"Sakagi, if you are willing to mix with me, I don't mind being the leader of the Rockets."

"Bai Mo!" Damalanqi narrowed his eyes, he couldn't understand Bai Mo now.

Although Sakagi would agree to Bai Mo's request may be zero, but Bai Mo's words made Damalanqi jealous.

"Master President, you still don't understand."

Shaking his head, Bai Mo snorted coldly, "The existence of the alliance is not absolutely reasonable to me."

"In my opinion, the existence of the Rockets and the league is unnecessary!"


Bai Mo's words were astonishing, and many people were stunned there.

Listening to the meaning of Bai Mo's words, it's okay if he doesn't approve of the Rockets, and he doesn't even recognize the existence of the league?

The league has existed for nearly a hundred years, and this is the first time someone has officially said he was wrong.

In other words, the current situation is that the three forces of Bai Mo, the Alliance, and the Rockets coexist.

At the scene, it turned out to be a confrontation between the three forces! ?

"Bai Mo, I really didn't see you wrong, hahaha!" Sakagi was also surprised for a moment because of Bai Mo's speech, but he quickly turned around and laughed:

"You and I are the same kind of people!"

"No, I'm not the same as you!"

Bai Mo actually agrees with what Sakagi said in his heart, but he doesn't have the perverted ambitions of Sakagi. He just wants to be the strongest trainer with the strongest power, not the only existence.

The only thing that doesn't last long.

Bai Mo waved his hand and said loudly:

"At home, everyone in front of the TV, please listen to me."

Chapter 0911 White Mo's Plan

Bai Mo spoke lightly, and after attracting everyone's attention to himself, his face was filled with a color that seemed to be radiant:

"Everyone, what kind of existence is the alliance, everyone actually knows it!"

"It's just a collection of all the aristocratic families. These people have mastered the best technology, the best training methods, and they have also raised the birthplaces of some good elves in captivity. !"

"Of course, this is understandable. After all, everyone is not a relative, and no one has to selflessly give out what they know and tell everyone."

"However, some unequal treatment and some deliberate concealment of information, I think this is restricting the development of the world."

Speaking of which, Bai Mo stretched out his hand and pointed at Sakagi, and said solemnly:

"Have you ever thought about the Rocket Team, the Lava Team, the Water Fleet, etc. in the Fangyuan area, why can these forces be established?"

"Why do some trainers help the tyrants to join in knowing that these organizations will do harm to the elves?"

"The reason is simple, because there is no way out for civilians!"

"Because civilians are forced to be helpless, they even join these organizations to protect themselves. At this time, is the alliance justified?"

Bai Mo's rhetorical question aroused everyone's deep thinking.

Of course, as a vested interest, a top family like the master Gongto family hated Bai Mo at this time, and even directly targeted Shan.

It was obvious that Bai Mo wanted to create a storm.

If he succeeds, the forces that exist here will suffer huge twists and turns, and even shuffle the cards!

But for civilians, a flame that had already been placed in their hearts began to be ignited.

That's right, according to what Bai Mo said, the aristocratic family has no obligation to guide the commoners, but some aristocratic families, for their own interests, deliberately target the commoners in various ways, and rob the commoners of the good props they accidentally obtained, and the good elves coerce and lure them.

These things happen over and over again.

Even some civilians who were lucky enough to rise up accidentally were recruited by the forces in a different way.

For example, the Four Heavenly Kings, to put it bluntly, are the wage earners of the Alliance.

Although these wage earners are strong, they are unable to fight against the alliance formed by the noble family!

This undoubtedly makes the commoners and the aristocratic family become antagonistic.

Bai Mo continued at this time:

"Everyone, I think the league is rotten and incorrect."

"I think the world should have his order, and this order should be for everyone, not the order established by the family for the common people."

"We don't need their help, but neither should they come to us."

"The alliance, under the guidance of the members of the noble family, has actually decayed!"

After speaking some moving words, Bai Mo looked at Banmu and said lightly, "Team Rocket is the product of the confrontation between the commoners and the aristocratic family and the alliance, but this leader is a careerist."

"So, the whole strength also has evil spirits, such as studying elves and doing various experiments."

"Even, the Rockets pay too much attention to the strength of their personal strength and the deterrence of their fists. Such an organization is not suitable for becoming a dominant player."

Speaking of which, Bai Mo showed his fangs and said sternly:

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