This plan still needs a lot of time to start, and he also needs to bury more pawns, while making the Rockets stronger.

However, after Bai Mo exposed Uncle Liu's identity and exposed a lot of Team Rocket's strength, it could only be stranded.

Now, Sakagi has launched the second plan.

"Bai Mo, I advise you not to refuse. In this world, no one can refuse me."

Sakagi looked at Bai Mo flatly and said:

"I can tell you one thing, the Four Heavenly Kings of Chengdu are all my people!"

Chapter 0910 Bai Mo: The Alliance and the Rockets are both wrong!

As Sakagi's voice fell, the four new heavenly kings of Chengdu, Aju, Lihua, Kazuki, and Zhiba, who were originally sitting in the VIP area with Damalanqi to watch the game (in this book, Xiba in Kanto is two people) ) came to Sakagi's side at some point.

Among them, Rika and Aju are standing on the left of Sakagi, and Kazuki and Shiba are on the right.

Seeing this scene, Damalanqi's expression became very ugly, and the expressions of the audience and some people who paid attention to the scene through TV changed.

At the venue of the Kanto Quartz Plateau Alliance Competition, Yulongdu, Kona, Kikuko, and Shiba who noticed the situation here all stood up, and their expressions were also very ugly.

Dr. Damu, who was far away in Zhenxin Town, also took out his mobile phone, his eyes changed and he didn't know what to do.

All over the world, the women of Bai Mo communicated with the leaves of the small world tree at the same time, so that they understood their men.

Sakagi's invitation to Bai Mo is determined not to agree.

But if you refuse, the situation is too unfavorable now.

Although Bai Mo had called and said something in advance, as long as there was a problem, they would choose to rush here to help as soon as possible.

You must know that in addition to the Four Heavenly Kings of Chengdu, there is Liu Bo, the head of the family, as well as the four generals of Apollo, Athena... Lance, and Lambda are present.

In addition to a group of scumbags, and some people from the Miyato family.

Bai Mo seems to be really caught in a huge crisis.

At this time, some smart people finally reacted to why the Rockets could enter this venue.

There are four heavenly kings as inner responders, and the Gongto family also has high-ranking officials in the alliance. With the help of these people, this is really not a difficult task.

"Bai Mo, let our young master go, or you won't want to get out of here alive today."

At this time, a group of people in uniform came in at the entrance of the venue, led by Miyato Minaki.

"Ha ha!"

Bai Mo was too lazy to take care of Miyato Minaki's words, the strength of the call increased slightly, Bai Mo slowly raised his head, and said lightly to Sakagi:

"Sakagi, did your courage come from these people?"

Saying that, Bai Mo's eyes stopped on the four of Lihua, and sneered:

"It's not difficult to deal with these people."

As Bai Mo's words fell, Nazi and Cattleya had already walked to Bai Mo's side. As for Ram and the others, they had received Bai Mo's telepathy as early as the incident and went back to the small world.

In addition, this time the battle, Chao Meng can see the mood, but the dream can not participate.

If Dream is involved in human battles or wars, it is very likely that Arceus will be ushered in.

Before the affairs of human beings do not threaten the world and the elves, super divine beasts cannot take action. This is the rule!

"Bai Mo, I believe you will be willing to join me!" Sakagi expressed confidence and said lightly:

"Your WT bases in Kanto and Chengdu have been suddenly visited by people from the Miyato family or my Rockets."

"Even, your WT headquarters in the Fangyuan area, I heard that both the lava team and the water fleet have brought people to visit."

"Bai Mo, I'll ask you one last time, would you like to join me?"

Sakagi's eyes locked on Bai Mo.

In addition to appreciating Bai Mo, Sakagi also has the idea of ​​growing his Rockets into consideration.

Bai Mo's WT has a courier company, has fossil resurrection technology, and also has the most cutting-edge research on Mega evolution.

Beyond that, there is more power.

If these forces are integrated into the Rockets, Sakagi feels that his plan will undoubtedly go further.

Due to the exposure of Bai Mo at the beginning, the Rockets were restrained in many places. Sakagi's current plan is to first occupy the Chengdu area with absolute strength and speed, and then counterattack the Kanto area and occupy the Guandu mainland.

As for the Fangyuan area, the Shenao area, the Hezhong area, etc., Sakagi started a backup plan, and he contacted the local forces in those continents.

With the Rockets leading the charge, these forces are likely to respond accordingly.

At that time, the alliances of these continents will not be able to intervene in the affairs of Guandu.

And Sakagi has absolute confidence to completely win Kanto in a short period of time.

When he got it, he who occupied Guandu could completely sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and slowly eat the place.

I have to say that Sakagi's plan was a good plan, but unfortunately, he met Bai Mo.

Under the gazes of everyone with all kinds of meanings, Bai Mo shook his head and said, "As a person, I have never thought of being a subordinate."

"At the same time, I also don't like someone on my equal footing."

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