the crowd, and then everyone saw somewhere on the high platform, a man in a suit and leather shoes stood up and took off the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose.

A bland but depressing face appeared under everyone's attention.

It is the current leader of the Rockets, the boss of Sakagi.

"Bai Mo, to be honest, I admire you very much."

Sakagi walked to the edge of the arena, looked down at Bai Mo and said, "Your strength, potential, and even your knowledge of elves are all I need."

"Give you a chance to join our Rockets with your WT, and I can give you the same status as me!"

"Joining forces, we can definitely formulate a new order for this world!"

When he said this, Sakagi was very confident.

In fact, Sakagi had a lot of hatred for Bai Mo. According to his plan, he planned to wait until he had accumulated enough power, and take some chess pieces secretly buried in the alliance to take down the two alliances of Chengdu and Kanto in one fell swoop. Occupy the Seven Sons Island and the Whirlpool Islands.

Quickly occupy these sites, he will gather the power of these places to forcibly dominate Fangyuan and other places.

Of course, this is just Sakagi's initial plan.

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